January 22, 2019

The Hounds Overslept!!

Something was different. It was not only daylight but bright daylight. Instead of a warm house it was really cold after a night of warmer outdoor temps in the 20s. Both hounds were passed out, sleeping soundly. For once they were not waking me up but I would wake them up once they heard me.  Is this a dream?
Tapping my watch face confirmed what I was seeing or feeling was true. It should be bright daylight because it was 8:35am !!!! The app "SleepWatch" loved it. All kinds of exciting icons for getting more than 8 hours sleep in one session. It was the first time in months that sleep was more than 8 hours. I have no idea what happened since there were no warning signs from any of us that we would oversleep.
Consequently the schedule slid a little. Nothing planned, nothing needing done, made it quite easy to slide that schedule a few hours. The hounds still enjoyed their food later than normal and they had the same exact routine after eating ... they went back to sleep.
I had my normal two cups of coffee, read the latest internet news and sports, answered a few emails and traded a few texts. Stella came into the room about an hour later to see if we were walking today or not. It was nice to feel warmer outside. The snow was still deep but it was 30° which meant there was a really good chance that Stella would complete the half mile walk.
She had a 'bounce to her step' this morning ... energized.
Little did I know that as she trotted in front of me that she would not stop. I just passed the first turn and she was already in back of the field !!
I called her name from a distance just to see if she would hear me. I had no plans of running to catch up, nor walking any faster. It didn't look like she was into eating deer scat today, just exploring ... so she did her thing and I walked my pace.
You can tell by her legs that the snow is fairly deep but still probably not more than 3" or 4".
She was right on track with the deer tracks. With Sadie I would have heard her jowls making noise as she inhaled each breath and her tail would have been up and curled at the scent she was collecting. Stella is more relaxed when she tracks. It's just a stroll to her.
Any bare spot in the grass was ice covered. It's hard to imagine by tonight around 8pm it's going to start raining and not stop until sometime on Thursday. By tomorrow morning's walk Stella may need rain boots because this field is going to be one big saturated mess.
It wasn't the dog barking this morning that caught Stella's attention. In a driveway fairly far away, a school bus was pulling into their parking spot behind a house. Schools must have opened a little later today due to weather. Hilly country roads around here take time to get cleared for safe travel by school buses.
Facing the East, it looked like good weather.
It took a while for Stella to move from the north yard to house. I didn't see any prints in the snow that were not ours but she seemed to feel she needed to sniff every inch along the yard and field border before turning for home.
With the temperature reaching the low 40's today, this is not going to be around much longer.

Waking up late and sliding the daily schedule a few hours kind of puts me into the middle of no man's land when it comes to blogging. I don't know why I've been blogging twice per day but there always seems to be more than enough photos to include for two posts and too many for one post.

I guess it falls into my blog plan I spoke of last month, "blogging when I feel like  it."  So instead of waiting to post this tonight, I am going to post what I have now then see what the afternoon brings. Heidi is still sleeping in that same position you see her in at the top of the page. She's adaptable when it comes to routines.

It's nice to feel warmer in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.

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