August 01, 2024

Another Storm

I forgot to post these photos of Watson and Henry yesterday. Even though it was heating up outside by 10am they both enjoyed their time outside. They didn't want to come inside. Maybe because we were still about 3 hours away from getting our electricity turned back on where the AC would work.

Maybe it's Henry's Arizona background but he loves the sunshine and never cares how hot it is outside.

As I walked back to the computer with my second and final cup of coffee, Ava had moved from the hallway to under my desk. As you can see the computer room is kinda cramped early in the morning.

Besides mowing the yard today, this will be the project of the day. Change the inter tube and find out the cause of a flat tire. About the only time this bike is used anymore is riding to and from my friends house point two miles away ... .2 not 2 miles.

I don't know how to put a caption on photos anymore after all the Blogger updates but to give credit to the photographer -- I pulled this photo off of a Facebook Page I follow in Pendleton Indiana. This is Falls Park, in a great town to grow up in. I lived in Pendleton from 1961 to 1970. In the winters, even today, you can ice skate on that pond when it is frozen over.

I could have swore it was suppose to be sunny, hot and clear today. At least it was until 1pm when I finished mowing the yard. Currently at 2:45 pm it is storming but the worst is yet to come. The power has just flicked off but luckily it came right back on.

While the hounds and Ava were outside after their lunch, the severe weather or tornado sirens went off. Ava was more interested in the squirrel she saw next door before taking off after it. 

Henry was just Henry although he had perked his ears up trying to decide what that sound was.

I looked up at where the tree fell over, never detaching. I couldn't find it so I raised the camera high enough to see if it had fallen to the ground. The only logs I saw where the ones I put there.

I will have to look at the original photo after it split and then the one yesterday after they pulled it off the Interent cables to let it swing back to the tree ... I don't see another trunk hanging there.

It was darker than this and not as bright outside as this photo shows and it was only 2pm. Things were getting dark fast.

Loud thunder so I knew the rain was on the way.

The storm was intense rain, lightning and loud thunder but otherwise, normal.

The temperature didn't change much on the weather apps but it felt cooler so I turned off the AC and opened all the windows. I might be the only person in the neighborhood that does that. Those times I ride or walk up to my friends house, I don't recall ever seeing a house with it's windows open.

Ava either didn't care or thought the wet grass felt good.

Henry almost got left out in the storm. I forgot he went outside for some water and didn't come back inside with the others. It wasn't until I got up to take some pre storm photos where I found him sitting on the step next to the door. He never barks to come back inside, he just waits for me to show up.

It was my project for the day but it didn't get fixed. I aired up the tire and felt air coming out from the air valve area. It will be an easy fix and I will do that tomorrow.

Cool breeze through the window, glasses of ice water and not much planned for tonight. Yard was mowed before the rains came. 

A good day here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.


  1. You have had more than your fair share of storms and the damage that comes along with it. Posted last night but didn't see it come up. So good to have a great crew to help with the damage. Being proactive and pleasant with the crew certainly was in your favor. You and the gang take care.

    1. If you are talking about your comment didn't come up, I am still approving comments before they post.
