September 20, 2024

A Few Changes

I was going to talk about a few changes since my last post and right off the bat trying to start this post, some of those changes prevented me from loading photos to this blog using Safari but works when I tried Firefox as a browser. Also the photos did not load in the order I wanted them too so at least fore these first three photos I will change my thoughts on what I was going to talk about into the order of the photos.

NO ... that dog is not part of the crew. Yet I spent some agonizing hours thinking of 'rescuing' him. He was dumped in the area I lived in up north 5 years ago. They dumped him a few miles east of Hwy 231, the highway I use to live on. He then walked over a mile from that country road to the front door of a distant young relative.

Of course the cousin that showed me the Facebook Post about Ava before I bought her, didn't send the post about that dog but it showed up in my Facebook Newsfeed when she sent it out to all that follow her. 

The short story is, they can't keep her with too many dogs, too many kids and a very busy life. Nobody after weeks of posting on Facebook searching for the original owner in their small town, has come forward. No collar, no chip, no name ... but he is laidback, friendly, doesn't bark, doesn't dig and is more introverted than say ... Ava. Let me know if you are interest in this great dog and I will send you the contact information.

Did I buy a crate that is too small for Ava? I bought the size recommended for an adult German Shepherd. It is always said they only need enough room to turn around and she can still do that. She is not kept in there long. Usual 30 minutes while I mow the lawn or 45 minutes that I am gone buying groceries but over an hour the times I go bike riding. Walter is always laying by the crate front door when I return.

She continues to be a great puppy and fits in with the crew well but at 8 months I can see she is going to be on the smaller size for a German Shepherd.

The thoughts of another dog, the change in weather back to hotter than hot by the afternoon, a new macOS update and a new OS system (why Blogger must not work now on Safari) is not the only changes I was going to talk about. 

A little over a week ago as I was driving back home, I passed this yard that was hidden by tree limbs you see being towed behind that tractor. I had to find out why all the trees were coming down as his front yard had some great trees and shaded from the sunshine. I had been hearing his chainsaw working for weeks in back of his house.

He has never had any storm damage. Has lived there over 20 years but "got tired of all the leaves" every year. That tree on the left where the trunk splits, did have a large limbs hanging over his house but he told me that was not the reason it was coming down. Plus they were not Bradford Pear Trees that are notorious of becoming less stable the other they get. They were also not rotting.

The tree with the two trunks going in different directions has been cut down to about 3' above the ground.

macOS Sequoia logo. 

I started using Apple computers at a job I had in 1995. I still had a PC at home until 2010, when I finally bought my first Mac and never looked back. I rarely use the new features of any macOS update but mainly change my OS for their updated security patches. That is another reason I don't wait for their first update after they release the new system. I follow that procedure on all my devices. If there is a new update, I do it when it's released for security. I have never used any anti-virus protection my mac and have never had a virus. I do a BitDefender scan once a week to check for malware or a virus.

Of course with any update, there are changes. Luckily the couple of changes to the Apple Photos (the library) and my 88,000+ photos, are good changes. The only time it took was updating that Photo Library with all those photos into the new operating system.

I still kept my desktop photo Utah's Monument Valley instead of the stock macOS photo you see above.

It seems to be the same thing every day lately. I start these posts with plans of adding photos in the afternoon and by that time I either not interested, sick to my stomach or taking another nap. I am not sure what the problem is but this lack of motivation to do anything has gone on too long.

Not much going on here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.

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