June 18, 2014

Sadie The Bloodhound is 6 Years Old Today

My bloodhound is 6 years old today and in a way I am surprised she has lived that long. Why? She will eat anything. At times she has broken into the container of dog food and helped herself to a lot of pounds of dog food, which could lead to bloating. That is a death call in large breeds.

Other than being the most obnoxious hound I have ever had, she also is one with the greatest personality and the funniest. I would have thought by now she would have grown out of some of her puppy habits. She has stopped some of them but on occasion will remind me what she use to do.

She was bought locally at the age of 13 weeks. I didn't pick her at first out of a litter of 8 puppies, but she was going to be a Red and that was what I was wanting instead of a Black and Tan. I took my basset hound who was 4 years old at the time, out to see the litter and Sadie was the only puppy that followed him everywhere he walked. So I changed my pick to her. I found out later from a different breeder, I may have thought that was nice she was following Winston but what that really meant was she was strong in tracking. That trait of a strong tracker is what makes her bored, especially when I use to be away from home during the day. A bored bloodhound will find something to do and in her case it was chewing. Just like the picture.

Now in that picture she is chewing a stick. Her thing is not to eat the stick but chew them off into 1" lengths and spit them out. Similar to one of her past favorite things of breaking into my closet and chewing off just one plastic tip on the shoestring ... per shoe. Should wouldn't chew the shoes, nor both shoestrings ... just one shoestring tip per shoe and spit that out on the floor.

Needless to say as a puppy she was destructive and there was nothing I could lock her out of. I was amazed at what she could get into and with her strong nose, it was amazing the things she could find around the house that I had lost and couldn't find.

She is a great hound though. Always has been a house dog. Kennel trained at first and then slowly migrated to a dog bed on the floor in the bedroom. While in her kennel one day while I was at work, she actually bent the strong black steel rods that I couldn't bend back with a pair of pliers. Her kennel were the ones you see that are black and the largest size. With her jaws had squeezed two of those black rods almost together, trying to break out.

She doesn't like change, of any kind. Don't raise her food or water bowl, they must be on the floor and they must be in the same spots or she will not eat nor drink. She is not aggressive, has never gotten into any dog fights with my other two basset hounds ... but will growl and drink water at the same time if one of the bassets wants to share her water bowl. She and the basset's have their own water bowls.

So at the age of 6 today, June 19, she is still the big old clumsy puppy. Who else could come running for her food, clip the edge of the water bowl with those big paws and see 5 quarts of water and the bowl flipping airborne? LOL

She really has only one bad habit that she still does and it consistently happens when I am in the shower. Some way she can remove two 20# dumbbells that sit on the food container lid at each corner to keep her out. Ill see the dumbbells on the floor, the lid tore off and a nice container that holds up to 40#'s of dry food available for her to scarf ... until the shower water is turned off. By that time she has snuck into the bedroom and is laying on her dog bed as if nothing has happened.

It's funny but in her case dangerous because of the chance for bloating if she eats a large amount of dry food. Yes, I have put the container inside the closet and she will slide the doors open to get to the food. I have tried a baby gate to keep the doors shut and she will get that out of the way someway, slide the doors open to get to get to the food.

Otherwise she is a great bloodhound. She is in great shape, has never been sick and still has the energy of a puppy.

Happy Birthday Sadie

Retirement Life Observations

On April 8, 2014 I decided to take vacation days up to my corporate exit interview two weeks later, so I guess my retirement really started then because every morning after I would wake up with my own schedule. It's been a little over two months since I have retired. Some things in my lifestyle such as my diet have changed considerably while other changes have been subtle if they have changed at all.

For those that are retired maybe we can compare our changes in lifestyle since retired while those that are considering retirement may see something they can consider in making their decision.

In my case I didn't feel there would be a lot of change because I've always lived a pretty simple lifestyle being single. There isn't a lot of drama in my life. My health is good, I'm active and have a few interests such as cycling, my hounds and reading. There have been some notable changes though even in the two months being home.

One thing I have noticed is the number of people I am around. I never socialized a lot in my non-work hours when I had a job because most of the people I worked with lived in other towns in opposite directions than where I live. Another reason is most of them have families and they are busy with all of their kid's activities with sports and school. So less people is not a surprise for me. I actually like the solitude that comes with being single.

Another, is my diet changed drastically and with that change I have lost 16 pounds since I walked out of the office on April 7, 2014. These changes were basic. I was no longer around Pepsi machines at work, no longer around the daily pastry that would be brought into work by different co-workers and no junk food available that I ate a lot of. Now, I think a lot of the junk food intake and my addiction of Pepsi Cola were job stress related. My diet now consists of a lot of fresh veggies and fruits...a lot. I occasionally have fish with rice and a vegetable or black bean burritos. I supplement beans into my salads for a little extra protein.

I am riding my bikes more than before but not as much as I want. I want to ride more and with the heavy humidity and high temps, my riding is going to take place early in the mornings until fall. It will be just like the old days when I was doing a little racing and all of our training rides were very early in the morning with a possible afternoon ride. Once I start a regular regiment of riding 5x/week, even more pounds will disappear. My 45 minutes of mowing my yard with a push mower is good exercise because of the heat but also my front yard is on an 80' incline. So I get some good leg and cardio workout while mowing.

Years ago I started an Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to track all of my income (different sources) and expenditures to get control of my money and my spending. I categorized each expenditure and then formulated a monthly average. As years passed I link those previous year's monthly averages so I can see where I might be spending more in different categories or where some prices are increasing since last year because I am buying the same amounts.

This spreadsheet was a key factor in deciding if I could retire or not and if I could survive financially.

Besides that spreadsheet on income and expenditures, when I thought of retiring I made a different spreadsheet just for retiring options. I listed all income and expenses buy the current monthly averages.

I will make a separate blog post just on this spreadsheet, because it showed me all the different options whether to retire or not and options if I were to retire and what the financial bottom line would be. It was quite shocking what some of those options showed once it was seen laid out on paper.

I do not plan on giving "expert" financial advice on this blog but maybe some basic things that all people can use. One would be the spreadsheet to track income and expenditures and two, a spreadsheet showing before and after retirement options with the incomes different due to your change in income sources once you retire.

I will say that since retired I am spending less and not making an intentional effort to do so. Sure, I made some adjustments. I sold my old Chevy Pickup that was never driven more than 300 miles per year and put that money in the savings. I sold my Kia Sorento that was never driven and decreased a car payment and insurance reduction. I sold a Class C RV that I was not going to use, that also eliminated a payment and insurance reduction. I got my 'herd' of vehicles down to two. A Mini Cooper for great gas mileage and local driving and my Toyota FJ 4x4 for winter driving, camping trips, dog trips to the vet and any other trips where I would have to haul something from a store.

I started downsizing my possessions two years ago more than I would with the annual spring cleaning because I was planning on changing my lifestyle to RV living and possibly full-time. So I downsized a lot of things. Sold a little of it, gave a lot away to goodwill and the local library. When I had the thought of selling my house and hitting the RV road, I continued this downsizing to the point of getting down to possessions that I did not want to get rid of. I knew then it was time to stop as I was in my "downsizing comfort zone".

I am not living in a skeleton house of things but I will say my house is not stuffed with anything that is not used, read or worn. For instance my table place setting was reduced to 4. Thats only 4 forks, knives, small spoons and large spoons, 4 plates, 4 bowls. I could probably even reduce that to only 2 and may do that. My suit and ties and dress shoes were all given away last year when I saw I no longer had to wear them at work and I had not worn them in years.

For those that are considering downsizing, I will tell you that there is nothing that I have missed not having. That includes the trucks and cars I have sold, even the RV. I still have things I want to sell, some things I will give away but I am pretty close to be downsized to just the things I need. Even the hounds were involved as I got rid of all their extra bones, kong balls etc that they no longer chewed on...threw some away and gave the kong balls to other friends with dogs.

So ... after two months of retirement I can say I am thrilled with my decision and that I had the guts to go through with it. I knew I would miss the income I was making but I would not miss the drama at work and constant changes for the worse. They had made it almost impossible to do your job by the time I left. My schedule if there is one, is wide open and I love that freedom.

One last thing, that constant heartburn I lived with thinking it was diet related and some of it was, is gone.

Good luck if you decide to retire and good luck to those that have.


{Editors Note} It looks like the comments link showed up with this post and should work.

It looks like I have a bug in the comment settings. My first post a few days ago shows the link for you to make comments. My post from yesterday does not show that link. My settings show that anyone can make comments without word verification nor approval by me. It also shows in settings that all comments made will be sent to my email.

Last night a comment was made under the tab "Contact" but I did not receive any email notification. They also could not find a way to make a comment under the post.

This post is to let you know I am working on it and it will also show me if there is a link for comments.

I was having internet connection problems yesterday and again it is perfect this morning. It is possible when I was setting up this blog yesterday that something may have been hung up in the blogger system during the times I lost internet connection.

Thanks for stopping by.

June 17, 2014

Summer Has Arrived in Indiana

After a great spring and an early summer of cool temps and low humidity, summer arrived yesterday in the form of 'sticky' humidity and high temps. I don't mind the high temperatures but the humidity is a killer. I don't like it, the hounds don't like it. I've decided this summer all yard work will take place in the am before noon. That will be easier this year since I am now retired and not at a job all day during the week.

I'll also have to get any of my bike riding in early in the morning if not doing the once per week yard work.

I've thought of leaving the area for a few months to escape the humidity and do a little camping along the way but I hate paying the high prices for mowing my yard while I'm gone. I only have 3 neighbors around me with only 1 of them having a teenage son, that doesn't mow. Plus I have an older basset, Winston, that is a little gimpy with a bad lower back. It comes with the breed and at 10 years old it will only get worse. He is having a hard time getting up the two steps into the house right now. I can't imagine being lifted in and out of a Toyota FJ 4x4 would help his situation much. I have to ask myself sometimes of those two reasons alone are enough to keep me and my three hounds from traveling to some states with cooler temps and lower humidity.

It's times like these I miss those mild summers up at Whidbey Island, WA northwest of Seattle. I remember playing golf some days in July wearing a sweater. I read the other day in the Whidbey Times the problem with theft has now moved to stealing mail from mailboxes which leads to identity theft. Last winter the theft epidemic was people having things stolen from their barns and separate garages. Times have changed a lot from the time I lived out there between 1984-1994. It's still a beautiful place and one I consider at times of making a move back to the area.

With that location, besides the great fresh seafood, great roads to bicycle on I would have the ability to fly 'standby' for all flights out of NAS Whidbey. I haven't checked the current cost since I do not have that ability from my location in Indiana but it use to be $10 and show your retired ID card. It was an easy way to fly to San Diego for the weekend, Las Vegas or even up to Alaska.

Along with that Indiana heat, my internet connection has been acting up. I am not sure if it is heat related. Due to my location I am only able to get two types of connection. DSL through a local provider that uses AT&T phone lines. (What I use). The would would be Hughes Net with their satellite pointing to the southern sky like my DirecTv dish. I have great reception with DirecTv even through the thunderstorms and winter snow. I am not sure that Hughes Net would be that reliable and it comes with a 2 year commitment once they install their equipment.

So internet connection problems are ongoing. I put a call in last week with plans of the AT&T repairman to check the lines. Of course when he came this morning everything was working perfectly and the internet signal was quite strong. He checked all the wiring anyway and came to the same conclusion.

About 5pm tonight it started disconnecting just like it has since June 9th.

I'm am kinda lost starting this blog. I've been blogging for the past 2+ years on a different topic and years before that when I was running my online sports memorabilia business. I have to remember from what I said in my first post, this blog is mostly a personal journal which has other people reading it. A little strange.

Analysis With Open Eyes - This Blog is Finished

As many of you know, I am constantly thinking, analyzing and lately I have been asking myself “Why”. The most asked question was “Why have you been sitting here and not on the road where with a little effort you could be?” When I analyzed to find an answer to that question, I remembered that just little over a year ago in March 2013 I deactivated this blog, moved all of my RV bookmarks out of sight and stopped reading anything about RV’s, traveling or RV blogs. At that time I wanted to see if it was something I really wanted to do or not. It was not until 2 months later where I reactivated the blog, let followers know I was back blogging and soon after started looking for something to travel in. Most of the summer I was looking at and close to purchasing small trailers due to the amount of weight my tow vehicle could handle. At the time that tow vehicle was a H3 Hummer that couldn’t tow thin air if it had to! The blog continued on as well as my search continued up to and past my retirement date.

Too many times to count I have asked myself why have I not made a decision. After my trip to Arkansas with the hounds last September 2013, I stated on this blog that my plans of traveling were on hold if not canceled. At that time I explained it was best for the hounds to stay where we were. I still feel that same way today. That thought has always lingered in the back of my mind. See, out of all the blogs I follow where people are traveling with dogs … NONE of them are of the hound breed. Until you have one of the hound breed you may not know what I am speaking of. They are not like the herding breeds, terriers, greyhounds, mixed breeds and others I’ve forgotten. They MAY walk next to your side or near you on a walk through the field but once they pick up a scent of a deer or rabbit … they are gone…gone as fast as a Kentucky Derby winner. You can train them all you want and call their names over and over but once that scent hits their nose … its bye bye ... they move into a state of unconsciousness until the rabbit or deer are caught. They are never caught but the hounds run forever and out of sight.

Would that work well out in the desert? Or anywhere else in a State or National Park, even leashed?

I’m not putting the blame on the hounds though. I just mentioned those issues as a personal concern for their own safety.

No, I have other things I like to do and some of those are borderline addiction. The game of football is the one borderline. Recently I have found myself with the help of the Facebook groups I follow, reminding me just how many weeks it is until kickoff for the 2014 season. I found myself more interested in that dateline than which area of the western United States I would be traveling in. Sure, I can put a DirecTv dish on top of my trailer or a portable dish outside the trailer and watch all the games I want. So I guess that is not the reason for not traveling is it?

I think things changed recently when I decided during the process of prepping my house for sale, that I wanted to keep my house and not move. I knew then the most I would probably travel would be 4-6 months out of the year. That still has a very good chance of happening just like it may not happen at all. That is just me. I rarely make plans ahead of time and most of my trips even for a day or even the times I decide to attend a football game in person are strictly impulsive. I decide that day and then I’m on the road.

No, I don’t know why I am that way.

So, these thoughts, doubts, whatever, they are have always been in the background. Something happened recently that brought all of this to a head so to speak. It took a stranger to say something that stung me a little bit. I disagreed with what was said and sent their thoughts to a friend of mine. When a close friend that has many years experience of traveling with dogs and cats, mostly in small trailers, said “he might be right” … that took the stranger’s sting out of their words and had me doing an honest analysis of me. Not the hounds, no followers, no local friends … just me. I came to realize that whatever the need(s) I have for filling up my life of retirement, no matter how nice it seems nor how great everyone’s photos are of their travels … that lifestyle may not be what I am truly looking for. Not only would that be an expensive mistake financially but also a mistake for my hounds. Otherwise I really think I would be on the road by now.

Through this analysis and further discussion with my close friend, those old reasons from March 2013 and last September 2013 came back into view. Add in new information and I was pretty sure this idea of the hounds and I even part-timing in any sort of RV was not going to take place. I think all of my indecision these past 2+ years prove that. Such as, how can you buy any kind of RV or trailer when deep inside, maybe subconsciously you really don’t want to, for various reasons. How I ever thought that 3 hounds and I could live a lot of days and nights in a truck camper just showed that I might have been really confused on what I can and can’t do. Some would say delusional.

So come this fall, most likely I will be where I have been for the past 17 years and that will be enjoying the cool fall weather with a morning bike ride on my vintage Romic or the newer Giant Road Bike and watching football later in the day. I think when it comes time for the Midwest winter, that for the first time in 17 years, the hounds and I will head to SW Arizona or boondock in Borrego Springs for a few months. I believe tents would be used and when the high winds or bad weather hit, it would be all of us in the Toyota FJ Cruiser or a nearby motel room. For the rest of this summer in 2014, I’ll sit here most days complaining about the humidity, not the temperature, drinking iced tea and wondering how my online RVing friends are doing, where they are at.

At the same time I will continue keeping a very close eye on my old basset Winston. His back has been bothering a lot recently, more than a couple of months ago. I know what it is. Every old basset hound I’ve had has the same bad back. It comes with the breed. Having experienced bad backs myself, I know for a fact it doesn’t matter if I had a ramp to walk up instead of stairs, the back would still hurt enough that walking was nearly impossible. He along with the other hounds will enjoy spending the day sleeping in their favorite spots and I know they would find new spots if they were traveling but I’m not sure they would be as clean as they are here. They really enjoy their green grass mixed with broad leaf weeds to lay on, along with their Mexican blankets. All except Heidi because she is the “Queen of the Couch”.

I have no doubt that I will think about this decision, but it was time to face facts with open eyes. In retirement I wanted to spend more time riding my bicycle, getting more miles on my legs while getting in better physical shape, play a little tennis, catch some live baseball and football games or at times pile everyone into the FJ and take a short trip somewhere. I am not sure I would enjoy traveling or camping everyday week after week.

So to end this never ending post I have decided to stop blogging on this blog. I thought of changing the title but it has too much internet history, people still find it useful while they are searching for RV information. So now it will now turn into a library for the information I have found within my 2+ years of research. They will also find more information from your blogs that are listed on the left side.

I will tell you it was a joy and brought me a lot of satisfaction, and fun reading all of your blogs, seeing your photos and reading your comments. I will miss that part of this blog the most. Keeping up with your blogs is just too hard to read though. Between your stories and the photos you post, they only lead me to daydreaming of traveling that way when I know it’s really not really possible in my life right now. I will travel some, as I always planned on during retirement but I am not sure what type of travel that may be. When I pictured travel recently I see loading the hounds up in the FJ 4x4, and retracing my route that I took in 1976 on my bicycle cross country. We could camp on the way, and in bad weather hang out in some dive motel along some of the older highways I rode.

In October the current domain www.houndsandrvs.com will expire and will not be renewed. This blog will go back to it’s original blogspot domain of: www.bhounds.blogspot.com

I still have the urge to write and I am told I like to talk about almost anything. So I am starting my new blog “Retirement Life With My Hounds” at www.soloretired62.blogspot.com  There will not be any specific topic blogged about, just anything going on with the hounds or me....Minus any discussions on politics or religion.

Goodbye everyone and thanks for all of your encouragement and comments over the past 2+ years. It's been fun.

June 16, 2014

My Internet Service is Back

After about 7 days of my internet connection being intermittent and the past 4 days being the worst, I can assume they have fixed the problem with my internet connection. I call and file the complaint, they schedule AT&T to check their lines, but the local service provider never lets you know when it is fixed or what they fixed ... it just starts working. I remember when the internet first came out and you would lose connection. I'd call my service provider in 1996 and they would tell me they were having problems and would probably get in fixed in 3 or 4 days. That was the norm it seemed with other internet providers in the area plus the one we used at work. So, it was not big deal.

Times have changed though. You lose internet connection now for an hour or more and your life seems to stop and your anxiety level increases. You can still use the iPhone but going from a 27" monitor to an iPhone size screen you have to be really desperate.

Anyway everything seems to be working and the lights on the modem that should be solid are ... that's a good sign.

I came close of looking at a 16' Scamp trailer about 2 hours away from me on Friday. I stopped for lunch at Lake View, an Amish all you can eat establishment. I had my usual large amounts of food there, even though my trips are few and far between to that restaurant. Since retiring in April, my diet has drastically changed to veggies, fresh fruit, beans, rice ... a little fish, no beef or pork, no Pepsi's and no junk food. I've dropped 16 lbs since April 10 on that diet with very little exercise besides the 45 minutes it takes to mow the yard in the heat with a 21" push mower. (fits in my narrow shed).

Well after lunch I can tell a few miles down the road I am not going to make 2 hours driving one way and 2 hours back. I made a Uturn and drove the 22 miles home, grabbed a couple of Tums and told the hounds it was time for a siesta. I felt terrible and it was definitely a shock to my system from a great diet to fried chicken, bread, buttered corn and ice cream.

By Friday night I was dropping the idea of a small fiberglass temporary trailer and started looking at tents. I had a couple of good recommendations by a friend of mine that has spent a lot of time camping full time in tents with dogs. She also recommended a couple of nice places to camp out west for a first time destination.

Plans were to go to REI in Indianapolis Saturday morning to check out what tents they had and a few items that I have lost in loaning out my camping equipment a few years ago and not getting it back. I ended up not going anywhere on Saturday, still felt under the weather health wise. With Father's Day on Sunday I knew most of those stores would not be open so it was another day at home.

It's times like these I am starting to feel like I am falling into a rut. Going through a day and not doing anything, and I mean nothing at all. Something I thought might happened before I decided to retire. Something I knew would happen eventually for a short time, but I didn't know when. I know what to do to get out of this boring routine and by Monday's high sticky humidity I have become quite motivated to head somewhere cooler and less muggy. Still a rut is a rut.

So, my internet is back and fast, the weather is forecasted to become hotter, in the 90's and with that rise in humidity we have been missing, it could be time to leave.

The Daily Hound Walk is postponed until the hay is cut. It happens this time of year. I could cut a path of our walk, would take some time but the field is swamped with ticks, more than the usual amount, so even with a path mowed or cut I would prefer to wait until they bale it.

Can't you just feel the humidity from this photo?

I have someone reading my blog from the start and making comments along the way on my older posts. He has been full-timing many years with last 4 or 5 years in a 24' Class C along with a 45# dog the past 2 years. He is leaving some pretty informative comments on older posts. I see them by email. He is sure I am crazy. He has just read and commented on my thinking of fulltiming in a truck camper. If he thinks I am crazy at that point in the blog he has not seen anything yet .... LOL ... Since that time of selling the Class C, I have traded an H3, sold the car I traded it for. I bought a Chevy 2500HD pickup truck and a little over a month later I trade it for the Toyota FJ and now talking of tent camping ... LOL ... he'll freak out by the time he gets caught up. He has some good points though in his comments and I enjoy reading them. I have looked at his site for a minute or two. We have two things in common, bicycle trips and accounting backgrounds. At least I am down to only two vehicles and no, my house is not packed with stuff and I do not have a shed in the backyard full of stuff. I have downsized quite well I must admit, even for a house.

I'll keep you posted but honestly, I have no idea what I am going to do this summer....

June 12, 2014

Itching To Hit The Road

{Note @ 6:57pm - I mean just for the rest of the summer, not fulltime}

Since I decided I was going to keep my house and not prep it for sale, the urge to hit the road has increased a lot. All day yesterday I kept thinking how I have to get out of here. It was a constant thought from the time I woke up and has continued most of the day today. I'm not talking about a one day road trip but out and away ... many miles away and for a fairly long length of time. What has held me up?  Nothing to tow. The Escape 19' trailer I put a deposit on, does not have a delivery date until 14 October 2014.

So I've been thinking about two options.

1.  I load my camping gear and hounds into the FJ and hit the road westward. I would not say tent camping would be recommended in Yellowstone due to bear traffic, but for those that have camped in Yellowstone is that a safe assumption? Other cooler temps (Indiana has perfect temps right now) would be up in the Dakota's, Oregon or Washington.

Anyway, Option #1 would be tent camping --  to get away.

2.  Or I could buy a used small fiberglass trailer. That way I could get some training in the trailer lifestyle with the hounds and learn more about the trailer electrical and plumbing systems which I learned quite a lot from the Class C I had this past winter. Besides, I would find out by experience what it feels like to tow in the FJ. In the past I have towed a small trailer and a friend's boat with my old Chevy truck I had but have not towed a camping trailer with any vehicle I've had. A used hard shell trailer would give me what I need for bad weather, bear country and more shelter than a tent.

With either option I will be taking a separate screen room tent or possibly a larger tent for hounds to sleep outside ONLY in the daytime when I'm around. It would also give me a place to to get myself away from the gnats and mosquitos if there were any.

I DO KNOW, that the urge for a road trip of some kind is strong. I live in between US Highway 40 and 50. I'd find a highway by-pass around St. Louis and then get back on US 40 or US 50 westward. I have no interest in heading south or north for some reason. Both have beautiful country. The Smoky Mts are within a day's driving south of me but for some reason west is always what I think about when I think about road trips.

I'll keep you posted.

June 11, 2014

The Difference Between a Tornado Watch and Warning

In NO WAY is the story I am going to write about today even close to what people in Missouri, Alabama, Oklahoma or even in Indiana 90 miles south of me, have experienced the past few years. I am truly sorry for what those people lost in their tornadoes. This is NOTHING CLOSE to that severe of a storm and what they experienced. I am writing this to show the importance of paying attention to weather warnings.

Me, being the example in this story, of not paying attention on two separate occasions.

Living in the Midwest it is always good to know the difference between the words tornado "watch" and tornado "warning".  Why is this today's topic?  Last night on my iPhone and iPad I was receiving constant message updates from my nearest TV station (WTHI) that an tornado "watch" was being issued and would last up until a certain time. Glancing at the clock on the phone, they always seemed to be in lasting in 45 minute increments with each text extending the "until" time.

The problem, I was not paying attention, but the biggest thing was, I knew the difference of the two words but last night I had them confused....turned backwards in my mind.

"Watches" are issued by the NOAA's SPC, and "Warnings" are issued by local offices of the National Weather Service (NWS). I was receiving warnings and ignoring them. Like I said, for some reason last night I had the two definitions backwards in my head. So I wasn't concerned in the least.

The weather has been so nice that my windows are open 24/7 and have been since April. Slight breezes and sunny skies all day, beautiful but those kind of days can change fast in the Midwest. During the time of the warnings that were showing up on my iPad and iPhone, I was sitting at my computer working a little on the blog, but listening to 60's music on iTunes with a LOUD volume. It was loud enough for me not to hear anything through the open windows like a hard rain or high winds. I can usually hear the siren two miles away that is sounded when storms are imminent and you should take cover. Last night I did not hear that siren. The times I glanced out the window it looked like a normal thunderstorm ... no problem.

So more information on these tornado warnings I was receiving. "Warnings" are issued through the efforts of individuals working for the NWS. They state "the way a warning is issued is that a meteorologist will monitor the weather by radar and look for particular areas where there could be high impact damage. They will issue a warning and there will be a signature for an existing storm or developing tornado." Trained NWS spotters will verify reports of rotation or storm damage. "This gives the meteorologist confidence in what they are seeing on radar".

The t-shirt that I bought at the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame, where I visited in 2003 says "If The Music Is Too Loud ... You're Too Old" ...

Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

A Fat Me and My Younger Brother

So, while the "warnings" were popping up on my iPhone every few minutes I continued to listen to my loud music, working on the blog, answering some email, etc. I saw nothing outside that led me to believe anything weather wise was happening. I've been in tornadoes and straight line winds before and nothing was telling me based on previous experience that a tornado was nearby.

In my head I kept thinking the definition of "watch". A watch is issued by the NOAA's SPC. "A watch is issued when conditions are favorable for a tornado. It doesn't mean severe weather is imminent." Read that again. I was thinking "watch .... doesn't mean severe weather is imminent".

That is why I thought I was ok.  After all, my trusty watch dogs were all sleeping in their favorite spots, wouldn't they know by natural instinct if severe weather was imminent? Not really. These 3 hounds, unlike some bassets I have had in the past, equate storms as being equal to a deeper sleep than normal for them. No need to watch out for anything. Snoring is allowed and they are dead to the world during any kind of storm, at any time day or night.

Heard me getting the camera and woke up

Storms?  What storms?

Heard me and woke up

This is why I will remember the difference between watch and warning in the future.

I was bored last night around 10:45pm, so I did something I rarely do, I turned on the tv and channel surfed for something to watch. I NEVER watch local news/weather ... all my information I read is online based .. not tv based. I'm bored though, and my remote leads me to the local tv channel. There is a newsman standing outside doing a remote broadcast and if I didn't know any better, he sure looks like it is downtown, in the very small town that I live a few miles south of. I'm not really listening to him as much as I am looking at the background to verify he is in this small town ... he is!!! What is this about??

I turn up the sound and find out that earlier tonight a tornado funnel cloud "touchdown" was reported "south of small town".... I live south of that small town ... hmmm. When they mentioned the road, I see that this "touchdown" was 1-1/4 mile south of me. No damages to houses or buildings were reported but they would know more this morning. Not a lot of houses in this area, mostly fields and open land.

Then they posted a video of taken by someone on their porch 10 miles south of me, where two "touchdowns" were shown in the area I worked before retirement. I can tell by the sky this storm was before sun down and that even makes it more strange because the hounds and I were outside most of the time during that period and never suspected any bad weather going on.

Now, granted these were not the F-5's you see that destroy everything in their path, miles wide with speeds over 225mph ... but they would have to be winds over 60mph that could cause "high impact damage".

It's not as bad as it sounds. This morning is dark clouds and light rain. I have not watched any news but I really doubt it is anything more than some crop damage out in the open fields of the area.

So it will be wise for me to remember (again) the difference between "watch" and "warning" in the future.

When I think of winds more than 60mph, I think of the different bloggers I read that experience those wind speeds out in the western states while they stay in small trailers, mid-sized RVs and large motorhomes. That is normal out west. I use to see high wind warnings on highways I traveled on going over the Cascade Mountains. Still, things become different when those clouds turn into rotating funnels or are straight line winds. I've experience straight line wind damage and it changed my views on "I like storms".

The following happened in June 2008 and once again I thought it was just a thunderstorm and I was working online in a room in the back of the house. Not until I heard a huge bang and crash did I notice the winds were unbelievable. As I ran into the living room to herd the hounds into the center of the house for safety, the storm stopped instantly.

Storm Photos Are From 2008 Not Last Night

One of many trees (80' - 110' tall) that were blown over or pulled out of ground.

This is the loud bang I heard with the 50' of tree top struck by lightning hitting the house

The winds came from the SW but luckily after skipping over the highway the winds turned due N. All of these trees fell parallel to my house, some within 8' from the front of the house.

This tree measured 110' from the root base that was 7' wide

Poplar tree was 80' tall and 8' in front of house

That water pictured was a recently planted cornfield before the storm

80' Poplar Tree w/Shallow Roots

One of the Sycamore trees pulled up out of the ground

Bertha and Winston inspecting for any damages

DirecTv dish in different angles

That is where the trees went in my front yard and along 80' of bank that use to be solid trees

Notice the tv dish is now bolted to the house and wind protected 
April 2013 - Not a tree in site

Last night and in 2008, only 3 days apart, I wasn't paying attention to how severe the weather was. In 2008 I did not have the tv on nor any radio. The hounds and I had just been outside but came inside when it started raining. I thought it was just a thunderstorm. These winds happen fast and can do a lot of damage in a very short period of time.

That is all I can say about storms and warnings.

Last night I was making some minor changes and additions the blog if you haven't noticed. I moved my profile photo to the left side, then added a "search" box on the upper right. I've decided to keep the title of the blog the same but I did change the description to what seemed to be appropriate. I really think RV research will always be ongoing with me, I'll always be looking at something. Then I added some new tabs at the top. I added a personal photo of myself, a page long description with some information that was lost when Google decided to change my profile from blogger to Google Plus.

For a little added flavor, I added a tab showing my past VW buses I had bought and sold between the years of 2001 - 2008. What do those have to do with this blog? In almost every case there was a cross-country trip involved after I purchased them online and drove them back to Indiana. There was some camping involved with a few of them during those drives. Plus, I just thought they were interesting enough to add and maybe some readers that are fans of VW's would be interested in seeing them.

Actually that was my original plan for my retirement years ago before I learned about the RV lifestyle. I had planned on staying in this house, buying a VW Camper and traveling the country when the urge to travel hit me.

I hope you enjoy the changes to the blog but more importantly pay attention when storm warnings are issued in your local area.

June 10, 2014

Winston Turned 10 Years Old a Few Weeks Ago

Ten years ago on May 18, 2004 I received a phone call from Winston's breeder that a small litter was born and with my early deposit I would be able to choose from the litter which one I wanted but only after the "show quality" puppies were chosen. Show quality didn't matter to me, I was just happy to have one of the pups. He was the only one in his litter what was not black and white. As basset's get older some of that black usually changes to a gold color. Winston was going to be two tone. I loved the first photo they sent me.

The Only One Not Black and White
A Couple Of Days Old

Winston was Mahogany & White, with the sire 'Double K's Billy the Kid' and the dam 'Lamireak's Spirit Epona'. He was not show quality because of his color plus his tail curled off to the right side if you were looking at him from the front, so he was mine if I wanted him.

The Sire
The Dam
On 15 July 2004, I fired up my 1963 VW Panel Van I had at the time, for the 5-1/2 hour trip up to NW Ohio to pick up the new basset puppy. I wasn't going to kennel him on the way home, I had a couple of Mexican blankets for him to sleep on and the bench seat to ride on. I would find out on the ride home if he was going to be a traveler, even back in 2004.

1963 VW Panel - 1641cc Dual Weber Carbs
He rode that 5-1/2 hour trip home with zero problems. He slept most of the way, sat up some to look outside but wasn't tall enough to see out the windows. He would have a surprise when he got home. I had a bloodhound at the time called Bertha. Friends called her "Big Bertha" because she was 110-120lbs. What Winston did not know at 8 weeks, Bertha was going to think he was her pup and they were going to be inseparable for the next 4 years.

Big Bertha

They were introduced that afternoon after we arrived. From that first afternoon they met, they played and played for years.

The Introduction

Family Portrait the First Night

Years later they still patrolled the field and played until they were exhausted.

Much like his owner, Winston has always been the "Thinker" of the pack.

Now as he gets older he doesn't play as much as he use to. He isn't sprinting to fetch back and forth and climbs the couple of steps into the house gingerly. All he wants is a sunny spot to sleep in.

October 2013
May 2014
Happy 10th Birthday Winston