May 08, 2015

The Tulip Train Trestle

This is one place I've been wanting to go see again for only my 2nd time in 18 years. Before I could finish my 2nd cup of coffee this morning and seeing that any rain was at least 12 hours away, I had the strong urge to find this Tulip Train Trestle or "the viaduct" as it is referred to locally.

I didn't bother to look it up on the map or get any directions. I knew the general vicinity and about the time deep in the hilly countryside I thought I might be lost, a sign around the next corner was pointing me in the right direction.

This train trestle was built in 1906 and is still active today.

After looking at the trestle I drove out the opposite direction and that proved to me just how more amazing it was and how hard it must have been for the construction company transporting all their equipment and materials needed to build it. All the terrain was steep hills with rarely a flat spot of land. The year 1906 would not have given them the option of heavy duty trucks.

For all the facts and specifications about this trestle you can click here.

In my younger days I would have been tempted to climb to the top and stand in the middle of the train tracks but I know my limits now. I can tell when I lose my balance at times just getting out of bed, it's probably not a good idea to climb to the top of those tracks just to give you a picture from a different angle. I guess my name will not be painted on the side right below the tracks.

I did take the trail up the side of the hill to almost the top of the train tracks and was able to descend back to the road without hurting myself or the camera. It was pretty steep at times.
I'm close to the top

Steel that was installed 109 years ago, in 1906.
To give you some idea how hilly this surrounding land is, this photo was taken without any zoom and I was still not to the top of the hill. That blue speck is my Toyota FJ.

If you want to see all 60 photos I took while I was there today, then click here.

Besides the interesting information about this train trestle I found it amazing that it is one year shy of 110 years old. I find it even more interesting that even today in 2015 the railroad is still used and takes approximately 10 minutes for a train to get completely move across the trestle. That must be quite a view the conductor has from his seat close to 200' above ground and no railings on the side.

Of course it's almost impossible to keep the graffiti off the steel structure. I also found it somewhat ironic ... out in the quiet country, not a sound, and the sign shows I can follow them building the observation deck on Facebook.

Be sure to click the link above for all 60 photos taken of the Tulip Trestle (the Viaduct). Let me know if you have any problems viewing the 60 photos on the link to Flickr.

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