October 07, 2024

Hounds Fight !!!

It started out as a calm game of fetch between Watson and Ava. Henry laid on the patio and watch them run toward the ball I was throwing across the yard. I decided toward the end to change things up and threw the ball higher so it would bounce on the patio. It went high but too short and barely hit the patio, bouncing into the yard. It was close enough that Henry decided he wanted the ball ... they stopped fighting when I yelled, but by the sound it was going to get very ugly very fast.

October 06, 2024

Amazing Reactions To Last Post

I put this palm in a larger pot today, watered it really good and let it spend the day outside on the patio. After all that I realized after seeing the downloaded photo I didn't get it low enough in the pot to where that based is covered in dirt. I like you, see roots. The roots have plenty of room to grow though, so maybe next spring or summer I will repot it again. You can tell by that photo, most likely this is a pretty boring blog post.

October 05, 2024

Reputable Charities

Football Saturday in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana. This was deleted by mistake the other day. 

September 29, 2024

Water Company Excitement

With the predicted Hurricane surge hitting us this weekend, starting Friday ... I did all the yard work on Thursday. Besides mowing and trimming around the inside and outside of the fence along with the driveway and landscape edging ... I took the weedeater and buried it in the ditch that had formed where the Bradford Pear tree use to be. After they cut the tree down 3 years ago, they ground the stump but fill the hole back up with wood sawdust. I think covered it with topsoil and new grass seed. 

September 25, 2024

No More Hounds Or Dogs !!

A trip to see the bloodhound in the no-kill shelter was all I needed to finalize my craziness, a decision. No more hounds or dogs. The vibe wasn't there when I saw her, talked to her and petted her. She is a different story at at different time. I knew walking back to my car the urge to rescue a dog from the shelter was over. For some reason I just didn't want any more than I have. There were other changes too after I got home. These photos are from today.

September 24, 2024

I'm A Transport Volunteer

You may have heard me lately complaining a little about about the holes that Ava has been digging. When I saw her first hole I thought it was a sign of a bored puppy but after reading more about the German Shepherd breed, it's in their DNA ... it's what they do. So today I see I have a Facebook message from my cousin, the one that kinda talked me into getting Ava so she would be in a good home.

This picture is in the Facebook message with a note ... "Ava's sister". Her sister looks a little bigger also.

September 23, 2024

A Lot Of Yard Activity


Ava and I only saw one rabbit today but early Sunday morning I counted four of them, sitting motionless in that area of my neighbors yard. Ava will sprint to the fence and bark once she sees one but it's strange that there was no response from Henry and Watson about what was in the neighborhood.

Basset Hounds are bred to hunt rabbits. He sat on the patio and started at the rabbit but nothing else.

September 21, 2024

September 20, 2024

A Few Changes

I was going to talk about a few changes since my last post and right off the bat trying to start this post, some of those changes prevented me from loading photos to this blog using Safari but works when I tried Firefox as a browser. Also the photos did not load in the order I wanted them too so at least fore these first three photos I will change my thoughts on what I was going to talk about into the order of the photos.

September 16, 2024

Blog Contact Address Change

Sometime back I was noticing some strange traffic on my blog that Blogger furnishes me. A certain country was blasting my blog with traffic. I just figured it was normal website indexing by bots and I still feel that is the reason for the majority of the traffic. It was just unbelievable numbers in page views/visits.

Not soon after I noticed this increase in blog traffic, my Apple Mail filters for junk mail was being overwhelmed with junk mail sent to the blog email address on my blog contacts page.

That email address had been used since October 2011 when I set up this blog. Normal mail from people that have that address would show up in my inbox. I have all gmail forwarded to my Apple Mail on my computer and other devices.

I went through the inbox of bhounds3 on gmail this morning to find the few people that use that email to communicate with me. Those people need to change my email address in their contacts to ---

houndsdogs4 at gmail dot com

I have always spelled out the gmail address on the contacts page because it was suppose to filter spam mail and keep the email address from being hacked. That may or may not have worked, since I do use that email address for different companies that I sign up for or different apps that need an email address.

I basically used it over the years for times "they" needed an address and I thought it might result in tons of spam or junk emails.

I do know the new address works for my blog as an administrator, as Blogger calls it. Feel free to send a test email to the new address to make sure you have it typed correctly in your contacts.

Once I do all the email changes where this bhounds3 was used I will delete the account never to be used again or to receive any more emails. The number of spam emails is just unbelievable also.