May 23, 2024

A Surprise Tonight

With Ava arriving a month and a half ago, our mornings start at 5:30am now ... today I took the photo of the neighbors shed at 5:14am ... It was going to be a busy day since my internet connection was lost last night around 5:30pm. Everything is automated now and by the time I was finished punching numbers and answering AT&T texts, I had an appointment for anytime between 8am and noon today. He arrived at 8:45am.

Standing next to my dead modem, his handheld machine was telling him the problem was 290 feet away ... hmmm that's not even near my yard. He asked if I had a problem with squirrels and I told him, only the ones that torment my bloodhound.

It's a long story so I will not go into it ... but in short .. the squirrels had made the AT&T Fiber Cable/Wire part of their summer diet. I had internet just as fast as before by the time he left, testing at 653 mbps. 

With some overcast skies and 77°, the air was cool, all the windows were open and the fans made it a perfect time for a siesta to catch up on some sleep. When you go to bed late, 5:30am comes awfully early. A light rain this afternoon, sunshine to grill my steak by 4:30 ... gave Watson and Ava enough time to play for 30 photos worth if exercise.

I will let you know what the surprise is at the end of my post, that is if you haven't figured it out. Leave your comments with what you think the surprise is.

Walter makes a rare appearance outside during bone fetching time.

She came when I called her.

Then went right back to Walter.

Walter must have thought the grass was too wet ... he hugged the house all the way back to the patio.

 So where's Henry ......

He is relaxing like he always does. Oh .. those two bones are from REI and were bought in 2015 for for our camping trip .... they have survived a lot of chewing for 9 years.

None of the photos were edited. And the surprise as the title suggests ...... Walter outside and photo ready.

Will the storms miss Indianapolis in Sunday so they can get the 500 mile race in? The storms are suppose to move NE towards Chicago before that happens. I'll be tuned in, I have been interested in that race, sometimes attending since I was growing up in the 1960s.

A great day today here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.


  1. Thought the surprise could be another car. LOL!!!

    1. I don't announce those transactions anymore. LOL

  2. I thought the surprise was that the missing bone has now been found and all dogs and hounds are over the moon happy. Bethers

    1. I can find them almost every time under the living room couch. That is a good guess though.
