April 10, 2024

Ava Likes The Rain

In 1975 while in college I bought a Basset Hound/German Shepherd mix named Gretchen. A local rescue agency interviewed my wife and I in depth before they showed us only certain sized dogs. We lived in an apartment at that time, thus the mid-size dog was offered. With an all day light rain I found out that Ava does not mind the rain although it was a light rain. All three didn't mind it and Walter even went out after his lunch. He is not pictured today since he has been hiding in the computer room sleeping his day away.

I spent the afternoon watching Longmire for the third or forth time ... it is seven seasons worth of one hour murder mysteries. Setting in Wyoming but filmed in New Mexico. Obviously it has turned into one of my favorite shows when I am bored, rain outside and only baseball games on tv now.

Another good day for Ava here in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.


  1. A very cute or handsome addition to your fur buddy family!!
    Don in Okla.

  2. Ava is fitting in like she has been at your home with the gang for a long time.
    I too, enjoyed Longmire and wished that there had been more seasons. I recently watched the Jesse Stone series with Tom Selleck on Prime. Really enjoyed them . We are to have rain and maybe a little snow again this weekend - third weekend in a row.

    1. I watched Jesse Stone when it was on tv. There is still time to snow in Indiana but not this year. She is consistent every day. She like getting groomed by Watson and loves playing with Henry. Walter still isn't that happy with the new addition.
