August 18, 2024

Today Was Deletion Day


It's been an interesting afternoon I guess. Weeks of thinking came to a decision point and things started getting deleted. Because of doing that, a LOT of BS should move out of my life. There is a point in time you just get tired of all the BS and it's time to clean out things.

August 11, 2024

History Was Made Today

Sunday morning started off with the normal two cups of coffee as usual but I had a plan today. In fact it was a project of a different sort. After checking a few pet shops in recent weeks and months, I decided to take a trip to Rural King. 

When I use to buy Diamond Naturals dog food there I noticed they had a big selection of dog toys and dog supplies.

The goal today was to buy three collars, including one for "no neck" Walter, so I could walk each of them. Walking is now back on the daily schedule since the temps have cooled off, especially in the mornings.

I soon changed my plan for dog collars after I saw this. I always wanted to try one of these and I liked the climbing rope lead. That small black thing near the loop, is a "stop" so you can instantly adjust the length of the "collar" after slipping it over the head of each hound or dog.

I know it is hard to believe but this one item made my dog walking expeditions so much easier ... no collars to put on, since my dogs don't wear collars, except Ava. They don't fight having a collar put on but they squirm a lot. They all stood there as I slipped this leader their nose and head. 

August 09, 2024

Perfect Weather Day

A perfect weather day that finds me, the hounds and the dogs doing a lot of nothing. We go out when we want, hang inside with cooler air conditioned air when we want and not much else. I see it is already a little after 2pm when I took these photos so we may not do anything else either. It's great to do nothing.

August 08, 2024

Is It A Cyst or Tumor?

I usually look at the ears, armpits and around the neck of each hound and dog for ticks. I haven't seen but a couple of ticks this year, so it was a shock when I saw a dark object on Henry's tail. It was hidden pretty well under the long white hair. At first I thought I was looking at the largest tick I had ever seen. I've seen hundreds of them in 37 years of having hounds. Looking closer it didn't have that smooth surface a tick has when it is full of blood. Besides that, ticks normally fall off after they fill with blood. Whatever this was, wasn't coming off.

August 07, 2024

15° Makes A HUGE Difference

Can you believe I cut this hydrangea back to the ground every fall? I was told by a landscaping company that looked at what I wanted done when I moved in May 2021, the Hydrangea root system spreads so much that if they were to pull them out of the ground, my whole side yard might be destroyed. So I cut them back every fall and have kept them.

August 06, 2024

Too Hot To Blog

I just wanted to let you all know it has been just too hot from the time we get up in the morning until now, around 6:30 to take any photos. It is so hot that the hounds and dogs go out for cold water in the shade just long enough to drink and then sprint back to the patio door.

Or they go outside just long enough to do what they need to do and run back to the open patio door as I stand there.

I see starting tomorrow we are going back to normal highs and lows in temperatures, about a 10° difference, or cooler ... so hopefully a lot of photos and maybe some rambling starting tomorrow.. 

It "feels like" 96° at 6:38pm CT here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.

Could be my all-time record for the shortest post ever.

August 04, 2024

Lazy Days

Days after the tree was cut up and the backyard was cleaned up with most of the tree limbs put back on the berm, it couldn't stop raining. It would be hot and sunny, small if any chance of rain then unexpectedly it would be a downpour. Luckily on Thursday I was able to get the lawn mowed. For some reason I have now fallen back into being non-motivated. Nothing I try seems to interest me for long.

August 01, 2024

Another Storm

I forgot to post these photos of Watson and Henry yesterday. Even though it was heating up outside by 10am they both enjoyed their time outside. They didn't want to come inside. Maybe because we were still about 3 hours away from getting our electricity turned back on where the AC would work.

July 31, 2024

Another Storm More Damage

Tuesday night around 6:30pm while watching the Reds game on tv, the hard rain was so loud that I turned to look out the patio door as the rain was torrential against the door and windows. I WAS SEEING THAT BANK OF TREES DOING THINGS I HAD NEVER SEEN BEFORE and I KNEW I was in trouble. About the time I said the word trouble to myself I watched that tree fall in slow motion right at me. Luckily the internet cables held the tree up before it could hit my fence, just like it did in November 2021.

July 28, 2024

Ava Gets A New Collar

With so many dogs and hounds over the years from puppy to adult I have a lot of collars to choose from. Today I found a brand new collar in my collection because Henry kept losing it when he was wrestling with Walter and Watson a couple of years ago. Walter would pull it off of him. The choker collar on Ava I had used for 10 days was the perfect length as the one she came with would not stay at the correct length. As you can see, she has a lot of room to grow into this one. Walter had to jump in the crate to check out the collar but my camera missed him doing that.