October 26, 2024

Ava Chases Squirrels

Late Friday afternoon started out calm while I sat in 79° weather hanging out with the hounds and dogs. Even Walter made it outside. But with a rustling of bushes behind the fence and seeing a couple of squirrels running down a tree trunk ... Ava went wild. Henry, Walter and Watson didn't feel the excitement in Ava's performance.

The transport of Red did not happen. I haven't seen something so simple turn into a mess in many years. It went from "she knows a lot of people and we will get the dog to you" ... to "do you know anyone in Michigan" to later in the day "can you drive to .... ??" That did not include the issues with trying to get a confirmed time and phone number from the owner. 

I am sad I didn't get that bloodhound, she needs help and I would have kept her. As of this morning there is another possible adoption in the works. He is fostered closer to me, where I can go and pick him up. Once I get more information it will be included in my next post.

It was another exciting day in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana as you can see. 


  1. When the right hound comes along it will be the one. Love Ava on the hunt for a squirrel. My Black Lab, Mystic had almost a full time job chasing the squirrels. She would chase them and they would go up a tree and chatter back at her, while she sat at perfect attention at the base of the tree and whined. She never gave up on her quest and was never successful. Ava quest brought back a fond memory for me today.

    1. I found one this morning and filled an application to adopt. 4 yr spayed male. I did two interviews over the phone and all that is needed is for them to verify my vet on Monday. These squirrels seem to know they are tormenting Watson and Ava ... they will sit and watch Ava bark and Watson baying at them, then take off. LOL
