May 29, 2024

Hounds & Dogs Approve


Watson, Henry and Ava approve of all the work that was done today and things are very close to being normal again. Fence appraiser said all I need are 7 new posts, the sections and gate can be reattached to the new poles. With their new system the same concrete will be used, no need for pulling them out and digging new holes.

Walter refused to come outside and enjoy the beautiful cool weather at 84° today.

Walter refuses to move here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.


  1. Sort of good news. I hope it all works out just fine.

    1. Things have worked out better than it looked on Sunday morning. If they did nothing else I could live with what I would have to fix in the yard where heavy trucks and saturated yard did not like each other. I am feeling pretty good about the situation. Thanks.

  2. Looks like things are moving along towards a return to your normal routine. Not surprising that the power company et al claims it is not there problem . Mother Nature strikes again.

    Here in my mountain area we homeowners are scared to death to put in a claim to our insurance company. My policy went from mid $3,000 a year to $8,900 a year. Changed some things around on the policy and it's now in the mid $6,000 a year. The insurance companies are hitting all mountain areas in CA hard due to past wildfires. They are also cancelling policies right and left and not writing new policies. If you are cancelled, your only option is the CA Fair Plan and it too has sky high premiums. Off my soap box.

    1. I have heard about the insurance problems in California and Florida. Combine that with outrageous property tax it is hard to keep a home in those places.

    2. Fortunately my property taxes are based on CA Proposition 13. I'm sure you remember Harold Jarvis working so hard to get this passed long ago. However, for today's homeowner, the taxes are sky high in CA. If I were younger, I would not be living in CA. Two of my brothers relocated from the Bay area to outside of Reno NV and the one said his cost of living was 37% less than when living in the Bay area. It's a nightmare here.

    3. I hear similar things from old friends still living inland further south than you. It's hard to leave when living somewhere 40+ years.
