May 12, 2021

A Rough Dog Day Yesterday

It is tempting to jump right into yesterday's activities. There are many to write about. I thought instead I would back up a little and show why I have been so busy lately that taking photos is almost non-existent. With the FedeX delivery yesterday I am now to the point where a bike ride is planned for this afternoon led by my old friend that knows the city, all the bike routes and bike paths. Yet, the environment for the hounds and the dog will be much different due to their decisions yesterday. You will see what I am talking about further down the post. It was quite a day.

May 11, 2021

Henry Is A Funny Hound

Sunday was a forecast of a full day of rain. Early that morning while looking for birds in their yard or that stray cat that comes out from hiding on the berm blocking the field, Henry decided the cool breeze and the light sound of rain drops hitting the trees was the perfect time to stretch-out and relax. He does this a lot. With more square footage inside and a larger yard outside, both puppies get a lot of running in. Things continue to move smoothly and I am basically down to doing just the 'to do' list I have made for the yard and house stuff. Things are back to normal now.

May 09, 2021

It Really Was Unbelievable Move

I was going to post this Thursday night but got involved with some other stuff and didn't have the time to write a post. Then Friday night my new internet service lost connection. They scheduled a tech to come out today of all days and he did a thorough exam from the cable box on the telephone pole, my junction box outside the house and finally in my computer room. He found out it was a splitter they include with the self-install kit. So we are back up and running. I did a and saw I have 480Mbps download speed and over 20Mbps upload speed ... I have never had that fast of speed ever in my internet days.