Life in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana, the high desert of the southwest and back to 'the tropics' with the hounds and dogs.
June 15, 2021
Walter and Henry Moving On

June 08, 2021
Stella Has An Appointment

August 30, 2020
Henry Meets His Neighbors
With rain in the forecast Henry still explored the backyard this morning not responding to any thunder or light sprinkles later in the morning. He is quite the explorer with that Basset Hound nose and he seems to have a very good one. We didn't have much planned today except the normal routine with eyes peeled for when he looks like he might pee inside. It's hard to tell since he is so low to the ground. He does go outside on his own when he needs to.
This morning was a little bit different though. I heard that familiar whine of Stella when the doberman is looking over the fence. He has a ledge inside his fence that gives him an extra two feet to get higher and within eyes view. Usually he is barking in the attack mode whenever he sees me or the other dogs outside in the back but not this morning. He must have known there was a small puppy involved, as he didn't make a sound ... just stared.
That's Stella keeping a lookout while Henry doesn't notice he is being watched by his next door neighbors.
Walter also got into the act of keeping his eyes peeled on the doberman. As you see, Henry was not concerned with much of anything except what his nose brought to him.
There was no barking back and forth but gives you some idea what we are up against. He is really a nice dog and his bark sounds worse than his bite. Yet if I didn't know the dog and heard him barking at night I would leave as fast as possible.
Heidi still isn't that excited about a new pup, although she is letting him get closer longer and even let him clean her jowls today after lunch. She will eventually get to the point she likes him but she has always been that way. Walter on the other hound loves the new pup and keeps a pretty close eye on him.
Like all dogs, they go through different periods of time between sleeping and being very active. This continues all day up through the night. Henry spends a lot of time outside in the backyard on his own. I had to look for him a couple of times today and each time he was outside alone taking in all the smells.
As you can see they all had a pretty rough day. It drizzled most of the day, was high 70s and borderline whether to keep the windows open to feel that humidity or shut them and run the AC at the same temperature. Funny I say "humidity" when it's only 64%, nothing close to what we experiences in "the tropics' of southern Indiana.
By 5:30pm local time the hounds had called it a day ... that's all I have from the "Wild West".
August 28, 2020
A Lot Of Sleep & Playing
I found out this morning around 4am while letting Heidi outside to pee, that Henry not only likes the backyard but he is not afraid of the dark. I had to put on some shoes to walk across the rock yard and carry him back inside so I could get a little more sleep. Once the sun started rising he was back outside again exploring the fence line. Based on what I have seen, he has a pretty good basset hound nose, only second to the bloodhound.
Blogger continues to irritate me enough to stop and move my main blogging to Wordpress. When you have 34 photos and each time you hit the return key even without any photos in the post, it always sends the cursor to the bottom of the page. Like now I would like to hit the return key to start a second paragraph under this photo but I know I will not be able to.
Heidi was also up and outside bright any early today. Is the puppy or the new joint supplement I have been giving her? She is slowly warming up to Henry but I am not sure they are best friends yet. Let's just say she does not want to be messed with in any way and let's him know it with a bark.
We don't have any fires near us but for the past week it has been hazy enough that the Mule Mountains, the San Jose Mts in Mexico are usually covered to where you cannot see them. Maybe you can tell by this photos of the Huachuca's.
Walter and Henry play hard for long periods of time or until Walter wears out and has to lay down on the cool tile. As you can see in the next few photos sleeping is one of their major activities during the day.
The only thing missing in those photos is the loud sound of Walter snoring.
Henry came home with a few new chew toys but Walter seems to think they were meant for him.
Proof that Henry has a good nose ... just like Walter use to a few months ago ... out of all the rocks in the back yard Henry can find pieces of wood like this and loves to chew them. I have never seen a piece of wood like this while walking around the yard since living here but someway they can find it, dig it out then bring it inside hidden in their jowls.
Not a bad day today in the "Wild West".