August 04, 2024

Lazy Days

Days after the tree was cut up and the backyard was cleaned up with most of the tree limbs put back on the berm, it couldn't stop raining. It would be hot and sunny, small if any chance of rain then unexpectedly it would be a downpour. Luckily on Thursday I was able to get the lawn mowed. For some reason I have now fallen back into being non-motivated. Nothing I try seems to interest me for long.

I have stood at that fence and have stared at the tree that broke in half then later was hanging after they cut and then pulled what was left of the tree trunk off the internet cables. I cannot see where the tree trunk fell, anywhere. But it's not there either It would have been maybe 10' long. 

My new plan will start after all the leaves have fallen in November. I will have someone bush hog that berm and then I will cut every small tree no matter how tall it is. It has been almost 16 years since I have personally dropped tall small trees. That was after my straight-line wind damage in 2008 at the house I lived in up north. I am pretty good at making them fall in the direction they are suppose to.

I will also get estimates for doing all that work, instead of my labor.

This was very early the other morning, after they had eaten breakfast. Ava and Henry like to explore the yard together after they eat. By that time Walter is snoring again in the computer room and Watson is sleeping behind my desk chair or out in the hallway, depending on how hot it is ... but these two like to play.

Ava is about to get a good yank on Henry's ear.

I have to say again, Ava is a very very good puppy. Sure, she knocked over my plants and tried eating them. She has chewed some things she shouldn't have but one thing is consistent. I told her at the time she couldn't chew on those things she did and would hand one of her bones to her. She has NEVER chewed on what she wasn't suppose to after I told her no.

She knows where the bones are and she will hide some of them in her crate. She has some hidden under blankets next to the dog bed. Her chewing these bones are usually the sound I wake up to since she is still waking up much earlier than the rest of us.

Believe it or not ... Walter does go outside. He does run outside. Yesterday he spent a lot of time by himself outside sleeping under the hot sunshine on the deck. I closed the patio door so the others would not bother him. 

Once Henry is finished playing in the mornings, it is back to some solid sleep in the computer room.

She has chewed on that bone more than any other hound or dog I have. I think I bought that when Watson was a puppy in 2021. 

Sorry for the lack of photos and content. You can see we are all pretty relaxed the past few days.

It was a nice sunny quiet Sunday here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.


  1. I like seeing Ava & Henry play together - interesting how their friendship has developed. You have a great foursome and each has their own unique personality. Always enjoy your blog - take care.

    1. Thank you. It is kind of interesting that 4 different breeds, only 2 are similar, get along and that is with 3 luckily neutered males in the group.
