Speaking of bookstores, a major brand, Barnes & Nobles Book Store in Bloomington is closing or did close February 1st. When I thought about it, somewhat of a surprise then I asked myself when was the last time I browsed the store with a hot cup of Starbucks in my hand? When was the last time I bought a book? When I thought of other people with similar visits or purchases as mine, then it wasn't a surprise that it was closing. Sad but not a surprise.While I went to the mailbox and Heidi roamed the front yard, Stella didn't move from this spot the whole time we were outside. Only to get up and go back inside.I was lucky to pull two of the books off the "New Books" shelf, one that I wanted and one was something that looked interesting. I then scanned their displays of interesting books sitting out on display and pulled another new book from that collection. The book that looked interesting is "Notes On a Nervous Planet" by Matt Haig. I read 26 pages late last night. The book I could not put down all afternoon was "Team of Vipers" by Cliff Sims. I read half of that book, with small print and a lot of detail. I'll finish it today before the Super Bowl game at 6:30pm. The third book I picked up was "The Deep State" by Jason Chaffetz. That looks to be another fast read once I start it tomorrow or late tonight, depending on if I finish the Team of Vipers book. I believe The Deep State does exist.
I finally pulled myself off the couch last night, put the book down and took Stella for a early evening walk after 6pm. The air smelled of smoke but I am not sure which of my neighbors have a fireplace. I took a few photos but all I really wanted was to do the walk as fast as possible so I could get back to reading. There was enough time when we got back to fix some dinner, baked salmon and steamed broccoli. With all of my fruit gone, I really crave sweets at night.This morning was a different story. It was already close to 50° by the time we stepped outside, over an hour later than normal. The skies were blue and the air was clear of any smoke smell. It was an enjoyable walk yet I could still feel just how hard the ground was as we walked. It felt as if it was still frozen. Later I did see puddles of frozen ice. I also found the mole tracks in my yard were hard as a rock.The Canadian geese filled the skies today. As I watched them, they seemed lost and were heading east instead of south or southeast. Stella had no interest in looking at them nor did she stand still trying to figure out what that sound was ... she kept her nose to the ground and kept tracking scent.
A couple of different groups still heading east ... but it gets more interesting in the next few photos.Once they were in the skies above the field behind the field we were walking, they broke the group up and flew in circles, only to head back west out of formation.

I have not read or seen anything about the Super Bowl today. On purpose. I have no idea if there is a crisis going to happen, nor who the halftime entertainment is. In fact seven hours before the official start time (not the kickoff) I am still not sure that I am even going to watch it. I might tune in to see what is going on or I can check the score on my phone while I am reading books. IF it becomes a 'political statement' I will turn off the tv as fast as I turned it on.
What I will probably do is take advantage of this great weather today, go outside and pick up all the small tree limbs or twigs from the yard and add them to my burn pile. That is what the blue trashcan is for, collection. Plus it's flipped over in back of the house under the overhang too keep it from becoming a rain collector that would be solid ice even today. Or ... I'll spend all afternoon reading since the books are that good.
A beautiful Sunday here in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.
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