Google is up to its old tricks again reversing the order of my photos no matter how I load them. It takes too long to load them per content so I have always loaded them all at once, and type between them. So I will think in reverse order as I write. It's been a really good day for the new bloodhound and it's only 2:15pm local time. All four of them are in a deep sleep with Walter snoring loud from his spot in the computer room. Here you can get a better idea just how tall a bloodhound is.
Life in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana, the high desert of the southwest and back to 'the tropics' with the hounds and dogs.
February 02, 2023
I Knew Watson Would Change
Just a short quick post to show that Watson finally decided Samson was good this morning. Just like Sadie did with Stella in August 2015. They all ate this morning without a dog fight over food. They drink out of the same water bowl. The larger one from outside has been brought inside to the mudroom. I had just walked to the patio door to check on them outside and they were sprinting on the slick icy yard .. by the time I got my camera they had moved over to the side yard to wrestle.
Nothing but photos. Samson in the choker collar, Watson has his black collar and of course you are already know Henry. 25° Walter is inside where it's warm.
February 01, 2023
Samson Arrives After All
Like always when I decide to do something I keep thinking about it, did I make the right decision? I kept thinking with his breeding, a littermate of Watson, he should be a good bloodhound. After 21 months maybe he could use a different environment. I was pretty sure my three would be okay with him. Their only experience of having another dog here was last spring when the bulldog Hank stopped by to visit.
So sometime after 10am and about the time I was going to text the owner to tell him that I had changed my mind and I would take him. The picture above showed up from the owner. How could you resist a face like that ??? LOL
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