Showing posts with label Dog Bones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dog Bones. Show all posts

July 29, 2021

The Dog Bone Story Continued

The thing about puppies, there is never a dull moment. When two hounds have decided they are friends and are attached everywhere they go, there is never a dull moment. So when Walter woke up behind my computer desk chair this morning and went running for the backyard I KNEW something was going on with Henry and Watson. What could it be now? The bones they fought over are still inside and up high, out of their reach. They have no interest in any of the bones I had before this past Monday.

They have a toad cornered and neither of them wants to share what they have found.

July 28, 2021

A Day Of Surprises

Well it's been quit a day and it's only 4:33pm as I start this post. Henry continued his hunger strike this morning by refusing to eat. I have played that game before with other hounds and I wait them out. I found out this afternoon he no longer wanted to eat alone in the bedroom with the door closed. He chose that a month or so ago. He wanted to eat where all the hounds and the dog USE TO eat when life was simple. But Watson LOVES FOOD, goes crazy and will sprint to Walter's and Henry's food dish after he is finished to see if they have finished their meal. So they eat alone behind closed doors.

"When life was simple" is a key part of this post. I only wish.

July 27, 2021

Henry Goes Crazy With A New Bone

Wednesday morning I converted the blog theme back to what it was yesterday before 3pm Central Time and what I have used for years.

Yes, your eyes are not deceiving you, the design has changed. I have always liked this design and I needed a change. For those that make comments or read comments ... if you place your curser over any part of the post on the home page, in the upper right corner of each post you will see a number ... this is the number of comments if any. Click that number, scroll to the bottom and make a comment or read them.

For those that like to read the other blogs I listed on the right side of the blog, they are still there. There should be a vertical bar on the right side of the screen, hold your curser over that and it will show you the blog list, blog archives etc ... click the title and that will open into a dropdown menu listing blogs and other links.

The pages for favorite photos, pages of each hound are still at the top and easy to see.

I am also posting my post now so you can read what I just wrote plus I am heading out to see the Evansville Otters baseball team, to play in a few hours.

Click the blog post title to open it to read or see all the photos in that post. Let me know what you like or don't like about the changes.

The Puppy Chewing Stage

Obviously I do not have the right chew toys for the hounds as they are addicted to those pieces of new tech wood ends on each slat of the patio deck. I either need to find the supplier for this deck to buy replacement pieces or learn how to use a 3D printer after I buy one. (not going to happen). I knew this morning around 5:45am drinking coffee at my computer that things were just too quiet. I headed for the patio to find this. That is Henry's reaction after I said "drop it". He then walked here, rolled on his back to apologize.