April 19, 2018

Heidi Continues Hibernation

It was close that Heidi might declare "Spring is Here" yesterday as the temps approached 70° but that would have been too early and she knew it. It was "feels like" 28° this morning. She will leave her sleeping bag to eat, take afternoon naps on the couch and a few short trips outside to relieve herself but no sun bathing yet. The bloodhounds of course, don't care about weather.

April 18, 2018

A Day Almost Missed

It was going to be close to 70° today with plans of being outside doing things, and mowing the yard as a minimum. I figured we would take up to 3 walks today and even Heidi might spend some time out in the yard just laying around to enjoy the sunshine. Those photos look like overcast skies to me but it is close to 70° like they predicted and I did get the parts of the yard mowed that I wanted.

Some people say it's the definition of insanity when you continue to make the same decisions and get the same negative results over and over and over. This isn't the first time it has happened but hopefully it will be the last time it will happen.

Over the past couple of years I have tweaked what I eat to the side of being healthy. All in search for food that does not give me indigestion. So that means I have had to cut out things that I loved to eat or drink and the same foods the millions of other like. Consequently as your system gets used to eating fresh veggies and fruits (I have always ate these) followed by water instead of soda ... when those 'rules' are broken I am basically out of commission for 12 hours.

All of the hounds know something is wrong so they hang close to make sure I have a pulse. They do not beg for walks, food or pets ... they all sleep the same time I am sleeping, or trying too.

So we had a late start to the day. By the time we took off the sunshine was gone but it was warm. It looked like rain and I wasn't really sure if I could complete the walk or not but it felt like I needed to do something. I decided that if I felt okay after the walk then I would move half of the back and half of the front yards because that is all that was needed cut.

So far so good. I've been eating a little food other than the mostly green banana and slices of plain toast. I can feel things getting back to normal. I had a friend tell me the other night that lives alone, that he never eats full meals anymore but small snacks of good food only when he is hungry.

Maybe that is something to try.

Sadie and Stella were thrilled to get outside. Stella followed us with some of my verbal coaxing and Sadie ran to the far right corner of the field and covered every inch of it with her feet and nose. Evidently heavy deer traffic in that area.

Not sure why I took the time to blog this. It seems I am back in the daily routine again. It's all be discussed before so I'll not go into that.

I'll leave you with the rest of the photos I took today on our walk.

This is part of the yard that I have not mowed yet this year.

I'll be out tomorrow looking for a lint filter to put on my drain-hose ... I hope I can find that at the local hardware stores instead of driving 25 miles to Lowe's or Menards.

Otherwise it's a good day today in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.

April 17, 2018

Wash Machine Mystery Solved

I was within a click away from ordering a new washer and dryer with a delivery date of April 26th. Something didn't feel right. The only reason I had not tested it one last time to see where the excess water might be coming from was because I didn't want to pull both units out of the tight 60" x 29" space and clean up the floor again if it leaked.

Did that really matter? I'd still have to pull each unit out if I bought new and had it installed. So I decided to do a small test on the washer with a half load of the fleece blanks, not the Mexican blankets, that the hounds like to sleep on when the temperatures are warmer.

I also decided to continue to blog about this wash machine leak mystery because the story wasn't complete and besides, if I can take photos and write every day for a week when I pulled ever last weed out of my gravel driveway a few years ago why not blog about wash machines since I know all of you are hanging by a thread with this drama that is unsolved.

It was the cobwebs and dust I found inside the washer when I looked up from the bottom of it on Sunday night. They kept bothering me. The cause couldn't be the wash machine because I found no water stains. Both both hot and cold water hoses were dry as a bone at each connection ... no leaks there. Under the washer all the hoses were clamped tight, no damage and no signs of leaks. The only other place where water was a factor was the drain hose or drain tube.

There were no holes or cracks in the drain hose because it was covered in dust and under the washer the clamp was tight, hose was like new. So now I am down to one area ... the drain tube.

I grabbed my bright LED small camping flashlight off the shelf and once the washer started it's rinse cycle I had that flashlight looking down into the drain tube behind the washer and dryer. My other hand was on the lid of the washer because if I saw water backing up to the top of that tube I knew if I lifted the lid the drain process would stop and I wouldn't have water all over the floor.

The draining was going perfectly but then I had my answer !!!!  The water started approaching the top of the drain pipe that is about 40" tall. I lifted the lid of the washer, and the water stopped coming to the top and slowly started draining. I did this same process all through the drain cycle and had the same results.

So it wasn't my washer after all ... I admit I never thought of and never have cleaned out the drain pipe since living here. I have lived here 20 years. I never heard it over flow, never saw signs of a water problem until this past weekend. But my plumbing snake told a different story as I put it down into the pipe as far as possible or until I ran out of snake. I reeled it back in to see a ton of lint and dog hair at the end of the snake.

I cleaned it off and went back for another trip down into the drain pipe. I pulled more lint and dog hair than I did the first time. I did this until I could collect no more. I put a funnel on top of the pipe and poured in some very hot water to clean out any lint or dog hair that was left along the sides of the pipe. Then to test the drain pipe to see if it was still plugged somewhere, I took my garden hose and sprayed water down into the drain pipe to see if it backed up.

It drained perfectly.

With sales taxes I would have paid, I saved between $850-$900 by checking one last time and finding out I did not need to replace the washer. Since a washer and dryer is not high on my priority list like a computer or tv would be, I will use this old washer and dryer until they drop before I buy another. When I looked underneath the washer Sunday night all the other parts looked in great shape.

So that was the excitement of the day. It always feels good when I save some money. What a shock it would have been to buy and install a new unit and have the same leak ... LOL

Now back to Mahjong and the Reds game tonight ... As you can see the hounds did not do much right after lunch. Heidi definitely wasn't interested in staying outside long in 35°. By the time we took our 2nd walk of the day around 2pm it was up to 45°. Sadie may get her 3rd walk of the day around 6pm when it should be close to 60°.

Things are back to normal now in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.

Warmer Days Ahead

We got a late start this morning but that did not diminish Sadie's energy when she knows we are going to go on a walk any time of day. I let both of them out while I put my hiking boots on and by the time I reached the backyard Sadie was halfway to the first corner of the woods.

Once she saw me with camera in hand and dressed for 30° weather she sprinted toward me all the way and tapped my knee with her nose to let me know she was ready. Stella had not moved the during the time I was inside the house and was starting so slow I thought she might be hanging back today.

One one hound too far behind to go get and the other taking off out in front of me I decided to keep walking and let Stella go where she wanted this morning.

She decided she would rather go with us than disappear so in a slow trot she gradually caught up with us. I am pretty sure her hips bother her anymore, enough that she can no longer run in a full sprint that she did a couple of years ago. Hip supplements that I tried did not seem to help.

She is not like Sadie. She might run up to you but never stops and most of the time will step on your foot if you are in her way. She will run into you instead of going around you, even inside the house. That is what she did this morning and kept on going. LOL

There was just a little wind out of the southwest and the forecast shows it will be 60° tonight and it will continue that type of weather for the next 10 days. That's a great sign yet I know that as late as the end of May it can still drop back into the 50's like it did a year or so ago. A photos library is a great way to track history.

All of the yard need to be mowed. I might wait one more day before so it can dry out a little more. The Z4 might finally get washed this week and I might even apply a coat of wax. The 2003 car still runs like a new one. It is powerful, quiet and smooth going down the highway. It's even more responsive in the 'sport mode'.

Once again the scents seemed pretty strong this morning. Both bloodhounds were pretty detailed in their exploration with their nose.

I had to do a lot of verbal herding to keep Stella focused enough to follow us. She gets distracted a lot and wants to go in the opposite direction of Sadie and I. Sadie on the other hand always moves forward and is so focused she has no idea what is going on around her.

I am pretty close to making a decision on what to do about the washer and dryer.

I looked to the right and didn't see any deer in the vacant cut field but remember bloodhounds can hear 4x better than the human ear and their noses can smell scent we can't come close to. I am not sure what got Sadie's attention but I am glad that she continued the walk instead me having to run after her in the field to our right.

This is the path the deer take across the back of the either to or from the woods north of us.

I was able to get both of them headed in the direction of home and both of them walked at a slow steady pace with a few stops along the way.

After looking at all the angles I am going to go with buying a new washer and dryer at a good price and with the same or a little larger capacity of the washer I have now. It will be a top loader, both units on sale with good consumer reviews. I don't really want to 'test' my old unit again and then have to go through the same process of cleaning up water, pulling the old units out of their space and cleaning up the floor under the washer plus drying it out with a fan.

If the washer is borderline broke now it will not be long before it is broke beyond repair, so I'll replace it now. A friend reminded me last night that I wouldn't want to go out in the winter and bad weather just to do laundry. Then I remembered those single digit temps this past winter and knew that she was right.

The day of delivery I'll pull both units out and shut off the water at the meter in the front yard.

Not much planned today besides a couple of more walks. If Heidi comes out of hibernation and I take enough photos in the afternoon I might add another blog post later today or early evening. Heidi has not been out any longer than it takes for her to relieve herself first thing in the morning and after her lunch. She might go out with the bloodhounds at night if she wakes up.

A beautiful day here in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana today.

Warmer Days Ahead ... Finally

It was still cold this morning on our walk but by this afternoon it will be back into the 60's and that light snow yesterday will seem like a distant memory. Heidi is still hibernating until it's warmer.