Life in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana, the high desert of the southwest and back to 'the tropics' with the hounds and dogs.
September 18, 2023
The Hounds Explore
September 10, 2023
Nothing But Photos
A Saturday full of football and a couple of games on Sunday ... a lazy weekend as you can see. Only photos today ... things are good though.
September 05, 2023
More Yard Work
Labor Day Weekend 2023 was basically uneventful, otherwise normal for me. I did not watch as many college football games as I have in the past due to lack of interest. Yet, the hounds, dog and I seemed to have managed without much happening. Yes, Watson does spend a lot of time sleeping sitting up. It's just like the picture the breeder sent me of his mother sleeping sitting up in the passenger seat of his pickup truck before I bought Watson as a puppy.
September 01, 2023
A Hounds & Dog Day Afternoon
August 31, 2023
The Motivation Continues
It was something I wanted to do last fall, but I got busy doing some painting inside and outside. Then spring rolled around but it was always wet and never really hot enough to pull out the pressure washer and clean the patio deck. Wednesday was the perfect day for that. Temperatures never got into the 80s, a slight wind from the NNE at 17 mph and bright sunshine to help dry things out.
August 30, 2023
More Discussion About Everything
For the forth time I will try to grow another one. Originally I brought one with me in that pot from Arizona. That one never survived the winter inside. Lowes stocks them on a regular basis so I bought a couple more over the past 27 months. They have all died different ways. Did I give this one too much water? Or is there something in the soil that is killing them?
August 29, 2023
A Lot Going On
After a second day in a row of working outside in flowerbeds and the "rock patio", I am sitting here with 20oz of ice cold water in front of me, a bunch of photos and some thoughts running around my head. I guess my "water break" has turned into calling it a day, and instead of going to another thing on the "to do" list, I will blog instead. Grab something to drink and prepare to read, a lot of news in this blog post. Some would call it rambling or in some cases ... total craziness.
August 18, 2023
Is Summer Over ??
I was going to write just a paragraph and list all the photos of the hounds but there were too many 'topics' just to do that. Now I see after loading all the photos into the blog at once like I always do, they are in reverse order than what I wanted. So, here we go with a little commentary below the photos.
July 22, 2023
A Lot Of Surprises This Week
It did not seem like it at the time but sitting here on a Saturday night a little after 7pm local time, there were a few surprises this week. One surprise is I am writing a LONG blog post with a MILLION PHOTOS. I am also going to try an experiment loading the photos because I want to insert tonight's hounds activity in between some of the ones I have loaded early ... I have just decided the hound photos will be after these next few photos. I say hounds because Walter is not pictured but one time and I will explain why in tonight's post.
July 15, 2023
Doctors & Doctor's Advice (Ranting)
This will be a LONG post. Grab something to drink.
Saturday morning after writing and posting this around 2:18am last night, I added two links of reference at the bottom of the post. There are many more links I could post but just too many links to add here. These two will help those that are interested though. Thanks for stopping buy.
No photos with this blog post, just straight out late night (after midnight --- finished at 2:18am) rambling. A cord was struck within my brain a few minutes ago when I saw someone mention "doctors advice" .... see lately I have found a group of people in my age group 65 - 71 that have talked about NOT following their doctors advice after doing it for 30 some years. I found them on Twitter because Twitter thought I might be interested and fed me their tweets ... if that makes any sense.
Person after person "testifies" how they were unhealthy for years with things like obesity, diabetic type II, heart issues ... the normal stuff. Their doctors had kept them on meds for decades ... not years ... decades. They ate the USA Recommended Diets, the Triangle of foods. They claim they never got better, never felt better all those years UNTIL they went off on their own path and basically said "screw it, Im tired feeling this way".