April 12, 2021

A Hike Behind The House

With all the exciting activity the hounds and the dog had on Sunday, they were in the dream state of sleep very early Sunday night. In fact when I turned off the lights to head to bed, not one of them moved. I left them there to sleep in the dark. 

April 11, 2021

From The Patio This Weekend

Not much to say tonight. I pulled the Nikon off the shelf to take the photos for this post. That is the Aerostat that Biden grounded in December. It was back in the air for a short time on Saturday. Maybe a test run if he changes his mind on using cameras on the border. I had a lot of different animals pass the house in back today and you can see it was a pretty laidback Sunday for the hounds and the dog.

April 09, 2021

Stella & Henry Go Walking

The sunrise was much much better than this photo shows. I guess it's hard to keep the camera steady so soon after waking up and before having coffee. The day started early though, 3:52am as the dog next door was outside barking at something. I was told last weekend all their dogs sleep in the bedroom with the door closed. Guess not all the time. I did not hear any coyotes, so not sure what had irritated the dog, but he was barking his ass off in the 'attack mode'. Needless to say, I never really got back to sleep.

April 06, 2021

Changes Around The Area

The weather is not the only thing changing around here. I have mentioned a few of the changes in recent posts but those issues continue on a daily basis and they don't show up on your tv news, your local papers but they do on Facebook. There are different local groups I have joined for this area that not only spread the word, they take live video so there is little no doubt what is going on. Yet I caught myself re-analyzing my thought process these past few months, making the decision to move. I wondered if I had overblown the facts I had used or what I have been told. After watching some live interviews with the Cochise County Sheriff late yesterday, along with some live camera feeds ... I knew as much as I hate leaving this area that I have made the correct decision for me, the hounds and the dog.

April 02, 2021

Moving Progress Made

It might not look like we are making progress with our moving plans but the past few days things have been pretty busy and we have locked into dates where things are going to happen. Just like when I moved out here, everything is falling into place when it needs to happen. No hangups or conflicts. I am down to just waiting for the end of April to show up before my next thing on the 'to do' list.

March 27, 2021

More Changes

Like some other times when there have been gaps in my blog posts, although I have not been a daily blogger for some time ... things are either happening or brewing in the background. In this case both have been pretty active and some no fault of mine. So A WARNING here, for me to tell all the stories this will be or could be a pretty long blog post. Not sure where I will start?? How about with the shortest story first??

March 13, 2021

Snow Flurries This Morning

It was cold but nice early this morning. I could tell by the clouds there was different weather at higher elevation. People had already posted photos of their yards with a light snow cover on the Cochise County facebook group. Looking at my iPhone weather it was not going to get higher than 44° today where just a few days ago it was up to 78°. I had a few places I wanted to go today ... The Diner and Miller Canyon.

March 11, 2021

The Mysterious Voice

I rarely have plans for the day when I finish my second cup of coffee. I basically fly by the seat of my pants on everything, where some days I don't get further than my backyard and other days I am all over town and the local area. It just depends what my scatterbrain wants to do, after all, it is also in retirement. Yesterday reminded me of days back in "the tropics" where I would be mowing the yard, glance at my car and decided it needed washed after the yard mowing. Then while washing one car I would decide I had to do the other one too. Yesterday was a lot like that.

March 09, 2021

Times Are Changing

Since our last post a lot of things are changing, here and nationwide. Obviously the blog theme or template has changed, the puppies are changing by getting bigger and possibly easier to live with. Henry is really giving me a run for my money ... funny funny basset hound and very mischievous. Walter has passed the 1 year mark and still considers himself the leader of the pack. Here are a few other things that have changed since I last posted -- gas prices, cost of groceries, warnings on where I can ride or hike, number of cars, different kind of cars, unbelievable decisions in DC, new residents, new houses, hot hot hot real estate market, and a lot of thinking.

February 20, 2021

No We Don't Miss Indiana Winters

With our second winter here in the southwest the bloodhound and I have realized we do not miss those single digit days in the winters back in "the tropics" of southern Indiana. The puppies are pure Arizona pups so they have not experieced the lifting of paws while on a walk through freezing snow like Stella has. Yes, it has been cold this week and it does get cold every night while sleeping but by the afternoon the sun is hot enough to be outside. Stella and Henry do this every afternoon. With the temps in the 50's and 60's this past week.