May 25, 2024

Baseball On The Radio

A little bit different Saturday night, but it's still early as I write this so plenty of time for a movie after the Reds game is over. Since 221 miles is more than 168 miles, the local FOX channel is showing the St Louis Cardinals vs Chicago Cubs game instead of the one I want to watch the Cincinnati Reds vs the Los Angeles Dodgers. So I have tuned into the radio broadcast, which I like better actually since the radio play play announcer is better than the one on tv for the Reds games. As you can see, Walter was more interested in enjoying the cool weather with the ceiling fan on.

Henry took a deep nap in the middle of the day today.

Watson and I looked at each other trying to figure out what we wanted to do today. we were both bored, so we did nothing ... absolutely nothing.

Last night Henry slept through "movie night".

As you can see the hounds and dogs also think 5:30am is too early. After they have breakfast, play a little, all of them are back to sleep in the computer room while I finish coffee, sometime around 7am.

While sitting on the couch listening to the game on my iPhone ... I realized I was crazy for being inside on such a nice night. I grabbed my phone, my tall glass if ice tea and headed to the patio. As you see, the hounds and dog woke up and followed me outside to continue relaxing outside.

This place really is kind of different. I am 4 miles from downtown in a small city of 120,000 people, yet there is a John Deere tractor planting his field just behind my berm behind my fence.

Unlike 3 years ago and even 2 years ago when Watson would go insane with barking at that John Deere tractor being so close to "his" yard ... he didn't move as the loud tractor slowly passed "his" yard.

Nothing seems to bother Ava. Thunder, lightning, tractors, loud trucks or firecrackers. She is pretty laidback but is barely on my list today. She has decided that when the level of the water bowl is lower than she likes, she will stand inside the bowl .... or step on the edge of the bowl to flip it over ... just to let me know she would like more water.

She has done that too many times the past three days / nights ... for it to be a spur of the moment thought.

So until further notice ... the larger water bowl outside in the shade will be their source of drinking water. It is located in that section between the two rooms with the larger rock floor. I watched her from inside the window, doing that act where she wants more water than what is in the bowl. I am not sure what I will need to do to solve that problem.

Still, she is a great puppy to live with, easy to live with. 

Henry woke up alarmed and was sure I was having colby cheese and crackers just above him while I sat on the patio. He can smell food a mile away and in any state of consciousness. He is a "food hound".

A beautiful night here in "the tropics" of Southern Indian and after 7 innings the Reds lead the Dodgers 3-1. My dad was an avid Dodger fan, even growing up and always living in Indiana. I was able to take him to Dodger Stadium for some games when I lived in Carlsbad Calif .

Indy 500 tomorrow .... will the race miss the severe storms in the forecast?


  1. Isn't it nice when you can have a day and do nothing ! Looks like all of the crew was resting today too.

    Hope your area doesn't get hit hard from the storms.

    1. I am watching the radar closely this morning. Looks like a full day of rain today and tonight on the forecast. It will be interesting to see if those storms blow NE and miss us like they do many times. IF it is bad, Walter will let us know way before it comes. He did that a year or two ago and was very accurate in his response to a bad storm. Yes, it is nice to take a day off once in a while.

  2. Always enjoy pictures of the hounds & dog. Vern

  3. Nice photos of the gang. My Mom was also an avid Dodger fan, though my Dad not so much. She had a season ticket for years with a group of friends and proudly wore her Dodger jacket and visor that was covered with Dodger pins. Nice memory your comment brought back to me.

    1. The connection to him and the Dodgers started when he was growing up. Gill Hodges that played for Brooklyn, was from an area about 40 miles from where I live now. He always talked about him. Then in the town I grew up in in the 60s, Carl Erskine was from and lived in a town about 8 miles from mine. We would go to Cincinnati every time the Dodgers "were in town", although that was a couple of hours away by car and no interstates (freeways) yet. Sports in any season brings back a lot of memories of my family for me.

  4. Those pups move taking it easy to a very high level don't they.

    1. LOL, they know how to take it easy, for sure.
