August 06, 2024

Too Hot To Blog

I just wanted to let you all know it has been just too hot from the time we get up in the morning until now, around 6:30 to take any photos. It is so hot that the hounds and dogs go out for cold water in the shade just long enough to drink and then sprint back to the patio door.

Or they go outside just long enough to do what they need to do and run back to the open patio door as I stand there.

I see starting tomorrow we are going back to normal highs and lows in temperatures, about a 10° difference, or cooler ... so hopefully a lot of photos and maybe some rambling starting tomorrow.. 

It "feels like" 96° at 6:38pm CT here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.

Could be my all-time record for the shortest post ever.


  1. We had storms this morning and it cooled down. Finally could turn the A/C off.
    Hope your weather gets better tomorrow !

    1. it will be back in the 60s at night with the windows open and highs in the mid 80s for a few days and then down to the 70s.
