April 10, 2023

Spring Has Arrived

Spring arrived today. Low 70s as the highs and a forecast that the week will only get hotter. Yard mowed with the backyard cut higher this year at 3", even measured with a tape measure to make sure. A short trip afterward in the Z4 with the top down. As you will see there is less Watson barking while the neighbors are outside enjoying the weather. Smoking chicken on the grill to combine with some steamed broccoli for dinner. Reds game at 6:20pm ... all is good.

April 05, 2023

Tornadic Activity Should Be North Of Us

No these photos are not from this morning but the past few days. It was still 76°last night after 8pm ... that's my kind of weather. I wanted to get a post out this morning before the forecasted severe storms pass through here, starting at noon. Luckily any tornadic activity should be a couple of hundred miles to the north of us. Yet, you never know until the time is near. Right now I have the windows open with a nice breeze, the rain from earlier this morning has stopped. The hounds and even Walter have been outside this morning.

April 01, 2023

Walter Said We're Good

About an hour after last nights post it started getting a little exciting. Storm systems blowing in at 70-80mph changed what I said real quick. We were good up to that point. Luckily and once again, the system blew south of us a few miles across the Ohio River. Yet one system seemed to bypass my side of town and ended up in the eastern part of town around I-69 and headed NE.

March 31, 2023

So Far So Good

The weathermen and women have the hardest job in the world and probably face as much criticism as a coach, or politician. This photo is a screen shot of the current radar at 6:50pm CT ... a day or two ago they said we would experience a day of winds and rain, building up to the severe weather between 4pm - 9pm. Then the range last night was between 7pm-11pm. That time has not arrived yet and anything can change quickly in Midwestern weather but so far ... I like my chances of severe weather blowing right past our location. (the blue marker).

March 21, 2023

We're Alive And Well

 Hard to believe it has been 15 days since my last post but that is what happens when cold weather hits, in addition to "March Madness" and then this afternoon the first of three to four days of rain. Can you believe they have predicted 4"-5" of the liquid by Friday??? We might have to get a wave maker for the backyard if that prediction happens, so we can surf in the backyard. That photo above covers multiple times per day for the last 15 days, one photo does it all.

March 06, 2023

Calm After The Storm

I didn't realize until now that I had not posted here since our tornado warning last Friday. That is how nice the weather had been since then and none of us have been doing much, at least enough to blog about. I'm sitting here right now in the middle of the afternoon, windows open, birds singing and Walter snoring in 75° weather. A week into March that is pretty nice but still plenty of time to change into winter weather.

March 03, 2023

"Take Shelter Now" !!!!

With nothing more than possible rain until 3pm, the hounds, dog and I had been outside to check out the yard, the winds and was getting ready to watch the IU women's basketball team play on tv in the B1G Tournament. We had gotten all the way to halftime of that game when this warning came across my iPhone. The hounds, dog and I headed for the best place ... master bathroom with no windows yet next to the big walk in closet that had a small window facing west. Both rooms inside brick walls.

Miserable Day For Hounds & Dog

It was expected. It was in the forecast. It is happening as I write this. Newspaper said 2"-3" of rain by Thursday afternoon when it stops around 3pm (prediction) but after the first storm blew around us on Wednesday, I had my doubts about the storm that started last night around midnight. Consequently the hounds and the dog are not "happy campers". Henry has been the only one to sneak out along the edge of the house, around the corner into the stone area to pee first thing this morning.

February 28, 2023

A Beautiful "Tropics" Day

With a late start to the day, they still got their walks in, a late lunch turned into a short siesta with the windows open. Not much was done different than any other day. A couple of hound walks, time on the patio under the sun, some lunch and some Reds baseball.

February 26, 2023

The Hounds Know


They may have been out a few times this morning to explore the yard like they always do. With temps in the 40's that is warm enough to where they don't want to come inside ... except Walter. While Henry and Watson walked the yard with noses to the ground, they were really interested in something else. It is something they have become addicted to. They are waiting for me to clean the yard so right after I am finished, they know they get to go on their morning walks.