November 26, 2024

Cold Temps Have Arrived

Cletus shows you just how much he loves Watson's love seat. I think you can tell he finds sleeping there much more comfortable than sleeping in the streets during the weeks he was wandering the streets of Salem Indiana before they caught him. August 23rd the bloodhound trainer and manager of the Greene County Shelter picked him up and took him to his house to train and live.

November 22, 2024

Early Morning Cardio

They would have started an hour earlier with their DAILY early morning cardio if I had let them. So a little before 8:30am I let them outside after I heard Cletus's big deep loud bloodhound bark, wanting to go outside. All three of them sprinted from the door to the yard and the game was on. I am going to buy some of this "Dog Turf" for my bare spots. Grass seed can be planted below it and grow through it. Should be interesting. 

November 21, 2024

A Slight Change Of Direction

I will probably end up getting back to writing what's going on, or a rant etc ... eventually. Right now I am thinking about changing the blog direction a little bit. Like a paragraph of content, then 15-25 photos. I have done that before here. Years ago I had a Wordpress blog where that is all I did. So we will see.

November 09, 2024

Cooler Temps Don't Bother Them

The past few days have shown some new developments with the hounds and dogs. Watson has finally accepted that there is another bloodhound in the house. He is now one of Cletus's best friends. I did not get a photo of it but it was official Saturday morning when Watson had his front paw on the side of Cletus's head when he was laying down, while licking and cleaning Cletus's face. They are also playing more outside one on one.

November 07, 2024

Strangest Thing Happened

This gives you a good idea what it looks like when the hounds and dogs want to come inside. They don't bark. Henry or Watson might scratch on the door window, otherwise they will sit quietly until I show up. In this case they saw me walking to the door and they came running from different directions. Is there a dog missing?

November 06, 2024

Not Much Went On Today

I cannot get over how well Cletus is settling in here. He came housebroken and I had a test for him today. I needed groceries plus a run to The Donut Bank to buy some celebration pastry to eat. I was gone for almost an hour, where I left him and all the adult hounds, and dog in the house with access to the backyard. When Ava saw me getting ready to leave, she grabbed her Nylabone and went into her crate without any command.

November 05, 2024

Ava & Cletus Start Early

This is my second or third time I have tried to post a video on the blog. Not sure if it will work or not. Ava and Cletus started playing early this morning. I heard her playing at 6:44am so I grabbed my iPhone while needing my second coup of coffee. I see the video didn't work when I looked at "preview". So this is a photo right before I started a video.