July 03, 2024

A Great Day !!!

I wrote that title at 8:36am this morning. I don't care what else happens, no matter how bad ... it will still be a great day. I had changed the routine a little this morning with the hounds and dogs. I didn't let them go out all at one time, hoping to cut down on the amount of playing with Ava. She went out by herself, Henry and Watson went out together and Walter sprinted outside right after his breakfast like he always does. So things were more calmer than most mornings because she likes to run and play right off the bat, that first trip outside after their breakfast. Temporarily I am approving all comments before they post, so that is why you don't see your comment as soon as you submit it.

I had just let Ava inside and as I was walking with my cup of coffee back to the computer room I see Mr Fence has arrived UNEXPECTIDLY to repair my fence from the Memorial Day storm damage. I was not expecting them for another 2-4 weeks based on what I was told a few weeks ago.

A new way of repair compared to their way in November 2021. They cut the post at ground level, leaving the old post in 28" of concrete. Then slide that silver piece down inside the old post that is under ground.

That machine pounded the silver inserts further inside the old post leaving this much above ground for the new posts to slide over. The old sections of fence and the gate were being reused.

Using the same old sections, it was quick work putting the fence back the way it was.

Once they were in their truck and pulling out for their next job I let the inspection team out, while Walter was already in his normal horizontal position snoring in the computer room, AC and the ceiling fan on. It was very humid early this morning. They all seemed to approve of the fence repair. 

Henry made sure the original gate and latch they reattached, worked as good as it did before. They started at 7:20am and were finished with their final inspection with a video taken at 8:00am ... we are good to go until the next major storm I guess. LOL

Tried to spend more time inside today so Ava wouldn't be tempted to run, jump and wrestle. The other hounds and dog have followed and made today much more calmer.

Her cut was really looking good I thought, after just 3 days. 

"The Hits" just kept on playing this afternoon. A truck with a lift showed up, not expected, an AT&T Contractor named BOi. You might remember a few weeks ago three guys came out from BOi and hung the internet cables back to the new pole and the pole in my neighbors back yard behind her two story barn shed.

Well today this two man crew were here to not only hang the cables back up on the pole two houses away but also tighten them between my pole and his. I was told a few weeks ago by an AT&T guy out here looking at the pole, that the three cable were hung wrong. Well that guy hanging on the rope is helping those top two cable get a better fit and moved very slightly to the new bolt installed weeks ago.

Look at that cluster of cables he is working on ... then compare that to the photo below after everything was cleaned up. At no time did I lose internet service.

I thought they had left but saw this afternoon that had tightened the AT&T cable (2nd one) between my pole and the other neighbor's pole, plus hung the fiber cable and it's junction box, temporary to the larger cable. I am not sure Astound Internet will ever be out to raise their cable to the 9' off the ground minimum limit.

Since their arrival was unexpected, all the hounds and dogs were outside in the backyard enjoying their new fence repair while I watered the grass seed in the side yard. I thought by watering it, that would bring the afternoon rain that is a possibility, into reality. Just like when you wash a car, it always seems to rain soon afterwards. I see on my weather app that chance of rain has increased early tonight.

Anyway I was putting the hose up out front and talking to my neighbor when we saw the truck. One man was walking the whole line of low hanging cables past four yards ... he did not expect Watson to come out of nowhere barking at him because he was close to Watson's fence. LOL ... When he had come over to climb my pole I apologized to him about Watson and told him that I usually have him inside if I know workers are scheduled to arrive.

He said that was okay .... but He didn't know Watson and he was scared that Watson was going to come through that fence after him. As Watson followed him down the back fence line, he could tell that Watson was harmless and thought he was a pretty cool dog. Yet if you don't know Watson he is pretty intimidating. 

With the "feels like" temperature at 106° around 3pm and humidity only at 53%, the hounds, the dogs and I didn't do much more than this all afternoon. They did go outside to relieve themselves after their lunch and they have cold water inside the house that they drink when they want to. Rain is up to a 58% chance at 8pm ... I doubt that will happen.

In front of the AC vent.

Overall a great day though. It feels so good to have that fence repair checked off the list and the AT&T cable, the company I have internet service with, is hanging tight between three different poles as it should be. I have been listening to Reds baseball on radio and enjoy that more than watching on tv ... there again I am not a fan of their tv announcer who is all about "analytics" and stats that I don't care about. They don't mean anything if you can't hit baseball in real time.

It is hotter than hot and muggy humidity on top of it, here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.


  1. A much better day today and Ava's leg looks better and so does your fence.

    1. Her leg looked a lot better but it's hard to keep her down. She loves to run and play with the other 3. Happy with the fence repair. I have a feeling that will be an expensive ongoing thing if I stay here.
