Sometimes the weather forecast is right and it was today. Looking at the "hourly" and it showed percentages 80 and above, with a few at 100. It arrived a little later than planned so the hounds and the dog were able to get outside for some quick relief this morning. I see some photos on Facebook from friends out in Sierra Vista that the monsoon is here but so far I see photos of clouds but hear nothing about it raining. They need the rain a lot worse than we do here.
Life in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana, the high desert of the southwest and back to 'the tropics' with the hounds and dogs.
July 01, 2021
June 30, 2021
Afternoon Cancelled By Rain
You would not believe this if I told you but I will any way because it's true. A little after 4am I am woken up by the sound of the metal crate door swinging open. The room is dark as is the hallway until I flipped the lights switch. By the time I am at the hallway, Watson is halfway to the kitchen. I chase him, turning lights on behind him. I slide the patio door open and he runs, jumps off the deck into the yard and pees.
June 29, 2021
Henry Is One Year Old Today
It is hard to believe a year has passed already. Last year I received an email from the breeder telling me I had made cut to choose a puppy. Before we knew the size of the litter, I didn't know if I would have a pick last summer. Well Henry had nine siblings and I was number five in line. I knew by his two week old photo he was the one I wanted. I would not know until weeks later if I was going to luck out or not. I did as you have seen. He was pretty proud of himself this morning before 6am. It wasn't birds he heard but something in the air he smelled.
June 27, 2021
Walter Springs Into Action
It was a surprise this morning as we stepped outside, the hounds and the dog went into the play mode almost immediately. Walter checked in with me before he sprinted and jumped off the patio deck into the yard. One a side note by 7:02am all three were in the computer room with Walter and Henry sound to sleep with Watson chewing on a pork slab. Of of course overnight, Watson got taller, stronger and more stubborn. Here are the photos from this mornings activities.
June 26, 2021
Hounds & Dog Like AC
As usual the day started early with Watson sleeping through the night. Totally amazing for a hound that is not even 9 weeks old yet. (Monday) They went outside long enough to check some of the area before they had breakfast and were back at it soon after. I need a fence and once I have one installed the hounds and the dog will love running free, full speed. I had a few things I wanted to do today that related to my '57 VW bug, so I was at AutoZone a little after 7:30am to pick up three quarts of oil.
June 25, 2021
Walter Back To Normal
Walter slept well last night and I was woken by his snoring a couple of times. He was ready to eat and sprinted back inside after his first trip outside this morning. He looked normal, acted normal and ate faster than normal. Watson is getting more like a bloodhound by the day. He is starting to ignore me and Henry now, doing his own thing. He ran the backyard today leash free and laster hooked to the cable, using Henry's long cord as the main one. Henry is just Henry. Very laidback and nothing bothers him until the neighbors start petting the puppy ... then he starts barking.
June 24, 2021
A Busy Day For All
From 7am on it was a very busy day. Walter was at the vet to be neutered by 7:30am. Then the two hounds kept me pretty busy. I picked up Water at 4pm, took off his Ecollar because he didn't need one. He cannot reach that far with his mouth to bother the stitches. He came out of his meds around 6:30pm and started acting normal. I felt so sorry for him in that collar that I did not take any photos. So ... not a lot of words tonight due to time and even now I am talking on the phone. Enjoy the photos.
June 23, 2021
Watson Changes Everyday
The day started off with some teaching by Henry. If you are going to explore the berm Watson needed to know the ins and outs of the steep incline. I am told there should be snakes around since they cut the field behind the berm but I haven't seen any yet. I am sure that Henry would let me know if they ran into any. Not rattlesnakes fortunately and most likely harmless. I could tell that Watson is getting strong and taller as he trotted across the kitchen floor this morning knowing he was going to be fed.
June 22, 2021
High Speed Runs & Chases
The past few days the hounds and the dog have been inspecting the other side of the yard. Maybe they know an invisible fence is coming and they will be able to spend some time over there too. It is people that determine which direction they go when they step out of the house. If either neighbor is outside they head that way. Yet, if one of them is mowing their yard, the hounds will sit and watch while the dog sprints back to the patio door to be let inside. They are getting use to the new puppy with similar daily routines. It was nice cool weather today so they spent a lot of time outside while I sat and watched without a camera. LOTS of photos in this post.
June 21, 2021
Walter Decides To Have Some Fun
Walter let us sleep a little longer this morning so our day didn't start until a little after 6am. They headed outside this morning all unleashed. I could tell with Henry chasing birds on the ground that he was going to have to be tethered but I was going to wait and see what Watson did. When I came back outside after getting my camera and the card that was still in the computer, I saw Henry looking at something but I didn't see Watson.
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