May 14, 2019

The Hounds Enjoy The Sunshine

Every morning lately Stella is not certain she wants the morning walk. She has to think about it, sniff a little, thinks some more and look around. Today was a morning where she decided she would head out. Until she hit the field, she still wasn't sure. The grass yard was really wet and she does not like getting her paws wet.
It's official ... another morning walk in the books.
After lunch she couldn't resist to take a nap in the sunshine. Her nose was pressed into that stepping stone.
Heidi prefers grass if she is going to sleep.
She went outside three or four different times in the afternoon. She did explore the field again alone but spent most of her time in the yard.
She is a much happier hound in warm weather. Like me, she is not a winter person.
I took a little time for some baked salmon and peas with Kerrygold nonsalted butter. The next big project ... I am painting not just a couple of room like I had planned but all the rooms plus all the ceilings. Luckily I love to paint houses, inside and out. A bottle of Ibuprofen will be nearby right before I call it a day.

All is good in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.