Ava and I only saw one rabbit today but early Sunday morning I counted four of them, sitting motionless in that area of my neighbors yard. Ava will sprint to the fence and bark once she sees one but it's strange that there was no response from Henry and Watson about what was in the neighborhood.
Basset Hounds are bred to hunt rabbits. He sat on the patio and started at the rabbit but nothing else.
For the first time in four summers I have a mole problem. They are going along the fence line from that corner pole, past Henry and almost to the fenced off area where I am growing new grass seed. Luckily Ava has not dug but a couple of small exploratory holes in that mole track. Twice a day I walk the mole track mashing the raised yard back to ground level with my shoe.
It has been a little over a month? where I found that growth on Henry's tail. It is under the white hair right where it turns red. It has not decreased or increased in size and I have never seen him chew in that area. I am glad it does not bother him. The most important thing is, it is the same and not draining or bleeding.
My backyard has never been in this bad of shape. Combined with the rating of 'severe drought' here this summer, a lot of dog traffic running through the yard, the new found moles, I have bare dirt in too many places. The weather forecast shows we have a good chance of rain seven out of the next nine days. That will give me time between rains to rough up the hard wet clay, lay new topsoil and plant new seed. I have the top soil to fill the holes that Ava has dug, but I am not real happy about that. That paver covers one of her big holes.
The grass that has died was not thick like zoysia grass but had the exact same kind of root system where it spreads outward. Those roots and what is left of that kind of grass is literally roasted, even after watering the yard a couple of times a week before we got the rain this weekend. Mother nature will bring the grass back but it is so different than it was this spring.
With the temps cooler it is temping to shut off the AC, open the windows but the humidity has been so high it is almost unbearable. So last night I closed the windows, turned the AC back on to 79° ... the humidity was 92% when I did that. It does not feel bad right now though with the windows open and 82% humidity.
With rabbits on the right side, across the yard in the other neighbor's house are the squirrels. Now those do make Ava sprint to the other side of the yard and Watson will be close behind her baying as the squirrel sits still before scrambling up the big oak tree. I have not see the same amount of squirrel traffic on those hanging AT&T cables like I did before. Bases on the network connections I see in the neighborhood, listed below my connection ... nobody here has AT&T where they replaced 600' of AT&T Fiber a month or so ago. Maybe the squirrels don't like the new fiber insulation they installed.
I will be looking for a landscaping company or someone that does yard work and has a bush hog. I would like to clear off the bank after the leaves are gone. After that as cleared I would cut a few of the taller thinner trees. I'd like to find some wild flower seeds that grow. When I tried that on a bank where I lived before, nothing grew. Was it bad seed?
Apple changed their macOS so that affected their browser Safari. A few months back Google got rid of Google Photos where all blog photos were kept. When I wrote about my issue of Safari not working with Google when I uploaded photos to the blog, the Blogger expert told me that under the new changes I would be uploading my photos from my computer through Google Docs and currently that doesn't work well with the new Apple OS. So I am using Chrome to put this post together.
So weird ... rabbits on the right side, a squirrel on the left side, birds flying through the yard 4' above the ground to the nearest tree limb or internet cable ... and these three just look from the patio without any response. Watson is sniffing the top of Henry's head.
I found out that just because her nose has dirt on it, does not mean she is digging. She presses her nose to the ground in those wet holes to see if she smells any sign of the moles. I saw it with my own eyes today so that mystery is solved. I wasn't finding new holes when I saw dirt on her nose this weekend.
Henry just lets everything be as it is. It doesn't matter to him as long as he gets fed a couple of times a day and gets his two belly rubs daily.
Walter was stubborn today. It was the rain earlier that made the deck and yard wet. He doesn't like that although I did see him tip toe through the wet yard to pee. He sprinted back to the door though. Here he is disappointed that the door to the crate is closed. That keeps Ava from dragging the two blankets out into the yard since it has been raining today.
So a pretty laidback day of nothing. I am back to tracking my food intake on Cronometer after a few months layoff. I am curious what the data looks like. I had 21 Apple Watch warnings on Monday starting at 2:19am. Those warnings are for the time my heart rate goes below 40bpm for 10 minutes or more.
I checked my watch to make sure it was giving me accurate data. While it was taking my pulse rate I was taking my pulse rate the old fashion way. Both results were close enough for government work and the watch was good.
My last warning on Monday was a little after 10am and I have not had another warning since. I have read about Bradycardias and once again, I don't have any of the list of things that tells me I need to see a doctor. Nor have I ever experienced any of their list of things to where I should be concerned. Today my resting heart rate has been 52 and my average for walking has been 67bpm.
I am not too enthused anymore about Monday Night Football. I don't feel like watching a movie from the long list of movies on GoogleTV, or Peacock. I have eaten three good meals but not large ones today and I am still craving something sweet but too lazy to go to the store. Is that laziness, boredom or what?
The game Block Blast is still my addiction. I play that on my phone and iPad while the phone is charging. I feel like watching either Breaking Bad or Longmire from the first season first episode, possibly watch Dexter. I have the full seasons on DVD for all those shows. What stops me from doing that is I know myself too well with those three shows.
In the past when I have started watching those shows, I don't stop. I stay up all night going from one season to another, take a short nap and do it all over again until the show is completed.
I need a house maid, one that I can afford.
I am still tormenting myself by looking at available dogs at the three city shelters and a new one at the next county over on the way to the vet. It got real complicated on Sunday when I see a 7 year old spayed bloodhound female in the no-kill shelter. For some reason that I don't know yet, her foster family gave her back to the shelter.
Yet the one that is funny looking and has been there the longest is tempting. There is just something about rescuing a dog that has been in the shelter for a very long time. That would make him or her unbelievably happy.
The stray dog up north is still temping ... all the looking just scrambles the brain cells mostly. I am pretty sure that Walter does not want another dog in his territory. He has just got back to normal after pouting for months after I brought Ava home. The other three would not mind, just someone else to play with.
The 90's have left "the tropics" of Southern Indiana and we are finally getting all the rain we need this coming week.
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