You can't tell by Walter's photo but the temps have droppd a little the past week but it's pretty hot and a little muggy by late afternoon when the sun is out of view and we all head out to the patio. This past week was really busy with some things going on in the background. It was still a good week. Positive COVID cases in this town have dropped to 39 as of yesterday after a high of 81 just a month or so ago. I keep forgetting my mask when I go out but do have one in each vehicle.
The new Blogger has decided to act weird today by the way it loaded the images, where everything is left align. Then it will not move the image to center when I click on the icon after highlighting the image. Makes it harder, longer and more frustrating to blog. Heidi is looking better than ever. A very soft healthy coat and a little more energy since her surgery a month ago. She has gone on our daily walks but even though we take them early in the morning we have had to shorten them due to the heat. The tongues of Heidi and Stella determine how far the walk is ... plus their pace.Stella has decided this summer it's better to sleep inside with the AC on than outside after digging the stones away to get down to the cooler Arizona dirt. Sleeping is her majory activity anymore when she is able to. Walter keeps her pretty busy playing of most of the time defending herself from his tactics. He keeps her with the workout program.
Still beautiful to wake up to. We are up at the crack of dawn and by the time the hounds are finished eating, their food bowls cleaned and my coffee is made ... the skies have lit up for another day.
By late afternoon it is getting ready for a short rain somewhere. Maybe here maybe not but it looks like Bisbee was getting this afternoon showers a few days ago. The monsoons are getting rid of the deficit we had in total rain this year.
By about 5pm or so the hounds are out for the night while I watch the Red's baseball games on tv. By the sounds of Walter's snoring and how deep Heidi and Stella sleep you would think they have been running around all day. Nothing out of the ordinary routine for them. Heidi sleeps back on her bed in the dark bedroom but will come out for water and trips outside on her own. These two sleep right there until the middle of the night where they venture into the bedroom while I am sleeping.
The cool tile is always a relief for them after a session of wrestling some running and a lot of chewing on each other.
Friday I introduced my '64 VW Panel van to The Diner. I had my usual order but the cup of hot chili seemed hotter than ever. I did notice a few more cut up jalipanoes in there. I fought off the urge for a siesta late afternoon but it was tough and just one job of a retiree. They continue to sit people every other booth or table but the place is nowhere near as full as it use to be any time of day or night. It use to be packed anytime I went there to eat, not anymore.

I have explained in recent post why I am buying him now and not later. This will be my 3rd time in 33 years that I have had a combination of 4 hounds. I'm counting Walter as a hound although he isn't by breed but his nose is just as active smashed up against his face. Four is a bit much but I am planning for the future so to speak.

She had what was left of the cottage cheese first, then the bowl was given to Walter. Heidi ??? Sleeping in back.
Another successful week here in the "Wild West".
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