The day started off with some teaching by Henry. If you are going to explore the berm Watson needed to know the ins and outs of the steep incline. I am told there should be snakes around since they cut the field behind the berm but I haven't seen any yet. I am sure that Henry would let me know if they ran into any. Not rattlesnakes fortunately and most likely harmless. I could tell that Watson is getting strong and taller as he trotted across the kitchen floor this morning knowing he was going to be fed.

I checked for a long 30' lead yesterday at this great pet store I bragged about a few weeks ago. They didn't have any. In fact the employee I asked, didn't know what I was even talking about. I had one for years and had not used it since Sadie was a puppy but I think I might have thrown that away with the last move. I guess I can get the 25' retractable leash out for him. Well as I type this early Wednesday morning, Henry and Watson have decided to gang up on Walter for their morning wrestling match.

I wasn't able to catch him 3/4 of the way up the hill, nor his rapid decent due to falling. This was taken right after he stood up like nothing had happened. I was about to leave the patio to go get him before he went over the top of the berm, then he fell backward. Told you it was steep.

I saw a cat the first morning I was here but have not seen that cat since. It had stopped and stared down Henry as he looked through the patio screen that morning. By the actions of the hound noses I wonder if the cat makes any middle of the night trips through the yard. I hope it does so the mice are taken care of.

This is what happens when you are running and those long ears get in the way ... you trip and fall.

It's going to be a little warmer than yesterday. I plan on starting the clearing of the flowerbed. Interesting that in this town's trash pickup, yard waste like tree limbs, old mulch, etc is classified as trash and will be carried away if it fits in the trash can. They don't have a city trash service as all trash is picked up by private companies on different days. I can tell by all three sleeping near my computer desk it must be a little past 7am ... it is, 7:09am.

While I was out front watering my grass that I planted a few weeks ago, I let the puppy run free. I figured that Henry would keep track of him and if it got out of control Walter would run to the rescue. Doing other things in the garage besides watering the yard, I was away for about 30 minutes. This is what I found when I walked in back ... they both were just hanging out.

Henry may think the puppy is his but Walter keeps a close eye on him. If something is wrong, like getting outside the yard, Walter will run to him to get him back inside the yard boundaries.

Henry has always done this. He likes to lay down next to something that is higher than he is and sit there or sometimes sleep there.

Looks like someone is a little mad because the bigger hound mashed him.

Once Walter went out to check all the ropes around Watson, I knew it was time to walk out and untangle everyone.

In bloodhound style Watson walked off in form, with his nose to the ground tracking something. Walter could only watch from a distance as did Henry.

Once Watson was out of bounds, Henry decided to check on his friend. Once he disappeared behind that stack of wood Henry started barking at him and Walter went running toward the scene of the crime.

As I was prepping to mow the yard, Watson explored new territory. Inside of Stella's crate is a piece of those Pork Chomps. Yes the padlocks were needed to keep Stella from breaking out of the crate and to keep her safe.

Being tethered he had to watch from a distance as Watson enjoyed the shed and the garage while I did some work.

I had my yard mowed by noon. Windows open with a nice breeze through the house, a tall glass of Arnold Palmer's Iced Tea, a bag of David's sunflower seeds and I was set. The hounds and the dog came inside and sleep the afternoon away. I was about to feed the puppy when he walked in his crate and went to sleep, so lunch is on hold.
He had a good day today. He spent a lot of time outside, more than yesterday. Took naps in his crate on his own, in the computer room and then on the Mexican blanket that took the place of the dog bed. So far so good on the house training with zero accidents to report. Tomorrow with be toenail day with me just snipping the tips off like the breeder did last week while Watson sat in his lap. Walter will be at the vet by 7:30 tomorrow and I can actually take him inside "like the old days". The vet we went to in Sierra Vista never closed his office and all things were run normal while other vets in town were doing curbside service.
It was a nice day here in 'the topics' of southern Indiana.
Another pup fueled day! Loving all the great photos.
ReplyDeleteThanks. Yes, fueled is right. They start around 5am as soon as they wake up. Taking tons of photos and a lot of good ones don't make the blog. Its hard not to photograph them. Sometimes I just have to sit without a camera and enjoy what they are doing.