August 09, 2022

Finally Some Time Outside

By 6:30pm the hot temps had broken with storms south of us by a 100 miles. It was finally nice enough to sit on the patio and enjoy the end of the day. The hounds loved but the dog would not move. Walter did not join us outside for all the action that took place. All photos tonight of Henry and Watson enjoying 79°.

August 06, 2022

Hot Muggy & Busy

We have had a lot of rain lately here in "the tropics" of southern Indiana but so has Sierra Vista AZ. I miss those open sky light shows I use to see over the Huachuca Mts and the Mule Mts to the left. A Facebook photographer took this the other day. You can see his name in the lower left corner, Arizonan Yeti.

When it's not raining here, it has been hot and muggy, a typical summer in Indiana. I try to squeeze in the yard mowing in between rains which at times is not a lot of time to finish. With it hot the hounds, dog and I have been camping out inside most of the time enjoying the cold air conditioned air. So not a lot of blogable events to write about and just a few photos.

July 21, 2022

A Year Ago Two Days Ago

As you can see I am having a hard time coming up with a story for today's post. The heat was the same as yesterday so the hounds and the dog and I spent most of our time inside and a lot of that time was spent sleeping. No wonder I don't sleep well at night. This folder of photos caught my eye though. It was a year ago on the 19th of July that Mr Fence showed up early and finished early. By the time they were finished I could take down the temporary fence I had installed and did NOT have to wait for the concrete to dry holding every pole, 28 inches deep. The hounds and the dog had their new freedom to roam at will.

July 20, 2022

Walter Hates The Heat

Walter didn't like the 93° a little after 5pm when these photos were taken. Why should he? His nose is smashed into his face. Where other breeds have cooling tools in their nose the English Bulldog has very few. (only a couple) They are prone to heat exhaustion and should not be left out long. We were outside this afternoon seven minutes and seven seconds. A couple of these photos were hazy and I left them like that. By the time I lifted the camera up for that first photo, the heat, humidity soaked that cold air condition air off my lens and fogged it up.

July 19, 2022

Have Always Been Friends

I came up with an idea tonight with a brief look back at when the three I have now showed up at the house all as eight week old puppies. The older hounds, except Heidi, played with the pups and acted like they were their own. This is Walter about 15 minutes of exploring his new house.

July 18, 2022

It's Tick Season

I am running a little late today blogging. The day was so busy that until about an hour ago I had no plans of blogging today but I thought, why not it's a nice 84° tonight so I grabbed the camera and put these together. Then while I was looking in my photo library for a certain photo, I got lost in the folder I call "My Pics" and looked at too many. It is hard to stay out of the past sometimes when photos are involved. I posted a few of them at the bottom of this post.

July 17, 2022

Postponed And Walter

I have spent most of the day looking out this window, with temps borderline between shutting the windows and turning on the AC or keep them open with the AC turned off and a slight cool breeze at 75° but with 90% humidity. It is 2:30pm central time when I write this. After spending all day on Wordpress, trying to get a free blog set up like I use to have, I feel like the whole day is wasted and in fact "Postponed". Rain off an on, lots of reading on forums to find the Wordpress answer and still waiting for "Staff" expertise.