September 10, 2024

Two Post Day ???

As nice as this day is so far and it's not even noon, combined with taking a lot of photos this morning while monitoring the actions of Ava keeping her total freedom in he backyard, I decided to do a blog post early. I wanted to update what has happened so far this morning in comparison to what I wrote about yesterday. So this may be the first to two blog posts today.

It was cool almost cold this morning at 50° but I left the patio door open because I wanted to see if I could catch Ava trying to get inside that fenced area or dig along the fence line. Maybe if the mole is gone she will have lost that desire to dig. Well I gave her the same freedom she always has and watched from inside the house. It took a while before she walked to the left edge of the fence area. I didn't wait, I yelled "no" from inside the house before she even started any attempt to crawl under the fence. She stopped, looked toward me and moved down along the fence with her nose to the ground. 

An hour later I go out to check on her and they are playing on the patio. No signs of digging in the yard and the fenced area was still standing tall. 

She continues to drag one of her blankets from the crate to the yard. I'll leave it there until tonight and bring it back inside.

Of course when Walter had seen what had happened to "his" crate he tried his best to get things back to normal ... like putting that blanket inside the crate. I saved him a lot of time and frustration tossing the blanket in the crate for him.

After 30 minutes in the computer room I do a check and see the fenced area has been untouched. No signs of digging along the fence line. All is good and she has passed her tests with A+ today.

As usual once they saw where I was headed, to write this post, they all followed me into the computer room to sleep under a slight breeze with the windows open. Ava is in the hallway sleeping and has a direct breeze from the bathroom window blowing towards her.

Not taking Magnesium on a regular basis might be my problem for lack of motivation and feeling the way I have been feeling. Terrible mood most of the time.

It is still a beautiful day this morning in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.

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