August 11, 2024

History Was Made Today

Sunday morning started off with the normal two cups of coffee as usual but I had a plan today. In fact it was a project of a different sort. After checking a few pet shops in recent weeks and months, I decided to take a trip to Rural King. 

When I use to buy Diamond Naturals dog food there I noticed they had a big selection of dog toys and dog supplies.

The goal today was to buy three collars, including one for "no neck" Walter, so I could walk each of them. Walking is now back on the daily schedule since the temps have cooled off, especially in the mornings.

I soon changed my plan for dog collars after I saw this. I always wanted to try one of these and I liked the climbing rope lead. That small black thing near the loop, is a "stop" so you can instantly adjust the length of the "collar" after slipping it over the head of each hound or dog.

I know it is hard to believe but this one item made my dog walking expeditions so much easier ... no collars to put on, since my dogs don't wear collars, except Ava. They don't fight having a collar put on but they squirm a lot. They all stood there as I slipped this leader their nose and head. 

All of them EXCEPT Walter LOVE TO WALK !!! Walther has no interest in walking, never has and plops his 55 pound butt on the floor and doesn't budge while telling me "get this stupid collar/harness and leash off of me".

Henry and Watson got about a 1/2 mile in and Ava a little over 1/4 mile. Walter got 0 of a mile walking in.

The second thing on my list was a ball bigger than a tennis ball or baseball so Watson would not accidentally swallow it. On either of those size of balls, his mouth would make each ball disappear completing inside his mouth when we played fetch.

Well this one solves that problem. Too big to swallow, hard rubber so they can all chew on it but just enough flex where they can pick the ball up, get a good grip and carry it with them as they trot back to me. You will see below that Henry, Watson and Ava all like the new ball.

Let me split from the new lead, the new ball and the other three to show you how history was made today. Notice Walter's tongue is out as he laps up some cold water. I don't add the water to the bowl until I feel it is cold running over my hand. 

I will have to go back and look through 1000's of photos of Walter to confirm if history was really made today but today was the FIRST TIME I have ever seen him drink water from the outside water bowl ... ever ... and in any location.

Normally only filtered water inside bowl on the mudroom floor, otherwise he would die of thirst before he drank water from anywhere else.

Not today though ... he must have been really thirsty.

From this photo on you will see how they spent their Sunday afternoon ... IF they were not inside sleeping. After their walks this morning, rest seems to be at a premium throughout the day.

Mexican Central Bank put out numbers this past February where billions of dollars, BILLIONS, were sent back to families in Mexico in 2023. The average amount sent was $367. I know it is illegal to hire illegal aliens to work but it happens, laws mean nothing when it comes to making a profit for some companies. I also know that not all the sent money back was just illegals but also included US legal citizens and those with a work permit.

My question is, with Social Security going broke and not enough tax revenue since over 1 million US citizens are out of the workforce ....

Are federal tax and social security taxes WITHHELD from their checks to add to the coffers of the government? Especially those that are hired against the laws of hiring illegals. How many of those workers are paid in cash, non-taxable income for the worker with cheap labor, no health insurance payment or no company payment into social security by those companies that hire illegal aliens. 

Billions of dollars being sent out of the country amounts to a lot of taxes and social security withholdings ... that are missed. It would be interesting to see a percentage of those billions of dollars sent to Mexica by illegal workers. Anybody know what that percent that is?

The weather is absolutely perfect this week and coming weeks here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.


  1. That is a great leash - bought one for my dog a couple of months ago - he hurt his rear leg so I had to take him out in the yard on a leash to keep him from running. So much easier putting this leash on rather than a collar and clip on leash. They all seem to be enjoying the new ball - Watson looks funny carrying it around. Thanks for the great pictures. Linda in Buckeye

    1. It is such a small difference compared to a collar and clipping on a leash but so much easier like you said. Ava slept with that ball last night. She had taken about every bone and ball outside but brought that new one back in.

  2. I was very interested in the new JW ball you got at Rural King. Googled it and saw an aqua one in a football shape sold on I know you love the game.! Anyway, it came in 4 sizes including Large for $13. They had a quick video and it looked really big in the guys hands. Just an idea for variety. I guess you can tuck treats inside too but afraid that would just frustrate a dog/hound & make them chew it up more.? Anyway, always enjoy your blog - whether you're doing repairs on an old class C (10 - 12 yrs ago) , driving the gang to Rifle, CO (6 - 8 yrs ago) , changing houses & vehicles , and of course all the beautiful photos of your dogs/hounds. Keep it up.!

    1. WOW, you have been a reader for quite a while. Ah the old Class C ... flat inner rear tire while sitting in the snow. Broken oil line soon after purchase. Sold as soon as the good weather arrived. LOL

      I thought about one of those footballs and had one in my hand but I liked the harder thicker rubber one. Watson can destroy stuff in less than an hour if it is not sturdy and strong. I do love the game and as of tonight 19 days until college football starts. :)

  3. What a great new ball for the gang and looks like it might be harder to destroy. Love how Ava took it to bed with her, wanting to protect it from the others. Like the leash idea a lot, always a challenge to get a collar and leash on them with their shaking and moving around. Always enjoy your posts as so many times they bring back warm memories of our Labs.

    1. I too have a lot of memories of all the hounds I have had in the past. Usually looking through my photos library brings those back, then I will click on a post from the archives on the sidebar to see those hounds. I am not sure I could ever live without a dog/hounds.
