August 23, 2024

I May Ruffle Feathers Today

I am talking off topic today. Long and Rambling Nothing about yard work where we need rain badly and nothing in the forecast for weeks. Nothing about hounds or dogs besides Ava is growing and Henry's growth on his tail is not growing. We go to the vet on Monday to get a second opinion. What I may talk about may ruffle feathers and my policy always has been when I write that way ... I don't care.

EVERY trip to Costco ends with their $1.50 hotdog and a soda. I had eaten about a 1/4 of that by the time I took the photo. It's the best deal in the world and the price has never gone up that I can remember. I have been following the Costco routine since 1997.

You wanna see a picture of inflation? There it is. Now there is a loaf of sourdough bread up by the cart handle to the right but that only cost me $4.25. The packages of chicken are folded in half so I have 6 of those packages of thighs where each package will be more than one meal. Two 20oz jars of Rao pasta sauce, the spinach ravioli and the five cheese tortelloni, their smallest jar of Magnesium and a hidden jar of Mayo with Avocado Oil ... no snacks, no clothes, no Apple stuff ... just what you see.


To add to my inflation rant (I haven't got started yet, just wait), the cost of real butter jumped over 66% in two weeks at WallyWorld. I was even willing to buy their brand name Great Value Butter, but there wasn't any savings there. I don't want to pay almost $6 for a pound of real butter. I don't !!!

So yesterday I thought about going back to Country Crock Margarine (last eaten over 25 years ago) but as soon as I see the ingredients to that smooth, soft and easy spreading margarine I don't want to buy that either. Although the large container is over $2 less than a pound of real butter.

For those that don't know, there's your margarine. People wonder why the USA, especially my town, is full of fat, overweight and unhealthy people. Once again the government lied to the American people about what food to eat back in the 1950s to 1970s, all for profit for their favorite corporations.

The only things that keep me from being on the full blown carnivore diet (way of eating) is that I like steamed asparagus with my steak or salmon, I like a salad at lunch and I alternate breakfasts with eggs one day, oatmeal another. Plus I am a fruit eater.

My bloodwork at 72 years old always has the NP telling me she can't believe it and to keep doing what I am doing.

The WHO organization can kiss my ass. The New World Order can kiss my ass. The Democratic Party and current administration can kiss my ass. Where do I start this rant ???

The WHO tells the world that Monkey Pox is heading our way and it's spreading fast. Get your shots!!! Screw shots. I am unvaccinated, always will be and have never had COVID. The FDA yesterday announced they had approved the newest booster for another new strain of COVID on the horizon ... so the scare tactic is back, just like 2020 ... an election year.

I have never had COVID. My friends up the street both with college degrees in Chemistry and Biology, he is a retired dentist and she retired from working at the biggest hospital in the city, have always taken the shots and boosters for COVID. They believe all the science because that is what they studied and worked in. Each of them has had COVID at least 3 times, I lost count after 3 times.

One time I knock on the door for our normal 2-3 hour discussions about life in general and what our plan is to survive. They have never pressured me with questions about not getting vaccines but like I told her one time "I don't even get the annual flu shots, never have and never will".

Well one particular time as she opens the door "you may not want to come in today because I am coming down with something". I walked in and said thanks for letting me know but I will be fine. She handed me a cup of coffee and the three of us sat and talked at a kitchen table for hours.

Two days later she let me know she had tested positive for COVID and to be on the lookout for any thing I might be feeling.

I never got sick.

Walter continues to be his old self and is now joining me nightly on the couch as I watch a movie or documentary.

I am not into and never have been into the New World Order. I don't need them to tell me what I own or don't own nor what I can or cannot eat. If I wanted to live in a commune and help the world or even others by sharing my assets I would have stayed a hippie in the early 1970s. I do believe in world trade but I don't believe in shoving democracy down people's throats in other countries, then starting a war if they don't accept. Never have. I also don't believe that rich people need to pass their money and assets to the people that don't work, expect a free hand out and government support.

When I see a photo of Bill Gates with Soros and the other German World Order expert I can only think of one thing ... Epstein Island. I guess Bill liked to vacation down there.

After 250 years, how could a country like ours be in the situation we are in now ... with really nobody worth a **** to run for the Presidency of the USA. I mean if you draw a line though both that are running and come up with a list of potential suspects ... it's hard to do for either party.

Yet a Democracy government has never lasted longer than 200 years.

My friends up the street and I tried last year to come up with a list on both sides for President and then we would tear down each person we had listed by what the three of us knew about them. One or two were left after our discussion.

I cannot get my mind wrapped around living under socialist control. I know or think that most of Canada is socialist but I have not been up there in years since moving from the Seattle area. I do know I am not a fan of their president, prime minister or whatever they call him. Nor would I care for their medical program. Vancouver use to be one of my favorite weekend spots. When I think of socialist I think of Venezuela ... once the richest country in the world with their oil supply and now chaos and poor.

There is a Venezuelan population growing here in Evansville. From the few I have heard and read about, all have come here legally but after three years are still spending thousands of dollars and tons of paperwork to become a US Citizen. The amounts of money I hear are amazing. But back to socialism.

Obama, Harris, Clinton and Walz are all socialist. Harris was brought up in that environment because her dad was a professor at Stanford teaching socialism. Obama and Hillary were big fans of Saul Alinsky in their college years. He was out of Chicago and is noted for "The 8 ways to topple a government" ... Obama started it, it is still going on and IMO Harris will finish it if elected in November.

Walz is just Walz, a strange individual that loves China. Football coach my ass. I grew up with a high school basketball coach and he is in no way a high school football coach. I read later he was a 9th grade football coach but who knows .... he tends to lie a lot so it is hard to tell what is true and what isn't. I think he also is a quiet lean to a pedo side of things. Others feel the same way, that were students of his.

It is feeling a lot like 2016 to me. All the polls show Harris unbelievably leading Trump but polls are meant for one thing and one thing only. Their ONLY purpose is TO SWAY public opinion and their numbers will be skewed to do that.

I have had some polls sent to me to vote between Trump, RFK Jr and Harris. After I click on who I would vote for, it shows a percentage scale on how many voted for each. I will be honest with you when I say this. EVERY time I do one of those polls and seen the results ... RFK Jr is always round 4% but it is a landslide for Trump ... 70's or 80s percentages to the 20's or high teens percentages for Harris.

There is just no way she is even close to him in this election. 

I have been called a conspiracy theorist but I deal in facts, always have. I do think the election in 2020 was  manipulated. Just too many computer data people confirmed the dominion machines did what they did on purpose. Or people that were caught loading more ballots into those machines then there were registered voters in those states. The list goes on and on ....

So in 2024 that is the only way Harris can win. I have thought how that would affect my daily life, etc. I have thought of options with the hounds and dogs ALWAYS a part of those analysis and thoughts. It is confusing and I still shake my head at times wondering how did we as a country get to this point.

Yet ... gas was down to $3.10 for regular on Wednesday and it's not even November yet. I feel pretty confident it will get down to $2.75 by Election Day. 

Sometimes Watson likes to join me on the couch but he is different than the others. As he sits as close as he can get, he likes to lean his 135 pounds back into me while I rub his chest.

I forgot to tell you that I have always believed there is a Deep State in DC ... you would have to be blind not to see it. I always believed and believe now that Obama's shadow government is running the show. He is also gay, queer, a faggot .... whatever you choose to say. You may not find anything in internet searches for Larry Sinclair from Chicago but he was a close friend of Barry's. Also Valerie Jarrett is a name that is key in his shadow government. 

Sierra Vista Live had videos yesterday from the time Trump landed at the joint/shared airport north of town. The city and Ft Huachuca Army base shares that airport. His motorcade would have driven within blocks of my old house out there, passing through the intersection by the mall, one that I crossed every time I went bike riding to get on the bike path and head south. He spoke down next to the wall near the Coronado NP and on the nice road that runs next to the new wall ... where we use to ride our gravel bike there.

A gravel bike is like a road bike with bigger tires than a road bike but smaller tires than a mountain bike.

Trump spoke in this area. I took this photo in January of 2020. Yesterday all that steel was still there. Biden stopped the building of the wall as you see it was heading over the Huachuca Mountains.

He would have been a few miles south of this sign. That road would lead you to the visitor center, up over the mountain on Montezuma Pass and then the gravel road to Parker Canyon Lake, always patrolled by the Border Patrol. In fact an agent took this photo of me standing next to the sign.

I have NOT watched any of the DNC Convention and never planned to. I want nothing to do with those people. Zip, nada. How some of you readers can agree with what they say, and will vote for them is unbelievable to me. I have to ask, what will they do for you? What? What will this country turn into? Do you hate Trump that much to have your country go to shit by voting for them?

Feel free to leave comments on what the Harris Walz administration, run by Obama ... will do for you.

I had a strange thing last night at the house.

I am watching tv in the back of the house, the great room, where you see all the indoor hounds and dogs photos. I get up to walk to the bathroom and my living room is lit up with car headlights with a car parked in my driveway. I wasn't expecting visitors because I rarely if ever have visitors. Yet the hounds were not at the window barking like the do sometimes.

I continued on to the bathroom as my bladder was more important than that strange car at that time. I came back and see that car has backed out of my driveway and is parked blocking my driveway facing south with its headlights still on. I thought possibly it was a friend of the neighbors across the street and didn't think anything of it. ... until ....

My neighbor opens his garage door and their light automatically turns on. He is only walking out to this truck in the driveway to get something out of it. The car moves up to in front of my house and stops, headlights still on because they think the neighbor might be pulling out of their driveway.

Well as Jason opens his truck door for some reason the white lights in back by the brake lights turn on as if his truck was in reverse. At that time the car extremely slowl moves slightly toward the end of my yard and stops.

I stood there watching all of this looking outside my large living room windows. As the garage door closes across the street the car moving slower than a walk, stops in front of my neighbors house for just a few seconds and then at that same crawling speed drives up the street and out of the neighborhood.

Is that strange or what? Any ideas what they may have been doing especially since they were parked in my driveway with their lights on facing my garage doors?

Now I will say, I live most of my life at the back of the house. Those times I have come home late at night it looks like the house is dark and empty even with the table lamp on in the great room. With my car always parked in the garage it would look like nobody was home.

My friend asked me if I had a security camera mounted in the front of my house somewhere. I don't.

I told her this was my security camera.

Ava is a pretty good watch dog. She let me know at 6:15am this morning that people were out in the street parking for the yard sale two houses away from mine. Yet last night she was not interested in the parked car with their headlights on.

I DID lose my train of thought writing all of this. So it may not be in a smooth sequence. I will say this though before I leave. IMO our country will never be the same as it use to be. I like technology but I hate what is happening in society. I don't expect the country to ever get along with each other because in 250 years it never has. 

I fear what will happen if Harris is elected giving the Deep State 4 more years of control. I am sadden by what it will be like for those friends of mine that have kids in their 30s that have young kids. I have never seen changes like this even in the destructive 1960s growing up.

The hounds and dogs will enjoy our last day of cool weather as it will not get into the 90s until tomorrow. I am going to burn more weeds in the flowerbeds with my new Lincoln Electric Inferno Torch ... a video showed me the weeds never come back after that treatment.

I am going to fill in the low spot where the tree was in the front yard with topsoil and plant new seed under some straw. The hounds and dogs will go for their walks. I mowed on Wednesday so there is no need to mow for the weekend. I'd like to go for a bike ride, the urge is slowly coming back. Maybe a short ride on the city bike path.

Just like the internet said it would, my bone contusion healed in 2 months. No swelling but it still has a little dark blue bruise type color. 

I DID go back to Facebook. I found out that I follow a lot of good information there that are not people's posts. For example, my sports teams, dog shelters, horse rescue, history of Arizona and Indiana, photography of Arizona and Indiana landscapes, Truckin' with Bassets, some good info at times on their videos they send you, Henry's breeder Out West Bassets, or Heidi and Max's ex home The Guardian Angel Basset Rescue, Sierra Vista Live the only place that shows what is really doing on down at the border and in Sierra Vista, etc.

There is a lot more to say ... but I am tired of typing this morning. Have a great weekend.

Beautiful weather here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.


  1. l wish your political comments were wrong. Your security camera fits me very well.

    1. Thanks Barney. I wish their were wrong too.

  2. Why do you think republicans are so focused on taking away women's reproductive rights?

    1. From all I know and I haven't followed much but they wanted to give the decisions back to the states and not the federal government. Why do democrats want to abort a baby all the way up to the point of it being born? If my hear stops, they declare I am dead. Wouldn't life be started once there is a heartbeat in the womb?

  3. I have to say that I agree with your comments. I am older than you by probably 10 years or so and never in my lifetime have I seen our country in such disarray. This is not the country I grew up in, nor is it the country I raised my children in. I constantly think of how my grandchildren and great grandson are going to survive if something doesn't change fast.

    I too, did not watch coverage of DNC. Sounds like it was all smoke "n mirrors and a chance for "celebrities" to express their opinions, though they do not remotely live in the world you and I do.

    I see comments on many articles that I read on-line and the main issues for the average American citizen are: the illegals taking over our country, food prices, gas prices, inflation. Here in my area gas prices are in the mid-four dollar range, the lowest in several years. Until the recent drops, I was paying 5.6999 for a gallon. I have really curtailed my driving over the last few years.

    Regarding the car in the driveway last night, living where I do, I leave some lights on outside until dawn and always a light on (25 watts) in my living area that can be seen from the street at night - maybe you should leave a light on in your living room with the windows. Just feel I have a little protection that way. Best of all, the Captain of our Sheriff's Department is only three houses away and I have his cell number. Good blog post!

    1. I like your idea of a light on in the living area. I'll check but I don't have a 25 watts but I have a "soft" 40 watts. I could put that in one of my lamps in the living room. Thanks, I was in a rambling mood this morning. Ha.

  4. I have those neon night lights on in my trailer 24=7 as safety lighting for everything that I might need it for at anytime. I can hit a target better with it illuminated gently.

    1. I just remember a short time ago that my ceiling fan in the living room has two lights, one dim and one dimmer ... I think I may have found found what I needed. If the hounds and dogs would have been barking last night at the car in the driveway I would feel okay without a light. But I have trained them so well I guess Ha .. they didn't make a sound.

  5. AS the old saying goes, you hit the nail on the head. Vern

  6. I won't get into the politics - but, I homed in on the sourdough bread. Lol.! I know you try to maintain low carb (as do I ) - but, if you ever decide to go on a bender.? I believe you have a Great Harvest Bread Co. in Evansville. There are none near me in Dayton - but, OMG - how I loved the one in Albuquerque. They have certain breads available every day - & also rotating list of special breads on different days of the week. They would give you a big slice of warm bread Free - and they had lots of free butter & honey to help yourself. My favorite bread was their sunflower & multiple dessert breads. So I bet you never thought you would get a response like this to your rant.? Lol. It's funny how our minds get triggered - wish I could drive the 100 miles to my nearest Great Harvest or of course get back to Albuquerque for a visit.

    1. I did not know that place had reopened. My friend showed me that place when I first moved here and the owner told us he was closing the store to retire as they had worked non stop since the pandemic and could not find people to hire. But just on on Google Maps it shows that it is open today until 2pm. I know exactly where that is located. Just down the street from Toyota but I am pretty set on the car I have now.

      Thanks, I will be checking them out Monday on my way back from Henry's vet appointment. They are listed as Pet Friendly. Probably have new owners. NO I did not expect an answer like this in my rant.

  7. Deep state (manipulation and control of government policy) was around long before Obama…probably goes back to Eisenhower and was definitely in full force around the JFK assassination. You might find Daniel LIszt an interesting person to listen to regarding this subject. He has a YouTube channel called “Dark Journalist.” He’s very low-key and usually does a Friday night talk with a Q&A. The show often gets into the backstory of current issues you’d never hear about in mainstream media and might even be considered a little far out. Last night’s show was mainly about RFK Jr and Trump.

    I only know of one interview with Daniel regarding his background. It’s on a podcast called Forum Borealis and discusses: “What is the deep state? What is dark journalism? How is the corporate mainstream media corrupted and how does the information blockage work? Who are the controllers? Today we are joined by Daniel Liszt, who accounts for the condition of the independent media vs misinformation & disinformation. He unveils the third force of censorship, Intel influences, & junk conspiracy, tracking down the patterns & discussing what's going on behind the scenes. And we learn how Dan got involved in all of this…”

    Not a fan of Harris either…even if she was the best candidate, I don’t like the way the DNC just plopped her right in and there was no open process. No one voted for her… Also, not happy with the way the DNC is obstructing any kind of independent competition from other potential candidates.

    1. Thanks for all that information on Mr Llszt. I will look and bookmark all of that. I wanted to see all the Democratic potentials in a debate. What was it 20 of them 4 years ago? I don't trust Hailey but I like RFK Jr ... the wildness will never stop no matter who wins in November. Well looks like I have some stuff to listen to, although I have never been a big podcast listener even with my sports teams.

  8. Didn't mean to double post...wasn't sure if post was accepted/approved...Bethers

    1. I saw the double post in the list of messages where I approve them. Not a problem.
