September 05, 2024

Apple Watch SOS System Works


The upper back of my head made that hole. I don't why I fell and do not even remember falling. I got all of that information from my Apple Watch and the back of my head. All I remember is going to bed around 9pm and the next thing I know I am standing in my bedroom by that wall, holding my Apple Watch in my hand and using it as a phone as I talked to my nephew. He had called asking if I was okay.

Based on 'recent calls' on my iPhone a call was placed to 911 at 10:51pm. That call lasted for 30 seconds. I don't remember it. At 10:53pm my nephew is calling me asking if I am okay and I told him yes but that I was really confused. I had no idea why I was standing up in my bedroom, why my watch was off my wrist and in my hand ... and "why are you calling me?"

The hounds and dogs looked innocent as they all sat in the hallway looking at me while I talked. None of them seemed anxious, upset or had a look of guilt that they some times have when something has happened they know that involves them. 

As the Apple Watch is designed, it detected a hard fall close to 10pm. When I did not answer the question "Did you fall" and "Are you okay" it automatically called 911. Evidently I was semi-coherent enough to speak to someone there well enough that they did not send an ambulance to my house, which would be the normal procedure.

Also when that call to 911 took place four alarms were sent to the four people I have listed on my iPhone's Emergency SOS app which is located in Settings. They got a message like this ---

Hard Fall SOS

Stephen called emergency services from this approximate location after Apple Watch detected a hard fall. You’re receiving this message because Stephen has listed you as an emergency contact.

Below that message was a pinned location of where I was with a street map and shaded houses of mine and my neighbor's houses. 

My nephew and I talked for a while he asked me different questions based on his experience with head injuries while he was serving in Iraq. Everything seemed fine to him and me ... except what happened.

The times I get out of bed at night and standing next to my bed facing away from it, my master bathroom is to the left. During the night the door is left open so all I have to do is turn left. But I fell into the wall on the right side of the room if I am in that same standing position. Plus it was very low on the wall. 

How did I get there?

If I were to turn to the right while standing next to the side of my bed, I would go out that door down the hallway to the kitchen to drink water. I don't remember doing that or even wanting to do that. I just remembering answering the phone call on my watch and my nephew asking me if I was okay.

I cleaned my head up and applied some antibacterial salve, took 600mg of Ibuprofen and went back to sleep. Sleeping solid from midnight to 6am, when Ava woke me up to go outside.

All of the hounds and dogs were back to sleep even before I cleaned up my head. These two sleep across from the side of the bed while Watson and Ava trade places between the dog bed at the end of the room and the spare floor space.

I finally started today a little later than normal with feeding the dogs and making coffee as usual. I did NOT have a headache but my shoulders at the base of my neck was really sore. My Ekrin massager seems to have helped that situation today. 

So after 8 hours today I have slept, eaten breakfast, walked inside the house, bent over to fill the dog food dishes with no headaches and never feeling dizzy. I feel normal and where my head is cut, it does not hurt except when I clean it and apply more antibacterial salve.

That had to be quit a fall for my hard head to do that to dry wall. I know how hard I would have had to swing a hammer to make a hole not even that big. I guess wall repair near the top of my "to do" list now.

My hard head has had to many experiences where it was damaged. Besides this, a car wreck in Baja in 1979, another car wreck when I was rammed into while I sat at a stop sign on a highway in 2010, the scariest was diving into a swimming pool and hitting my head on the concrete bottom thinking I was in the end of the pool with 10' of water but was on the end with 3' of water. I was young and drunk when that happened. Then the fall in 2021 when I come conscious with Walter in my face barking insanely at me. He did not do that last night.

Let see what else ... A "stinger" in high school football. In 1969 they were not called stingers but a good hit (tackle). 

So as my friend told me today with a laughing emoji, after seeing the photo of the hole in the wall "you got a hard head Steve, that is some hole".

I looked back at my heart rate in the time before and after the fall, all normal. I took my blood pressure this morning before my coffee, all normal. My pulse rate this morning before getting out of bed was 61 and that was good based on the bike ride I had yesterday morning with some hard hill climbing along the way.

I do feel okay and have all day. 

The only gap is not knowing what and how it happened.

Mysterious times here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana today.


  1. Well that was scary and you can't remember how you did it ! I agree with your do have a hard head. Could one of the dogs been in your path and you tripped?
    Hope that doesn't happen again.
    Be Safe

    1. I have no clue what happened but the tripping over a dog in the dark is a good possibility.

  2. Replies
    1. It's quite an experience isn't it. I am not sure how much more luck I have left.

  3. My first thought was perhaps you were sleep walking, took off the watch and then tripped over one of the dogs. Very strange. I hope you did not have a concussion. Great that you have your Apple Watch that notifies others for you. Take care

    1. Can't remember the last time I was sleep walking. I take off the watch sometimes sleeping if it is itching my wrist but in that situation, not sure why the watch was off. I think I stood up started to walk right into Watson, he tries to stand up as I pass and I fall over him. That is the only logical guess. What the Apple Watch did is exactly why I bought it. Wound healing nicely.

  4. I have cats so I have motion sensor night lights that come on all over the house if I walk around at night so I won't trip over a cat. A couple of them are also trouble lights that come on if the power goes off. Be careful.

    1. Most likely I tripped over Watson that sleeps on the floor side of bed, to the right. The only thing I can come up with for me to fall where I did.

  5. Thank you for your comment on my blog this morning it has put me into a re-think mode about my traveling life. Aging is hittiing home hard over here.

    1. I replied to your reply on your blog. It's almost uncontrollable about the changes. It is getting harder and harder for me to change into the clothes I use to ride a bike the way I do but I know that riding is the healthiest thing I can do. Too many days it seems I just want to hang out with the dogs and hounds and not do anything.
