October 06, 2024

Amazing Reactions To Last Post

I put this palm in a larger pot today, watered it really good and let it spend the day outside on the patio. After all that I realized after seeing the downloaded photo I didn't get it low enough in the pot to where that based is covered in dirt. I like you, see roots. The roots have plenty of room to grow though, so maybe next spring or summer I will repot it again. You can tell by that photo, most likely this is a pretty boring blog post.

It has been a really quiet weekend, less traffic passing the house, then I remember the West Side Nut Club Fall Festival, started this weekend. After looking at that link I see it starts tomorrow. LOL, shows you how out of touch I am after a Saturday of College Football with a lot of upset winners.

Like usual I have stayed off tv news of any kind. The past few days besides watching football, I have started reading a book, took siestas, studied my past diets, and enjoyed beautiful weather sitting on the patio. When I say "diets" I do not mean ways of eating to lose weight. I mean different types of eating. Indigestion is becoming more prominent it seems and occurs even eating good healthy food.

I read my old spreadsheet I made years ago from a book called The Blood Type Diet. I have mentioned that here in the past I think, five years ago or longer. Looking through that list I could see some healthy natural food I had been eating but was giving me digestion issue. I shouldn't have based on that book. So I will start tomorrow with that way of eating and hopefully have less stomach discomfort.

Ava at almost 9 months old (on the 19th), has turned into the property watch dog. Her hearing is phenomenal and she sprints to the fence line anytime she hears something. Lucky for her and for me I guess, the she only sprints when the patio door is open. Squirrels are her biggest enemy at this time.

Looks like it will not be long where I will need to close all the windows in this great weather because it looks like the corn will be harvested pretty soon. That combine brings a lot of dust in the air. They probably need the field to dry out a little more from the rains last week. 

I've never had a bloodhound with "duck feet" in the back. He is a big boy just like his dad was. 

The 3.35" of rain we received last week from the hurricane Southeast of us, states away, really helped the outer thirds of the backyard. The grass is green and growing back. The section straight out from the patio is destroyed. Between the hot weather killing the grass and my first yard mole crew destruction ... things are pretty rough there. I will see how things develop and then lay seed right after I rake my leaves for the last time. I remember when I moved in, the shed was empty except for three mole guillotine traps. LOL

Watson doesn't seem too active today. When I glanced outside a few minutes ago he was sleeping on the patio deck along with Henry. Sleep is not part of Ava's vocabulary. 

Walter is doing well. He is letting me cut one toenail at a time with clippers. Do any of you use the high speed quiet grinders? If so, give me a brand name on what I should buy and a review either way. I really can't afford to take all of them in at different times to have a pro cut their nails.

I am very tempted to set this back on the floor in the corner to the left. Basically if I am gone or even outside mowing the yard, Ava stays in the crate. She moves into it with a command of "Ava Crate". She has never shown signs of trying to get to either palm plant when I am in the house with her. I think the palm plant would also like the lower elevation.

You will not see Henry move much faster than that. Not quite airborne. See all that dirt? Last year I fenced in that area, added a lot of topsoil and new grass seed. Watered it daily for months. I didn't take the fence down until it was tall enough to mow and now it looks that way? Extremely frustrating. 

In the photo above and the one below, I don't think I could have asked for a better crew to live with. Yes, they are mischievous at times but that keeps me on my toes, alert for change and active. 

Walter is more active than all the sleeping photos I post here. He is not photogenic and hates the camera, therefore action shots of him outside in the backyard are few and far between.

Hound and dog training is pretty neat when it works. In past years Watson would bay when he saw the neighbor next door either mowing, or putting her mower away. He would jump up and down while baying. Henry would stare while all the noise was happening. A "Bark Be Gone" tool I bought stopped him from baying and and at the time I bribed all of them with big bones that I buy at Costco. They are a big "milk bone" type. When I would yell "milk bone" they would all sprint for the kitchen.

Well here I am a year later and just now and the past few months, I don't have to yell for them to stop, nor do I have to use the Bark Be Gone tool ... I just lean out the patio door and look at them and without a word all four come running inside, to the front of the cabinet door where those large bones are. I feed them in the same order every time and there are no fights wanting the other's bone. Ava was a very very fast leaner on that process. 

Like most dog bones like this, the ingredients are controversial. I will probably stop feeding them after my box is gone, which is soon.

You are probably wondering where some of my recent posts disappeared to. I deleted them. After that last post with some controversial information, I was glad that I had set a few months ago, comment moderation. I approved most of them but between comments and my new contact email, some responses were vicious, some with threats.

I decided I didn't need the hassle and deleted all your comments and my replies to those comments, the three of the posts that said anything about the hurricane responses. That last post brought out the best of those that are keyboard warriors, possibly some legit people ... but like this country, both sides are angry, and fighting mad. I just don't need the BS. 

I will ALWAYS do what is best for my hounds and dogs. I would never put them in any kind of risk or danger. I tend to act aggressive when threatened but I cannot afford to get in trouble and leave the hounds and dogs in a situation of not being cared for. 

So, a kinder and gentler, politically correct post tonight from "the tropics" of Southern Indiana. 


  1. Replies
    1. I think I will stick with hounds, dogs and some local photos. LOL

  2. Nice post and some great photos of the hounds and dogs! No USC banner flying today after their lost to Minnesota. Sad day!

    1. Game surprised me. Watching all the B1G games with PAC12 teams, I am noticing the scoring is a lot harder to come by. Interesting.

  3. PC seems to me to be the way to manage getting older & just not need the hassle -enjoy your home & animals.Looks like an pooch wear area close to the deck so you might consider laying patio blocks to cover-looked good at our place & solved the recurring problem.All the best.

    1. Thanks for that suggestion. I never thought about that around the deck. First summer a landscaping company thought a fungus had attacked my yard. I have thought of stone to the left of the patio and around the septic tank cover, but Watson loves eating and swallowing landscaping stone, patio blocks would work. Yes, like I commented above, I think I will stick to blogging about hounds, dogs and some local photos. You have have added a nice project to my "to do" list.
