August 18, 2024

Today Was Deletion Day


It's been an interesting afternoon I guess. Weeks of thinking came to a decision point and things started getting deleted. Because of doing that, a LOT of BS should move out of my life. There is a point in time you just get tired of all the BS and it's time to clean out things.

I see it's been a while since our last post. I'll blame that on hot weather and lack of motivation to do any blogging. The hounds and the dogs were about as motivated as I was during that time also.

The growth on Henry's tail has remains the same size. He shows no signs of it being painful. He will go to my regular vet on August 26th for a second opinion.

Walter is slowly returning to his old self after Ava arrived last April. It has been quite awhile since he came out, jumped up on the couch to either sit with me or take a nap. That has been happening and more lately.

I guess the BIG NEWS happened a week or so ago, during the last day the hounds and dogs took a walk. I walk them individually. Each knows when I call their name to come into the garage what is going to happen. Each of them also seems to know the order they will go in.

Well the other day as I was calling Watson's name, me standing in the doorway ready to block any hound or dog that tries to join when they are not suppose to .... Walter sprints ahead of Watson and is down the steps into the garage before I could react. He has done that before but always stayed in the garage while I walked another hound.

That day I decided to do a little test for him. As Watson and I walked out the side door of the garage, Walter lead the way with no collar and no leash on. I decided Walter could walk along side us without any restraints since he will go outside with me when I go get mail. As I cross the street he will sit in the driveway watching me. Plus the times he walks around the yard with me he always comes when I call him.

It was a success ... Walter completed his first walk ever ... although it was a short one due to the humidity.

The decisions to delete some things were not made in hast. There was a lot of analysis and thinking going on for the past month really. Usually when "it hits you", it is time to pull the plug. But before I did that I needed to finalize my thought process with some patio time outside and big glass of ice tea.

It was so weird today. No rain in the forecast and in fact the Apple Weather app for my area said no kind of precipitation for the next 10 days. I didn't take a photo because I was in shock as I stood at the living room windows watching a downpour of rain. The rain was hard and straight down. Good for the yard.

With the temperature getting down to 80° it was nice to spend some time outside. It also felt like the humidity had disappeared too but it was lingering in the background. All of these photos were taken this afternoon and as you see the hounds and dogs are pretty lazy. Not a lot of movement.

Any yard repair with added topsoil and grass seed will take place this fall as usual. 

It looks like Fall is near.

I still wonder where that limb that twisted off after it was cut off the two large cables went.

What did "Deletion Day" consist of ....

I reactivated my Directv account July 14th but barely watched it. I found out early this summer I enjoy listening to the Reds games and some IU games on the radio instead of watching the game on tv. Plus with $40 in monthly discounts I still found $121.04 just too much for tv since I have a wall antenna pulling in the network channels in HD quality and GoogleTV that was preloaded in my Sony television that also provides a lot of free movies etc. I have never been a tv watcher, just a movies and ballgames watcher. This account was moved to what they use to call vacation mode but now is called "voluntary suspension" mode. And ... they didn't care. They didn't try to sell me a different package or ask why.

The next two might surprise you.

Last year I reactivated this next account. That was in January or February. I had deleted it for 10 months before that, then felt I was missing out on information that I like to follow plus anymore it might be the biggest way of staying in touch with old friends and a few family members.

Facebook listed the steps to follow to delete or deactivate my account. None of them worked. But with a little digging and looking behind the curtain I found out how to delete my account. Unlike Directv, they tried talking me into staying with multiple tabs and windows but I just kept clicking "continue" until I got to the final "delete button.

I could have deactivated it instead but no need for that. I see I have 30 days to make sure before they pull the plug on my account permanently. 

Honestly there were more than a few reasons I did that and I am glad I did.

More bread by the nephew Friday night. I told him I had a new block of Kerrygold butter and I would be glad to see him Saturday morning in my kitchen with at least one of those loaves. He did not take me up on my offer but did laugh. It looks like he is getting his bread making technique down pretty well.

The 3rd and final app I deleted today from ALL my devices, including their bookmarks on my Favorites bar on my iMac and the Home Screen on my iPhone and iPads .... X (twitter).

It was announced last week that X was the #1 source for news by a wide margin of viewership. I joined years ago because it was something new and I found it easy to keep up with my sports teams, etc. I liked it when Musk bought it and cleaned house. But recently I couldn't even run away and hide from the overload of political tweets and information. It was getting worse by the day.

I "followed" a friend from IU and all my sports teams so theoretically I should not see anything on my list of tweets to read except sports .... 

Well by the day, politics was just pounding my account even when I would look at the link "you follow", which use to be only tweets from those people or groups you follow. The link "for you" was for everything that X thought/thinks you would be interested in.

It was very easy to delete that account but like Facebook I will have 30 days to make sure I want to do that before they pull the plug on my account permanently. I will NOT change my mind about any of these 3 accounts.

I used a small vacuum attachment today called Pet TurboEraser. Normally used on my couch and chairs but today I was curious and was aware I might see stuff in my vacuum canister that I didn't want to see.

I used that high speed attachment on my mattress. That is all I will say about that.

So that is about it for this week at least. Cooler weather is on the way which is nice. Walks will start again tomorrow morning and I should have a lot more time to do things I want to do instead of reading internet crap. The big thing is mentally ... "out of sight out of mind" makes a much cleaner thought process and attitude.

Life should smooth out a little from now on here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.


  1. As I have said before, I pulled the plug on Directv account several years ago. Went with Spectrum for internet and as antenna viewing is not possible in my area, I have a Roku box and it works out fine. Regarding FB, I have limited pages I follow, mostly local pages to keep up with weather, road work, closures, local happenings, etc. Have never been on Twitter/X. I do not feel like I am doing without.

    Loved the update on Walter and especially his taking a walk today. Something seems to have changed with him since Ava's arrival. The other pups look as pooped as I do with the warm weather, though today is a little cooler.

    1. With the recent tv contracts with different college conferences I can get most of my games on the 4 network channels.I can buy the BTN for $10 per month to see the IU games that are not on the other network channels. My $32 wall antenna I bought last year really works out well, unless it is storming. I have local papers that I follow and I will still get texts from my utility company when power is out and the county if bad weather is on the way. I'm set I think.

  2. Like you I have reduced the electronic input {a lot of misinformation] & found that life is a lot more enjoyable.The pooches look great & are certainly enjoying their "family".Given all the weather events you're experiencing you might consider a generator or lithium power station to power your electronics, fridge ,etc.Enjoy seeing the evolution of the animals ;all the best.

    1. Well early this morning over coffee was my first big test to see if I missed those two websites. I didn't. It is surprising to me at times that three different breeds and three of them being male (fixed) get along as well as they do. Ava has fit into the crew pretty easy and fast. I've thought about a generator. ALL of my nearby neighbors have generators. Thanks

    2. I have a Generac full house 13,000kw generator and worth every penny. Sunday morning the power went out at 4 AM, generator kicked right on and ran until power was restored at 8 AM. Once a year, the oil is changed and battery check. It automatically goes on once a week and runs 15 minutes to keep the battery charged. Sometimes in winter the power can be out for a couple of days or more. A really good investment for me.

    3. I'll check that unit out. Thanks

  3. I don't know what I would do with all the time I would have if I got off Facebook. I would like to get rid of Directv but one of the boxes works in my motorhome. It's a lot of money to just have satellite tv one weekend a month but I like to be able to get the weather. I would have to get a newer TV to be able to stream programs.

    1. In the short time I have been off Facebook, what a day or two? I do have a lot of time available. One thing I notice I miss, it was the groups and pages I followed. Some photographers, pages about my basset hound breeder, sports, the new highway redesign that is going on here. I'll see what happens today. As far as Directv ... a couple of network stations I use with the small wall antenna do pixilate too much for me. By the time I pay for the apps to see the sports channels I watch for games, I am already about half way to what I pay for Directv, a reason I cannot pull the plug completely. Couldn't you keep track of the weather with an app on your phone?

  4. I have an actual standing computer my son built hooked to my tv with a wireless keyboard. I use NOAA or accuweather for checking on the weather. Accuweather has better radar although behind by 5 minutes. YT is my usual go to for watching stuff. They seem to be the only site with captions that helps with my bad hearing or low sound videos or foreign accents. Never had fakebook or twitter, so never missed it. When my box antenna died, then my rabbit ears (lol) I gave up on the free, lying msm channels. Only really missed Grit with the old westerns, but can find them somewhere online.
    I wonder if Walter didn't like the estrogen you added to the testosterone pack? I guess he figured she's not gonna leave, better get over it.

  5. I could get the weather on my phone. If I'm in the middle of nowhere at a state park and can get a satellite signal I have something to watch. I keep up with my camping groups on Facebook.
