July 28, 2024

Ava Gets A New Collar

With so many dogs and hounds over the years from puppy to adult I have a lot of collars to choose from. Today I found a brand new collar in my collection because Henry kept losing it when he was wrestling with Walter and Watson a couple of years ago. Walter would pull it off of him. The choker collar on Ava I had used for 10 days was the perfect length as the one she came with would not stay at the correct length. As you can see, she has a lot of room to grow into this one. Walter had to jump in the crate to check out the collar but my camera missed him doing that.

Saturday was a good day to get a couple of things done. I found this to be the best option in keeping my buried internet cable protected in an area that the hounds and dogs like to dig themselves a cool hole to nap in on those hot days they are outside ... even when the patio door is open for them.

I had just the exact number of landscaping blocks I needed, stacked just inside the shed. Probably doesn't look too professional but it will definitely serve the purpose. There might be some modifications along the way as I come up with different ideas.

I went next door and offered to cut their old AT&T internet cable that they no longer use and had been laying across their roof and gutter since the pole fell over on May 26. A few weeks ago I showed that line to the AT&T tech working on the new fiber cable. He stood there and showed me where it was connected to a bracket up near the other cables .... and did nothing, after asking him to do them a favor and cut it. They had tried two or three different times with AT&T and BOi.

I could not get this high, so reaching the cable at that point was impossible. With their approval I cut it at the splice point at the house and was planning to cut it as high as I could climb on my ladder and let it hang. He decided a better idea would be to tie it around the pole after we cut most of the cable off. Not much was done for the rest of the day after that. ... in fact so little, I can't remember. LOL

When I went to bed last night the forecast was telling me I would wake up to heavy thunderstorms and rain for most of the day. It is 9:30am as I type this sentence and this is all we have had in rain this morning. In fact I see a little sun glare peaking out behind the clouds and a patch of blue sky.

Ava was happy to get her new collar but wasn't enthused about getting her photo taken with it on. Not sure why.

This was the angle I wanting to take to show how much excess was there for her to grow into. She does like that crate though and spends time during the day sleeping inside it. 

As we moved through the afternoon none of us were doing much. Ava, Henry and Watson spent a lot of time playing in the backyard while I read a real book. I played a lot of Block Blast, too much actually but we were all waiting for the rain to arrive.

By 3:30pm it started raining lightly as I took my last photos but seeing this radar right now I don't think we are going to miss this next storm. It's all good, my yard needs some good natural water. 

I hear loud rolling thunder as I took this photo. That is looking a little SE but more to the East.

That corn was not even planted on May 29th.

Watson was back in the computer room next to the AC vent and the ceiling fan on for some peace and quiet, when I took these photos.

My older nephew is quite the cook. After today's bread results I would have to say that he can make about every kind of food there is and it is all high quality, nothing like I make. I make good food but he has more patience than I do, thus each recipe is meticulously followed by him. After a few failed attempts it looks like he has his homemade bread down pat.

I told him with a tub of real butter on the table I could eat that whole loaf ... I am now going to research where I can find a bakery in this town that can sell me fresh bread like that. Are they or would they be open on Sundays? Doubt it.

Watson spent most of his day out here. The humidity must have felt good to him.

The rain finally came ... very hard but didn't last long. 

Late to the party but he just sent me a photo of his second loaf ... so I came back here to post it.

So a pretty slow day here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.


  1. Your nephews bread looks very good and the color of Ava's collar is a good match for her markings.

    1. He told me it is just white bread. I thought it was a good match too and it was like new.

  2. I never mastered bread making but it doesn't have to be very good for me to eat a half a hot loaf and a stick of butter. That's why I seldom try to make bread.

    1. And ...that is just one reason I don't buy a lot of bread.
