July 07, 2021

A Temporary Fence Installed

I knew before I decided to buy the house from 1700 miles away and only looking at an online sales ad, plus some photos of the house I had found through internet searching back in April 2021, that I would have to install a fence. I did not know what kind or how much of the backyard to fence but I knew eventually I would need one. A temporary fence was not in the plans since my "tether system" was working like I expected it to. Walter ran free supervising Henry and Watson. I would have to untangle the two tethers but that wasn't a big deal. Yet, after living here almost 40 days things had changed and I needed a temporary fence installed fast.

July 04, 2021

Bombs Away

We heard some fireworks last weekend that gave me an idea that last night and most likely tonight was going to be huge. I wasn't wrong. I was on the couch watching a movie when the sky lit up outside above the field. The fireworks were so big you could have swore we were downtown watching what the city will put on tonight over the Ohio River. I put the movie on pause and walked out to the corner of the yard for a better view. These were city quality fireworks being launched into the sky. The hounds and the dog stayed inside sound to sleep.

July 02, 2021

Henry & Walter Back To Normal

Maybe it was the weather because we woke up to 61°, windows open and a cold breeze through the house. Most likely the little "flu bug" the older ones had has passed. For the first time in days Henry ate all of his breakfast and had his tail high and wagging when he finished. Walter tried to jump up as high as possible to get on my lap as I sat in my desk chair. He never makes up on my lap but he likes to start his day with a standing stretch. Watson was just normal after growing over night. He cannot figure out why his legs are getting so long. Once in the yard they were all quite active.

July 01, 2021

A Day Of Rain

Sometimes the weather forecast is right and it was today. Looking at the "hourly" and it showed percentages 80 and above, with a few at 100. It arrived a little later than planned so the hounds and the dog were able to get outside for some quick relief this morning. I see some photos on Facebook from friends out in Sierra Vista that the monsoon is here but so far I see photos of clouds but hear nothing about it raining. They need the rain a lot worse than we do here.

June 30, 2021

Afternoon Cancelled By Rain

You would not believe this if I told you but I will any way because it's true. A little after 4am I am woken up by the sound of the metal crate door swinging open. The room is dark as is the hallway until I flipped the lights switch. By the time I am at the hallway, Watson is halfway to the kitchen. I chase him, turning lights on behind him. I slide the patio door open and he runs, jumps off the deck into the yard and pees.

June 29, 2021

Henry Is One Year Old Today

It is hard to believe a year has passed already. Last year I received an email from the breeder telling me I had made cut to choose a puppy. Before we knew the size of the litter, I didn't know if I would have a pick last summer. Well Henry had nine siblings and I was number five in line. I knew by his two week old photo he was the one I wanted. I would not know until weeks later if I was going to luck out or not. I did as you have seen. He was pretty proud of himself this morning before 6am. It wasn't birds he heard but something in the air he smelled.

June 27, 2021

Walter Springs Into Action

It was a surprise this morning as we stepped outside, the hounds and the dog went into the play mode almost immediately. Walter checked in with me before he sprinted and jumped off the patio deck into the yard. One a side note by 7:02am all three were in the computer room with Walter and Henry sound to sleep with Watson chewing on a pork slab. Of of course overnight, Watson got taller, stronger and more stubborn. Here are the photos from this mornings activities.