August 16, 2016

Last Day of Rain Until The Weekend

Yes, it's rain drops I hear hitting the tree leaves outside my window as my eyes open. It's the same thing I heard when I shut the lights off last night.

I'm not sure what changed, because my routine didn't, but I had one of the best nights of sleep I've had in many months. Even the hounds did not move from their sleeping spots that they started in.

An hour later the rain was still coming down steady. One of those rains where it's straight down, no wind, and a gentle consistent pour. It was hard enough that neither hound went to the field. They barely got into the yard to pee with Heidi being the smartest by staying dry under the roof overhang.

So not much was done today ... I read books, the hounds slept and the rain never stopped coming down until after 1:30pm today.

Luckily for me and the hounds, by this afternoon the rain moved out of the area and we are looking at Wednesday and Thursday as sunny days before it starts raining again for the weekend. That puts my lawn care in an interesting position, one that I have had all summer.

The question is do you go ahead and cut the lawn while it's short ... kind of a trim ... or wait and get caught with the next round of rain that will make the lawn too tall to mow by the time it is dry enough to mow. I've found it's easier to cut it while it's short even if it's not ready to be cut.

We made a trip to town to buy a new 40# bag of dog food at the local feed store. That 40# normally lasts all 3 hounds 17 days but we will be a little short this time. I didn't find out until I opened the back door of the FJ to let Sadie and Stella out at the house.

While driving those short 2 miles, Stella had tore the bag of kibble open and had eaten a good portion of dog food without me realizing what had happened.  LOL ... never a dull moment with Stella ... still a puppy at 7 years old.

By early evening the sky let us know that sunshine is on the way for the next few days. I'll mow on Thursday after the yard spends two days drying out.

Nothing but rainbows here in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.

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