April 16, 2024

Ava Showing Personality

Late start to the day due to low energy. Have the backyard mowed and the fence line trimmed in time for storms after 11pm supposedly. Even in the afternoon the grass was still wet down by it's roots and it has not rained in days. Ava is starting to show some personality now. She still looks like she is getting taller by the hour. Feel tired but it's been a good day.

April 15, 2024

Ava Growing By The Hour

She stands taller than Henry now. I don't have to bend down so far to pet her. She gallops at times when she runs inside or outside. She obeys "stop" for playing. She "come" when called. She turns to face me when she hears her name. She is going to be a good dog. But like a friend reminded me today with a photo ... months 4-24 might be terrible. LOL

The hounds and dogs may have felt the heat more than me because it never felt like it was 85° with the windows open and a good breeze flowing through the house.

April 14, 2024

Ava Starts Leading Activity

She is quiet. So far she only barks when she is playing. She will follow me but isn't clingy. She knows hand signals and a some commands. She has been here nine days and a great addition to the crew. Even Walter was back to normal this morning for the first time since she arrived and that was good to see.

Posting From Firefox

Comments are open and back to normal. My first test this morning for posting photos on the blog worked. I am doing this using Firefox instead of Safari. All I needed to do was clear History on Safari and it works there too. It was a great day yesterday and will be today with highs in the 80s. The hounds and dogs loved the time they spent outside. They were playing so hard that Ava ran into the computer room by herself panting for air. Henry followed her but never made it past the entry way as he laid on the hallway floor to cool off. I am repeating myself but she has been just a fantastic puppy to live with. Smart and learning commands. 

April 12, 2024

Watson Grooms Ava

I snapped off 13 photos of Watson grooming Ava around lunch time. With the rain unexpectedly returning there wasn't a lot of photos taken this morning. As you will see in the end, it has been a pretty relaxing day and the hounds and the dogs decided to call it a day today right after their lunch.

April 11, 2024

The Hounds Love Ava

I think Ava is growing by the hour. Again this morning she sprinted for her food bowl while Watson took his on the left side of the room. It was a cold and rainy day, much like the PNW days I experienced on Whidbey Island many years ago. Walter is becoming more active with photos below. The hounds love Ava and she loves them. She is such an easy puppy to live with. [Comments have to be moderated for a short time. Blog hit by spammers. Just post your comment once, you won't see it post because I will have to approve it before it is seen. Thanks]

April 10, 2024

Ava Likes The Rain

In 1975 while in college I bought a Basset Hound/German Shepherd mix named Gretchen. A local rescue agency interviewed my wife and I in depth before they showed us only certain sized dogs. We lived in an apartment at that time, thus the mid-size dog was offered. With an all day light rain I found out that Ava does not mind the rain although it was a light rain. All three didn't mind it and Walter even went out after his lunch. He is not pictured today since he has been hiding in the computer room sleeping his day away.

April 09, 2024

Today Was Too Quiet

With the nationwide eclipse excitement yesterday, it was a little too quiet today. Henry and Watson got into a fight while playing tug of war on a large rope bone but that was about all I heard today. Ava had another great day. It's hard to believe she is a little older than 11 weeks and has only been here since Friday night, not quite four days.

April 08, 2024

Eclipse Day 2024

The day did not start promising if we were going to be able to see the eclipse directly in its path. Fogged in until 9:30am, then it was bright and sunny. Yet seeing the dense fog I had to wonder a little if the local weathermen and women had made a miscalculation on sun visibility.

April 07, 2024

She Knows Her Name

First of all the photos are in reverse order, that is with me not sorting them before downloading. The tests I did before, three different ways made no difference, they were never in the correct order. Anyway this is Sunday's activities. From now on I will post a list of photos of the day at 6:30pm Central Time.