I think I left you last post with Walter supervising my house maintenance. It was another week of that with some added features. It finally got hot, upper 80s, humid to where Stella was panting like the old days. Then it rained right after I mowed the yard as planned. There has not been a lot of rain during the day but I have seen more rain the month I have been here than I did the past year in Sierra Vista AZ. No photos to prove it but my septic tank was pumped clean last week. He said the tank itself was in great shape and that was good to hear since it is 62 years old. The hounds and the dog continue to adjust to their new home, neighborhood with less barking, more relaxing and still getting pets each time they are seen outside.

We are still getting up early here and calling it a day early. It's been that way since we moved in June 2019. I upped Stella's dose of hip supplements this past week and have seen a considerable difference with only one added chew to her daily two. She is able to get up and down easier, and walking easier. She was even trotting in the backyard today.

You may remember this bench from last post. I cleared all of that out then decided a day later to set the bench along with some kitchen cabinets and a dining room lamp, all sitting in the built-on shed behind the garage, out on the street with three signs that said FREE. Everything was gone in 48 hours.

I guess early morning fog is common here. The fog lights on the 1960 VW Single Cab may come in handy. That is wheat growing behind the house. About 8 acres of it. I am hoping to walk Stella and Henry around the border of that field next fall after they harvest their wheat. It's good to know that will not be developed into a housing sub-division.

Henry does well on his 40 some feet of parachute cord. He can cover most of the backyard with that amount of cord. I have tried testing him twice this week without it and found out he is an official wanderer. He likes to go to the house across the street to look for their cat. So after some analysis today I ordered him an Apple AirTag along with a nice holder that will go on his collar. Why??? Well after failing two tests this week, he gave me his own test today and snuck off while I was taking a water break from installing gutter guards. I found him across the street but a different house, helping the neighbor trim his shrubs. Everybody likes Henry and he likes people.

This is one area I am going to redo but not sure how or what I want to change it to. The rock is going next door in the back of their yard to prevent some water erosion. I will lay down some black plastic weed preventive stuff and maybe some of that dark stone you see in the boxed area so it will match what is in the front flowerbeds. I am open to any suggestions you might want to suggest.

When outside Stella would rather sleep in front of that crawlspace door instead of on grass in the shade.

Nightly routine starting around 6pm.

These next photos are early morning. They have been fed, been outside and I am on the computer while drinking my morning coffee. Sometimes these photos are duplicated around 2:30pm after they have had their lunch, depending what is going on.

Henry waited in that position for almost 30 minutes today for his friend next door. He likes spending time with the older neighbor and she likes him also.

Saturday morning I get a text from my mailman as he entered the neighborhood to deliver mail, asking "can Walter come out and play". By the time I glanced up from the computer I saw his truck two houses away, so I called Walter and led him outside to the front. He stood hesitant, watching as the postal truck pulled over to our yard. Matt walked out and Walter went sprinting to him. Matt gives him small dog bone treats, rubs behind his ears, under his chin and chest while Walter snorts with approval. He is still looking for an English Bulldog puppy the same color as Walter.

Today I installed gutter guards in all the gutters to keep the leaves out next fall. Stella took a nap in the south flowerbed that is scheduled to get stripped out and rebuilt. I cut out the large plant/tree/flower. I have decided to do that myself instead of paying too much money to the landscaper unless I get lazy.

I know this isn't a centerpiece that most have on their kitchen table but I have always been a little weird and like it. When my friend walks through the University of Southern Indiana campus, he always makes it a point to pass by the baseball field. Obvious he is the only person that looks for and finds baseballs outside the stadium, next to trees, in some weeds or out in the open. Those are a lot of homes runs and foul balls hit at that stadium. He has close to 200 game used baseballs and gave me a bowl full of them.

I added my own new baseball to the stack. The one on the left with the red and blue seams and the official ball of the Frontier League is a game used baseball I bought at my first Evansville Otters minor league game Friday night. It was a whopping $7 in their souvenir shop. They opened their season with a double header vs the Quebec Capitales. (yes capitales is spelled correct). The players are in their mid to late 20's. Some were high draft picks by Major League teams but never advanced in their minor league system. Yet they play good ball. Pitchers were throwing 95mph fastballs. Fielders played two games with only 1 error. The quality of play was better than I have watched at times on tv when the Reds play.

As planned ... an FJ with the rock rails I like and the exact wheels I have bought in the past. Delivery is free and it arrives tomorrow after their 190 mile trip from Central Indiana.
It was a pleasant surprise that the tires were the same brand name and style that are standard option on the RAV4 TRD OR models. I am now pretty well set on the stable of cars and trucks. So much that I have deleted all of my Safari bookmarks for cars/trucks for sale online.
Within 10 days of registering both VWs at the BMV, I receive license plates and titles in the mail. Compared to Arizona MVD, it took 41 days to receive my license plate (last Friday) for the Mini Cooper and I am still waiting for my title. Arizona still has the better looking plate and I hated giving them up. I will put the Indiana truck plate on this FJ like I had on my other ones. It is white with black letters and the design never changes like the car plates do. It will match the car very well.
I have Stella's HVAC appointment tomorrow between 8am and noon. She will be very happy when her AC is fixed and I am hoping it will not clean out my bank account to fix it. LOL. The FJ arrives a little after 1pm and most likely right after I mow the yard before Tuesday night's rain that is forecasted.
I don't feel bad with 4 vehicles. My new car friend and neighbor that lives just around the corner has 14 with 12 of them restored classics, not including his 1929 Ford Pickup that has more patina than my VW single cab has. He brought over his 1967, red with a black top, Chevy SS on Friday. He won't sell any of them. I would love to have that car or his 1942 Dodge Pickup truck, painted the original colors.
So that is about it from 'the tropics' of southern Indiana.
Wow,Stella trotting is great! Good the extra hip pill helps that much.-Mary
my friend seemed to think she was still have problems walking when she saw her after I posted this.. At least she was better than she was.
DeleteGreat update post. Can't believe how much Walter and Henry have grown and happy to hear that Stella is doing better getting around. Like Walter, my two Yellow Labs were "travelers" if you took your eyes off them for two seconds.
ReplyDeleteI asked the mailman Saturday if he thought Walter's body was getting bigger. Its hard for me to tell being around him all the time. It might take another 10 months before he is fully grown. Surprising that labs would be "travelers". I never knew they were like that.
DeleteJust our two Yellows were travelers. Had that at different times with one being the Great Grandmother to the other one. Our Black Lab never traveled and was the most obedient dog I have ever had. She loved to lay out on the deck and move with the sun and never leave the property.
DeleteP.S. Not really surprised that another FJ is coming to your house. I will not hold my breath that this is the last of your vehicle transactions. LOL
ReplyDeletePeople tell me they have made a pool chart with month and days, winner take all $$ on how long different cars last. LOL
DeleteSo, now you have one vehicle for each of you!!!! What a special photo that would be with each of the boys and the Queen at the wheel! Henry is getting bigger daily. I think those little 4 legged buddies of yours are truly loving their new home. Seems everyone has a good life with daily routines. Your a really busy guy over their in the tropics of Indiana.
ReplyDeleteI did think about how the daily routine might change if I moved back to a house in the midwest. Luckily some of the things I am doing are not annual requirements. I think they do like their new home. Water sprints across the backyard daily and has run more there than I ever saw him running before.
DeleteFunny how he used to hunt sticks in SV back yard, and now - sticks galore and he doesn't seem to be hunting them anymore. He has so much other fun and new things to explore. He sure is a pretty puppy...
DeleteHe is really pretty and has lost some of his white hair compared to his puppy pics. No sticks now ... he sniffs the property perimeter in back first thing. He has chosen to not eat with the others and has his own eating schedule. He also likes walking to the top of the bank and looking at the wheat field.