Showing posts with label Plant Based Diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plant Based Diet. Show all posts

October 19, 2019

The Danger Zone

I hope I an not starting a new routine of waking up around 1:00am, wide awake and unable to get back to sleep for a couple of hours later. Soon after waking up and seeing the reflection of the moon lighting up the bedroom the sound of coyotes filled the air. I wondered just how close they were because they sounded as if they were just on the other side of my fence. At that time of night you can get a lot of thinking done. There was nothing major on my mind but I did think of a few interesting topics.

I am what I consider in a danger zone now. I feel so good that more and more I am forgetting that I have a hip that is still healing and will not be finished for almost 50 more days. It's that kind of feeling where I might become complacent, not as focused on how I move my right leg which affects my hip. I still have to separate good pain and bad pain, although pain is almost a memory now. Soreness is more like it and I know I have a lot more ahead of me as I start an exercising program.

Saturday's morning sunshine is just peaking around the corner of the patio. It was a cool 48° and I may have looked strange wearing a sweatshirt and gym shorts, no shoes. Luckily I'm hidden when I am on my patio. It still beat the weather I would have felt this time last year with rain and temps in the 50s. Our day of course started like all the others only today is "Football Saturday", with games starting at 9:00am.

By the time I ground a bag of coffee and made myself a cup, the hounds were attempting for the second time today, getting their breakfast served. They did try as soon as we got up, a little past 5:30am but now was time. I grabbed "the grabber" and lowered their bowls of kibble to the floor.

Another sign that I am healing is that I can bend over probably more than I should and feel no pain or soreness. Yet I still put a hand on the wall to brace myself, lift my surgical side leg up so my hip stays at 180° as I bend over to pet Heidi or pick something off the floor. "The grabber" by the way can pick up a coffee bean off the floor, it's that good of a tool.

This is the mystery of the week. Every day or night when I see the blanket's corners folded like this, I straighten the blanket out flat. At first I thought the wind was whipping around the patio and making it turn up. Last night as I stood at the open window at 1:30am, there was zero wind and the whole SE Arizona area was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop on the desert floor.

I like thinking outside the box about stuff like this. It makes you wonder.

With a full stomach, Stella was ready to start another day. She wonders when we will be able to start walking again. I also have to do some testing myself to see if I can even walk a half mile. I have before but not that many times. I'll ask the doctor again on Tuesday when I can walk the bloodhound again. I can't wait to get back to that routine first thing in the morning ... things will seem more normal after we resume those walks.

Heidi spent a lot of time this morning exploring different parts of the yard. Yesterday she was laying in the sunshine on the patio with Stella. She is loving these lower temperatures and the high afternoon temps near 80s seems to agree with her.

All of these photos today are a mix between the iPhone 8+, the older Nikon D3200 and my new Nikon D3500.  I can tell the difference between cameras and my suspicion of years ago was true. It's only been a few hours but I am happy with my new purchase.

A thought I had last night at 1:00am ... does it do any good to take the Bayer Low Dose 81mg Aspirin? It was prescribed by the surgeon. I need to take it for 6 weeks after my surgery. With my AVS I am assuming I need to take it every day for the rest of my life. Yet, recently medical news was online stating they had found it didn't make that much difference for people with heart issues.

Which is it? A requirement or a take a chance and follow the most recent study?

Something else I was thinking about while I laid in bed wide awake ... a "plant based" diet. As you know I have tried different eating styles in the past five years and all of them making a positive difference for me. A friend in Bisbee changed to a plant based diet after his open heart surgery. I met another blogger last year that did the same thing, both people claiming it was the only diet to follow if you had heart issues.

While reading Facebook during this two hours of 'wide awakeness' I ran onto a blogger I use to follow that must do his writing on his Facebook page now. Years ago he was blogging about his dog Atticus. He was having some medical problem about the same time I stopped reading his blog. Well last night I see he is also on a plant based diet, taking less meds, seeing less doctors and has lost 140lbs.

Yet, just like the medical study on the benefits of taking low dose Bayer Aspirin, there are studies that says it makes no difference to the heart if you are eating plant based, Keto or Paleo. Most things I've read suggest the Mediterranean Diet and following 'moderation' when it comes to eating red meat or all that good fat ice cream.

So which is it? Follow your intuition, the latest medical study or the most consistent information?

After I made the big camera purchase last night, I wondered if I would have bought the new Apple Phone 11 Pro if I had the phone with me instead of leaving it home to take a video of Stella while I was gone. I will say that with my watch, my phone anymore is basically just a camera for low light conditions and close up, normal portrait type shots.

I can reply to text and email verbally on my watch. I can get the same GPS info on my watch and people tell me that the phone calls are more clearer than the phone, when using the watch. With the new Series 5 with the cellular feature, I usually leave my phone at home now when I am out and about.

I don't do it a lot because I don't trust myself, but I like the phone WITHOUT a case best of all. It's dangerous to do that because my cheap Speck case has saved my phone a few times when I dropped it on the title floor or on a concrete driveway or carport. It does happen for one reason or another, just not age related. Still, I like it without a case.

So as I operate this morning taking photos with the iPhone, adding what food I eat into the Cronometer app and checking mail ... the phone feels "new" without the case. The photos are sharp and clear ... all of this talks me out of going to Best Buy on Sunday (too much football to watch today) and trade the 8+ for the 11 Pro. No, I don't need it.

Such a change from 12 hours ago or a little more as Stella was seen on video trying to dig right though that door jam to get back inside the house. That is her normal position about every morning when I am out on the patio, just to let me know that she misses her walk.

No matter how much stuff she had damaged the past 4 years and 2 months, she is just a great hound. She has a unique personality that gives you a laugh a day and almost more than just one. She is laidback as long as I am home with her or she is with me in the car. She doesn't mind going to the vet, doesn't mind seeing new people or dogs in the neighborhood ... she is just a great bloodhound.

She catches up on her sleep when I spend the day watching football.

Heidi couldn't make up her mind this morning if she wanted to go back to bed on her dog bed or hang out with Stella and I. She made numerous trips to the bedroom, tried the computer room and numerous trips outside to stand and think. She likes the warm sunshine ... always has.

She is also a great hound. After 8 years I cannot remember one thing that she done that she shouldn't have. A perfect house dog. I still wonder what caused all the times she would be found in the animal shelter before GABR rescued her?

I have a neighbor a couple of houses down that is moving out. Stella was more than interested in all the different people pulling into his driveway or in front of his house. At first I thought he was having all of his friends stopping to help him move but found out later he and his wife were having a garage sale.

I've seen some serious yard sale buyers this morning. This people out west don't play around when they shop for the best deals. They are towing large trailers that show they have made other stops before here. Pickup trucks are packed and strapped down with more things than you can imagine. Just a little different than the yard sale buyers back in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.

I told you that Heidi was moving around a lot this morning ... can't make up her mind where to finally lay down.

While the hounds enjoyed their day inside the confines of home today, I watched the IU game on my computer, taped the UW-Oregon game on tv to watch Sunday morning ... and was amazed that I am doing more activity than I have since my surgery. I drove downtown to pick up some center caps at Toyota for my new wheels ... no sign of soreness in my hip.

I'd like to drive or hike up to the live of the 'yellow'. That is something I could not capture standing on my patio until I tried the new 70-300mm lens.

I also took my longest walk yet this morning and did another at the halftime of the IU game. In total I had three walks that were longer than a half mile each time. I feel that I was more flexible today for the first time but still aware just how far I could bend over.

I even forgot to take my cane with me when I went to the Toyota Dealership. I took the cane with me on the three long walks but never needed to use it. I could feel my hip and upper thigh getting stronger with each walk. Still, in back of my mind I hear a little voice telling me to be careful and not blow this improvement by being too over confident.

With a stiff breeze throughout the day, the house stayed cool, and the hounds spent more time outside than they did inside. I was even able to walk to the mailbox and back where Stella never woke up and never knew that I was gone.

By late afternoon after seeing another one of those fantastic night photos taken by the new iPhone 11 Pro, my brain cells started scrambling and I was about to pull the trigger on purchasing the new phone. My 8+ is just a couple of months shy of being 2 years old. So this afternoon as I was walking laps around the inside of my yard between ballgames I took some photos with the 8+.

All of that vacant land is behind my fence and where I heard coyotes and the javalinas the other morning. I wonder how brown all of that will be during the winter months.

I took this while I was walking and didn't stop to take the photo. For some reason the Activity app on the phone was not synchronizing with my two different watches and wasn't recording all of my steps or walks today. So after a little searching on the internet I found I should get to a better location for GPS service. I carried the phone with me while I walked and eventually things started downloading.

I also noticed today while I did normal activity that my right leg was moving in a natural direction and sometime that included moving to the right at a sharper angle than it had since my surgery. What is mind boggling is just how good I feel compared to just a week ago when I was crawling into CVS to pick up the muscle relaxers.

I am anxious to see what the surgeon will suggest for my next phase of rehab. There will be some soreness involved but it will be the good kind as the muscles and tendons start getting stretch back to their normal positions. I'll be sore again as I get 'in shape' ...

It was really a good day in the 'hip department' today in the Wild West.

March 25, 2019

Where Did It Go ??

It's not quite 9am. Stella is still sleeping overtime and that's fine since there will be no morning walk this morning. It has rained all night and has continued the first couple of hours we have been awake. It is supposed to stop around 11am so maybe an afternoon walk might be in the plans, late afternoon.

I feel like writing though. Not ranting but writing. I can hear it raining as I do.
Some might remember how I was going to open up and be more transparent, as some would say, on this blog. It was going to be my one and only blog where I would write about all or at least most things in my life and those of the hounds. I did a few posts like that back in December. It felt okay I guess but I didn't catch myself jumping up and down with that much excitement. So here I sit this morning, writing about where that urge went ... plus it's still raining, and I feel like writing. Quesitons have been filling up my mind this past weekend.

There were a few days after moving my main blog to my "photo blog', one that I started in November 2017, (yes this blog) where I was waking up at 3am or 4am and was wide awake. I had all kinds of thoughts that I wanted to write about and did. I guess it was okay but I didn't think about it that much. Besides, my blogging the past few years has been mostly about the hounds anyway. Especially during the winter months.

Still, just like chaning the design of the blog, I wanted to change the direction.

As I read different blogs I follow, I see a few bloggers that write in the open. They hold nothing back about what is going on in their life. Their life, good or bad, is an open book. This blog will never be that way because I can't write that way. I am personally not that way. It's more about privacy than hiding behind a wall. I've always leaned toward privacy, even years before the world knew what blogs were.
I also notice those that do post more in the open are also using their blog for some sort of income. For a few it is their only income if I believe what I read. This blog will never have advertisements filled with affiliate links. That's a hard game to play, one that I tried before I ever started blogging here. I will never put a button where you can donate to the dog treat fund, or to the hounds themselves. It has been suggested by a couple of readers but it's not really needed. Just having you stop by to look at their photos is enough for them ... and me.

All of us that do blog, do it our own way. That is what is nice about following a few of them. Every blogger is different with great information on some of them while others tell great stories, or detailed sad stories. Others have fantastic photos and that is all their blog is about, photography. Variety is a good thing.
I sat down ready to write about things in general because I felt like it and it was raining. (still is) Then I LOSE MY TRAIN OF THOUGHT !!!!! God I hate that. I am aware that I change my mind a lot and it is possible more than average. That's just me. I can't remember when it really started. It might have started when I retired and have more time on my hands. With a job my life was more structured. There was never enough time in a day to get everything finished, let alone mentally wander.

When I worked I can only remember changing my mind on life outside of work. Work focussed me and I was a workaholic on top of that focus. Time meant nothing then, only to get the work done. Until I neared my retirement decison, I don't remember spending a lot of time with questions running around my head. There was no mental chaos.

Now it's great to have the freedom to do most anything I want, when I want. Of course the hounds, past and present since April 2014, took advantage of that freedom and promoted me to "professional doorman" and "hound caretaker", thus giving them all the freedom and food they need. It's a good position actually since they are pretty easy to work for and meetings are not required. Nor do they have a lot of rules or regulations.

We don't have to be 'politically correct' either ... that's always a good thing.
I can see it too, just like you are thinking, as you read this. This post is going nowhere. I am jumping from one thought to another with nothing in order. It started out promising. Sitting here trying to write, I look just like Stella does in that photo ... lost ... but not as confushed as she is.

I look back on past blogs I have started over the years and then deleted them for one reason or another. Most of them were just impulse decisions or an idea that popped into my head. A spur of the moment type of blog. They never worked out really, had only a few readers and I was basically just talking to myself in a public form. I deleted them, some within 24 hours. Maybe it was just the design building I liked.

So why couldn't I transfer those thoughts to this blog?

For some reason this blog feels like it is made more for the hounds and not me. Of course it is winter and there is not a lot to write about since I am not involved yet with any house projects. Yet, I am not sure those kind of activities could be blog worthy. I have blogged about stuff like that in the past. I have a private blog where I can record house projects, maintenance, problems or ideas. Other's blog about stuff like that but in some cases that is the theme of their blog.

Here it would fall under the "Other Stuff" I guess.
I've also wondered lately where did that obsession of mine go from 2011 - 2015, to sell out, buy an RV, or a trailer or tent camp and travel full-time? I have the answer to part of that question. It's not an excuse but a fact ... a bloodhound(s) is hard to travel with. She (they) liked taking rides and could handle an 8 hour day in the car/FJ with no issues.

It's those times not driving that they are hard to deal with. The few short trips I took with the hounds were more of a hassle than enjoyment ... plus they like being home. How do I know that? In June 2015 as we pulled into the driveway after traveling for only six days, all three of them started barking with excitement. I had not even got to the top of the hill and they knew where they were. They were excited they were home.

Once inside they ran from room to room, tongues hanging out, more barking, smiles on their faces and eventually falling into their favorite spots to sleep. At the time I had two basset hounds and a bloodhound. Sadie was back in her element and loved the field. The two I have now like to ride but would rather keep their routines right here.
I can't say that I will travel a lot if I am ever 'houndless'  because I like my daily routine also. There is a chance that I'll take some trips but a bloodhound will not be included. A basset hound? They are much easier to travel with, no comparison. So trips west with a basset hound is possible I guess.

It will be like anything I've decided ... nothing firm, it will be analyzed to death, maybe even mapped out but in the end it will be mostly impulsive. Impulsive acts and I get along quite well. Always have.

Bad weather always seems to bring out the thoughts to make changes. Blog changes, diet changes, future changes, or activity changes. Will any of them happen? They might or might not because it just doesn't matter. Really, it doesn't. I'll do what I feel like or may decide to make no changes. It's hard to say. Those changes could be nothing but passing thoughts.

A few thoughts on my diet or eating decisions.

I've done a lot of reading this past week, especially last weekend. I found some new things to consider, read some stuff I already knew and was reminded of what I had read only a few years ago when I went through the same process of deciding what to do.

Just like blogging, I will do what is good for me. In this case it's grains and dairy. Depending on which doctor you are reading, those are either good food groups or not good for you. I can tell which is good or not ... how my body reacts to eating from those two food groups.

As an example ... Paleo/Keto says no grains, no dairy ... Plant Based says eat grains, some dairy or no dairy. My digestive system says eat from neither food group unless I want gobs of indigestion and sleepless nights. Just like I blogged about three years ago, when I went to the Plant Based diet, my digestion problems came back tenfold this past weekend. I lived on Tums ... but following the Plant Based Diet rules of eating multi-grain bread, brown rice, pasta, some beans, lots of carbs .... that is all suppose to be good and healthy for you. My body was saying something different.

Past blog posts on the other blog will show that all of that went away when I followed the Paleo recommendations. They like veggies, fruits and meats. I also didn't spend all day feeling hungry. I also ate fewer calories per day. I didn't feel lethargic. My stomach didn't expand and feel as hard as a rock at 3:30am like it did Saturday night/Sunday morning.

So yesterday after I cut out all grains, no pasta, no breads, no brown rice, no lentils and no butter ... I had a full night of sleep and didn't take one Tums tablet. I felt full throughout the day. I bacon and one egg for breakfast with no issues later. For dinner I combined a large salad with Italian seasoned grass-feed ground beef, mixed in pasta sauce. I was expecting a little indigestion from that but found out when I didn't have any it must have been the pasta in the past that was mixed with the sauce.

It is just like anything else, from traveling with dogs, different diets, activities, or life in general ... everyone has their own opinions what is the best thing to do but none of us can actually experience what others feel doing the same things. Just like doctors and their books or their affiliate filled blogs or online products to buy ... they all justify why their way is the best way.

The fact is ... you can only decide what is best for you.

I can only decide what is the best way to eat based on what my body is telling me. I can read all the medical articles and books I want, look at all the different RV blogs and forums I want but I can only decide what is best for me.

I have always done that and always will. I also will always change my mind about things. I'll change what car I drive or whether to have two hounds,  four hounds or none at all. Life is constant change full of surprises. I probably think and analyse it more than most people but it's no big deal. All I can do is ride it, make adjustments and enjoy every day. Like Stella says ... kickback, relax and let it flow.

I was looking at the different lists of foods last night suggested by a three or four different diet ideas. I found myself moving back to my own diet, where I take each one of them and modify them. I mean can oatmeal be that bad for you just because Paleo says no grains, while a Plant Based diet said its a great breakfast? What about potatoes or sweet potatoes? Carrots? Bananas and apples ... Keto says no ... doctors say yes.

Do you see what I am saying?

So really it's just eating whole food, good food ... no packaged food, no salt, no soda, no fruit juice, stay away from pastries, and things will be okay. I just can't see how a nice thick piece of fresh caught salmon can be bad for you. Or even a pizza full of veggies and no meats. How can a banana and apple per day be frowned upon just because it throws you over the Keto 20g of carbs per day limit .... it's good fruit !!!!

It's just like blogging .. one post a day, multiple posts per day, once a week, once every three to four days or none at all. Or a modern looking blog vs the old style like I have now while losing interest in this design? A skinless chicken breast with steamed broccoli or beans instead because they are a major source of protein on a Plant Based diet ... and for me, gobs of indigestion?

Rambling or fact supported blog posts? Politically correct words or let it fly?

AIt never seems to end. All those questions make life fun. I am not as crazy as I sound nor some readers belive. It's just I type them out and publish them for the world to see. So in a way I am open when I write but I just don't have enough chaos to make things interesting.  :)

Some other weekend activity of the hounds captured with my iPhone ---
That is why it's another great morning here in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.

March 23, 2019

Stella Explores & The D.C Rats

This morning I had the urge to take the Nikon D3200 with me instead of the Canon 9G X and it did not disappoint. Each camera has it's own good features that the other camera doesn't have. I took 68 photos this morning but no fear, I posted only 39 of them here. As you see, Stella was back to "my" normal routine of taking the correct path on the walk. We were off to a good start.
Of course the first thing I noticed was how heavy the D3200 was in comparison to the smaller Canon G9. It also felt a little cumbersome at first as I tried holding it under my arm as I pulled my jacket sleeve back on my left wrist to start my activity timer. I almost dropped it. A slight change that was interesting, I caught myself looking at the monitor on back of the camera to take the picture instead of through the view finder.
When I use the Canon G9 I have yet to use the camera well enough to capture a close up picture like this at close distance. I need more practice, at least before the field turns green with wild flowers galore and the butterflies later in the summer.

Another change I made this morning for my own sanity and a possible test ... when Stella was busy with her nose to the ground, as long as she wasn't eating deer scat I was going to let her take time to fully investigate the scent she had picked up. If that included her wandering a little off course then so be it ... the time was hers. I wanted to see what would happen if she never heard the words "come on" and could go at her own pace.
It was cold this morning, really cold but the day has plans of warming up from 27° to 53° although by the time that happens I will be buried in my couch with four basketball games on my split screen at once. March Madness never disappoints with some upsets by schools you never could dream of them beating their opponent. It never fails and as usual, if you are a 5 seeded team playing a 12 seeded team ... watch out. 12 seeded teams have made those upsets over the years more than any other underdog.
At first I thought that Stella had some deer scat she was eating but when I walked over to see, she only had her nose pressed on the ground. It was like a magnet. I gave her the time to investigate like I promised myself and walked away.
We were not even to the first turn yet and she had already moved in front of me, slammed on her brakes so she could walk in front of me at a crawl, causing me to tip toe or chop my steps, to keep from walking into her. If I went around her, she'd eventually move back in front of me.
I do notice as I look at these pictures, the color is not as deep and defined as when I take the same pictures at the same time of day with the Canon G9 X. This is after I added some color and other editing to these pictures.
When the field is under heavy frost it is easier to see all of the hoof prints of the deer traffic and all of their paths they have worn while moving through the field from the gully or into the wooded areas. You can barely see the path that veers right, which leads to the top of the gully and moves to the bottom. I haven't been up in the 'far right corner' in a while ... Sadie use to love exploring that part of the field.
Deer traffic must have been heavy last night or this morning. Stella must have stopped a hundred times during the walk to sniff certain areas. I didn't say a word and either kept walking or getting in a better position to take a picture. It might have been below freezing temps but the birds were out in force, filling the morning with constant chirping.
The path that Stella is taking is also made by routine deer traffic. It will go straight ahead but right before that large power tower they will turn and walk in front of the tower, curl back to the edge of the field and the move to the corner of the north woods. Maybe tomorrow I'll take Stella down that path all the way to the north woods so you can see what I am talking about.
Once again, her nose is pressed hard into the ground.
She seems to be on some sort of mission today. She was very focussed which is different for her.
While I was taking pictures of things behind me, you can barely see Stella moving in front of those bushes, still curious about what she is smelling.
I don't know if she came to a point where the scent disappeared or something else was confusing her. I was not saying a word, just watching to see if we were heading home or going north to the woods
he decided it was time to head home.
On thing I like on the Nikon D3200 is the 200mm zoom lens of course. It does a better job of getting some detailed pictures of Stella's loose skin as she walks, or her frowns. The Canon G9 X zooms to only 84mm. That was a difference I thought long and hard about before deciding to make the purchase. Could I work with a maximum of 84mm??
When I saw where she was walking I thought we might be headed to the neighbor's house two doors down from me. She was on the worn old ATV path made a couple of summers ago and it circles to the backyard of the neighbor that owns the field. I remained quiet though because I wanted to see how she would do today without any verbal herding.
It didn't take long for her to get back on the path. She acted like she wanted to trot or run but didn't because her paws were cold. Not that they were, but she acted as if they were too cold to run or trot on.
Yes, same spot every day, same glance in the same direction ... checking out the small wooded area behind the neighbor's house. I saw nothing nor heard anything in the direction she was looking.

I continued to read my books last night while glancing at the ballgames with the sound turned off.  The book called "How Not To Die", talks of eating a plant-based diet and with scientific proof to validate the reasons why plus show all the different diseases it reverses.

I was surprised but happy to read when he said there is nothing wrong with having an occasional loaded pizza or a cheeseburger ... as long as "you are not dipping your fork into the eliminated foods every day" and he talked about how this dieting stuff works if you have an addictive personality. One where a person goes from one extreme to another but never falling in between.

That would be me. One extreme or another. It also explained why I have always had trouble in the past of allowing myself to eat foods I am trying not to, (moderation) then falling off the diet wagon and going back to eating anything I want whenever I want.

Still, it has come to a point in time for me, at least mentally, do I want heart surgery in my future or do I want to follow Dr. Greger's recommendations and prevent that painful process?
I am doing a pretty good job following the plan as I move into my 4th straight day. It was also good news to see that they had proven in other tests he had read in Medical Journals that it was a good thing to have four cups of coffee per day but no more, nor less than two. The results of those different test groups had distinct results.

I don't think I could handle four cups per day ... I'm fine with only two cups of coffee per day.
Like I have said before many times, just because we are getting close to the end of the walk that does not mean it will be over in a few minutes. She always finds one more thing she just has to investigate. In her own eyes she is also retired and time means nothing to her.  :)
She looked at me for an answer, what was that high on the fence post (squirrel???) but I had no idea. Have you ever seen a more confused looking hound?
After she walked down the slight incline toward the house to finish her walk, then turned in the opposite direction to check out something else, I knew the animal traffic was extremely busy while we slept last night. She knows something or more than one animal has been in her yard. She is NOT as possessive of her yard or house like Sadie was. She is not a watch dog either.
Another morning walk is in the books. We took about five minutes longer than we normally do with the freedom I gave her this morning. Our first games start at Noon with an NIT game. Heidi had not made any sounds yet that she is up and ready to start her day ... that's about an hour away.

I'll still get in some pictures of Heidi's Saturday to post tonight, normal time ... 7:15pm.

Have I become addicted to blogging twice per day?

I know I am not breaking any news here because we all know the Mueller Report has been sent to the AG, it's all over the news. I have not watched any tv news but I could tell from the headlines from different online news sites ... it seems that CNN, MSNBC, MSN are going into the 'meltdown' mode ... they just can't believe the results.

One thing that they are not reporting on but it is going to get really interesting is this ...

The past and present rats in D.C. are scrambling I would hope to see Comey, McCabe and a few others behind bars once the IG Investigation is over but I know that will never happen. So I will be satisfied seeing the truth about them be brought out in more detail for the public to read and watch them squirm, maybe make their life a little more uncomfortable.

They DID break Federal Law ... prosecute them.

Need some humor ???

The Somalis are pissed at Amazon in Minnesota. Personally I don't give a rat's ass what they want or what their complaints are. I agree with the blog author that it all boils down to, they want times off during the work day for their daily prayers. Go find another job. F*** 'em.

I could go on about a lot of stuff this morning. My political rambling is bubbling right below the surface this morning ... but I need some breakfast and get back to my book reading before my IU game at noon, then the NCAA games the rest of the day.

So I'll pass on the ranting and just leave you with those two nuggets .. in the links. Be sure to read all of the article in the first link. Trump has already asked the DOJ to review and start releasing the emails and texts they have been holding until the Mueller Investigation was over. They are taking away the redactions. Oh boy!!

The truth is going to come out, even more than what we have heard so far and that is a great thing.

It's a beautiful morning here in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.