September 02, 2024

September 01, 2024

College Football Saturday & Rambling

This will be a very short post but I wanted to show you what the hounds and dogs do while I watch hours and hours of college football on Saturdays. It was another HUMID day yesterday but lower temps. Walter is not shown because I took all the photos while sitting on the couch during the game commercials. Walter was back in the cold computer room snoring. I start rambling after the hounds and dogs.

August 29, 2024

Shelter Dogs Euthanized

I stepped outside and stood on the patio this morning around 7:30am. I had been up for a little over an hour and it was already hot enough to feel it. That is the only way I could describe it. My friend and I were heading out for a short easy pace bike ride by 9am. The ride went fine but I didn't feel much breeze and the air created by riding a bike, was hot air.

August 25, 2024

A Bike Ride Before The Heat

It had been 10 months since my last ride. That is sad considering before that string of not riding started, I was riding outside 2-5 days per week up to October 2023. After that it was one excuse after another not to ride. I used so many of them, it is too long to list them. Yet today showed me the routine again, not only to keep the dogs safe while I am gone in HOT weather but one that I can use every time I ride with a new puppy.

August 24, 2024

Burned Some Weeds Today

It is back to being hot today, 92° currently at 2:19pm. You will see later what the other three are doing along with Ava. She is blocking some of that AC air that comes out of that vent. Last Thursday I think it was, I bought the Lincoln Electronic Inferno Weed Burner. The instructions were a few paragraphs of nothing so consequently I didn't operate that nor the propane bottle correctly.

August 23, 2024

I May Ruffle Feathers Today

I am talking off topic today. Long and Rambling Nothing about yard work where we need rain badly and nothing in the forecast for weeks. Nothing about hounds or dogs besides Ava is growing and Henry's growth on his tail is not growing. We go to the vet on Monday to get a second opinion. What I may talk about may ruffle feathers and my policy always has been when I write that way ... I don't care.

August 18, 2024

Today Was Deletion Day


It's been an interesting afternoon I guess. Weeks of thinking came to a decision point and things started getting deleted. Because of doing that, a LOT of BS should move out of my life. There is a point in time you just get tired of all the BS and it's time to clean out things.

August 11, 2024

History Was Made Today

Sunday morning started off with the normal two cups of coffee as usual but I had a plan today. In fact it was a project of a different sort. After checking a few pet shops in recent weeks and months, I decided to take a trip to Rural King. 

When I use to buy Diamond Naturals dog food there I noticed they had a big selection of dog toys and dog supplies.

The goal today was to buy three collars, including one for "no neck" Walter, so I could walk each of them. Walking is now back on the daily schedule since the temps have cooled off, especially in the mornings.

I soon changed my plan for dog collars after I saw this. I always wanted to try one of these and I liked the climbing rope lead. That small black thing near the loop, is a "stop" so you can instantly adjust the length of the "collar" after slipping it over the head of each hound or dog.

I know it is hard to believe but this one item made my dog walking expeditions so much easier ... no collars to put on, since my dogs don't wear collars, except Ava. They don't fight having a collar put on but they squirm a lot. They all stood there as I slipped this leader their nose and head. 

August 09, 2024

Perfect Weather Day

A perfect weather day that finds me, the hounds and the dogs doing a lot of nothing. We go out when we want, hang inside with cooler air conditioned air when we want and not much else. I see it is already a little after 2pm when I took these photos so we may not do anything else either. It's great to do nothing.

August 08, 2024

Is It A Cyst or Tumor?

I usually look at the ears, armpits and around the neck of each hound and dog for ticks. I haven't seen but a couple of ticks this year, so it was a shock when I saw a dark object on Henry's tail. It was hidden pretty well under the long white hair. At first I thought I was looking at the largest tick I had ever seen. I've seen hundreds of them in 37 years of having hounds. Looking closer it didn't have that smooth surface a tick has when it is full of blood. Besides that, ticks normally fall off after they fill with blood. Whatever this was, wasn't coming off.