Besides beautiful weather at 56°, the lawn mowed and the Reds come from behind to win ... the puppy (still not named) had a great Saturday. Of course she is now getting use to a new yard, a new house, new dogs and hounds so it was to be expected but there were some surprises too.
Life in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana, the high desert of the southwest and back to 'the tropics' with the hounds and dogs.
April 06, 2024
Is Ava or Hilda Her Name????
February 29, 2024
Weather Bouncing Everywhere
I don't have much for this post. Last week I am in cargo shorts and a sweatshirt when it was 76° and yesterday and today I felt bitter cold winds in the 30's. But that is typical weather for Indiana as a state. He hounds and dog anxiously await for the days of me doing yard work and they staying outside most of the day. It can't be too far away because most of the time it feels like Spring is here.
February 18, 2024
Heat Wave Over 33°
It was more of the same today only the starting temps were much warmer than Saturday morning. With the sunshine out, most of the snow was gone by days end. Watson found a new person to bay at. Opposite side of the yard and by the time I saw him, the neighbor two house down was just walking behind his woodworking shed. After some exploring all three came inside for their normal mid-morning naps.
February 17, 2024
Snow Melts Under 32°
February 16, 2024
Good Weather Turns To Snow
February 04, 2024
To Early To Say Winter Is Over???
Since I last posted we have experienced a little bit of everything. Good and bad weather, a head cold, temps that were single digits as highs then almost 60° a week later. All of us did a lot of sleeping, a little eating and recently more book reading. So really, not a lot going on. Everything is normal.
January 19, 2024
Unexpected Snow & Old Photos
After the 'heat wave' we had where it got up into the 20s, I knew we were headed for another cold spell but I didn't expect any snow. I was up late last night, let the hounds out for their last trip outside late and didn't see any snow. When I opened the patio door this morning a blast of freezing wind hit me head on and later I see this ... snow. Some old photos in this post.
January 15, 2024
Only Cold Outside Not Inside
Like most forecasts for where I live, whether winter or thunderstorms, or tornado warnings ... things never turn out as bad as predicted. So when I saw the forecast the other day I still prepared things for that but it's not as bad as they said it would be.
I am not saying I am a fan of this kind of weather. In fact last night during a commercial of the NFL Playoff game I caught myself saying, "only a month and a half, 45 days, until March 1st". But who counts days until spring?
It has been a couple of weeks since my last post. Nothing is changed much since we don't do a lot during the winter months but stay inside and watch ballgames, read books, take naps and a movie or two fit in. Twitter (X) keeps me updated with all the news stuff and I must say I have enjoyed my return to Facebook.