February 11, 2023

A Beautiful Saturday


The temps increased from 29° early in the morning to 47° by early afternoon. That mean a lot of backyard hound play and walks for all three of them. I tried but Walter has zero interest in going out to walk, although without a leash he will walk with me to the mailbox. He waits on the driveway while I walk across the street to get my mail. Nothing but photos after this. IU game at 5pm but I will be out on the patio enjoying this weather as long as I can.

Samson does not hesitate to bark inside. He has a deep bloodhound bark and loud. When I heard him barking from the computer room this morning I walked out to see a tug of war between Watson and Henry. Samson must have been the referee.

Even Walter thought it was nice enough today go spend a lot of time outside.

Another nice day in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.


  1. Some good action pictures today .

    1. Wait until you see the next post. More action than I wanted. I was actually scared while it happened.

  2. Our weather was about like yours except for the wind. We have had a lot of wind the last couple of months and I am ready for it to move on. Great photos and I am thinking that Samson was just what Watson and Henry needed in their lives.

    1. Sorry that I missed this comment when you made it. I like to reply to all the comments I get. Like you I am ready for all the weather to move out so we can move into spring. Isn't it amazing because you said what I also thought "Samson was just what Watson and Henry needed in their lives" ... it sure seemed like it when I published this post earlier that Saturday. It was a week ago night, in about 27 minutes, that everything changed.
