Another beautiful day here in the "Wild West" but there are over 300 of them in a calendar year so it's expected I guess. I'm a little late tonight because the day was just that busy. From the photos below you would think otherwise but I've been the one being busy the past couple of days. So let's get started.

LIke I said the other day, Heidi is slowly coming around to Henry. This would have never happened just two weeks ago. She would have got up growling and walked into the bedroom over to her dog bed.

I had been having trouble with my 1964 vw double door panel van starting the past week. I almost ... almost ... made a mountain out of molehill ... but I don't like car repair so I as usual took the easier path ... I found out early this morning it needed a new battery. The one that came with it in July was 7 years old. How old is a battery supposed to last? I honestly can't remember. Just like earlier today around 3:30pm I could not remember if I had fed the hounds and the dog lunch yet ... Stella's howl told me I had not.

I missed Monday Night Football last night, I use to never miss that game a few years ago. I heard there is another game tonight, that had been postponed due to the China virus last week. I also heard today that the University of Florida had 19 positive virus tests since their game this past Saturday. So they have cancelled their game this coming Saturday while just yesterday the head coach of Florida was asking the University President to allow them to fill the stadium with 90,000 fans since the state of Florida was officially open.
If anyone is interested here is something the CDC put out today about the China virus.
CDC Study Shows Overwhelming Majority Of People With China Virus Always Wore A Mask
The CDC finally puts out a mask study and it shows 70.4% of people in the study that got the China virus ALWAYS wore masks. Add another 14.6% that got sick OFTEN wore masks. The media is hiding this.
I guess that wearing a mask policy has been proved slightly wrong ... this virus is smart and hard to pin down. I heard there is already another strain, a different strain going around. But like I said before, most of my life after high school, I have believed in statistics more than opinions or expert advice. I think that was about the time I was introduced to gambling on football and basketball games. Still, I couldn't remember if I fed my hounds and the dog their lunch today. LOL

The times I took a break from getting something done around the house or trips downtown, the hounds and the dog (except smart Heidi) would follow me outside. They would show me with their panting and tongues hanging out that it was much too hot to be outside ... so they would sleep in the shade. You can barely see Walter straight ahead just a little behind Henry. Stella is off to the right.

While in the computer room at mid day I heard that sound of metal that one or both of the dog crates were being touched, bit, pulled, dragged, something ... no ... it was Walter that decided the best place to chew that bone he rarely touches, was inside his crate. He has really progressed well with his crate training. By the time I get my shoes on, he is inside his crate waiting for me to rub his ears and tell him "good dog" right before I lock him inside with the small Binks padlock and head to town.

Henry has shown at least one trait I wanted him to have ... he is one laidback basset hound.

Their digging continued this morning as I was talking to the neighbor. They are easy to find with dirty noses and dirty paws/toenails. Will that ever stop?
I don't have the stats so I am asking for some of that kitchen expert advice or water experts opinions. Tucson tv channels have been showing a commercial where even a partially filled dishwasher will use less water than me washing those few dishes by hand, which includes rinsing them. I don't know if that is true or not.
I like the idea myself but my other self does not like the idea of having to spend more money on those little packets of dishwasher soap that works so well it could take the chrome off a trailer hitch.
Someone or a couple of people were asking about my car inventory the other day. The simplest way to answer that question is to give you the link of my other blog here, scroll through the photos for the two old vw's. Click on that photo which opens up the post. You can then click some of the photos inside of that post to enlarge what is there. So do some don't so hold your cursor over them to find out. Not sure how to fix that issue in a Wordpress blog.
I bought the 1959 single cab vw truck in June and drove it back from Temecula CA, yes during the China virus and when Governor Newsom had closed California. I snuck in and out of town really quick without a mask and never got caught ... but I did almost run out of gas.
I bought the 1964 double door panel van in July and the seller was nice enough to escape Durango CO and drive it down for me. I paid him some good cash but less than it would have cost me to have it shipped. We shook hands upon delivery, shared pizza and beer that night, with no masks ... neither of us came down with that stuff. Luck I guess.
Have I ever told you that sometimes Walter snores so loud I can't sleep and he is down the hallway in the computer room sleeping?? Well he is snoring at that volume now and I can't think so I'll end this post and hopefully have more and different photos tomorrow or Thursday ... besides these crazy sleeping photos.
Plant based diet gives me indigestion and I'm gaining weight ... go figure. I think I am going back to steak, chicken and salmon with steamed veggies, no grains, no rice, no fruit and feel better again plus lose the weight I have gained.
It's great to have a new battery for the '64 van here in the "Wild West".
Will pass this along with regards to using your dishwasher. We had a high end dishwasher in our desert home. Used it all winter and then left for the summer. Back the next fall and first time I used it, water leaked all over the floor. The washing machine did the same thing. These appliances were barely a year old. Repairman said that they need to be run at least once a month during the hot summer months to keep everything lubricated as there are so many plastic parts that dry out and crack. The next summer I went down once a month to run the dishwasher and washing machine - no more leaks.
ReplyDeleteThe lady being grilled today out-shined all that questioned her. I could not believe the audacity of some of the Senators and what they asked her. She really kept her cool and composure.
That is interesting about your dishwasher and washing machine. Yes, she continued to be impressive. The senator from Hawaii is a total train wreck.