July 07, 2024

Cone Off Cone Back On

I had a friend tell me he took the cone off his dog when it was neutered a few years ago. It was bothering the dog and him. I remembered then that I did the same with the "three boys" I have now ... they never did try to chew the stitches out nor did they lick in the area of the incision. So I thought I would give it a try. She was one happy puppy with that cone off.

Grass slowly growing in. Tall Fescue here but up front I swear I saw Zoysia grass spreading. 

Henry is happy ... you can see he has the smaller Kong Ball.

While I had the cone off of her I was able to clean it on both side. A lot of dried hound drool along with hound nose smudges.

44 minutes later I had to put the cone back on, where it will stay. She was laying under the kitchen table on the cold tile floor so it was kinda hard to see from the couch. It looked like she was licking something, a small bone??? Nothing .. so when I felt her leg around that injury and it was wet ... I didn't ask questions. 

She jumped up on the couch when I called her and I was able to wrap and connect the cone in one movement.

The rest of Saturday was a lot of this .. the photos tell the story for the hounds and dogs. I found some time to go out and mow the yard in the front and sides, leaving the backyard the way it is until the next rain. 

Not sharing one of the air conditioning vents.

I didn't know it was Saturday all day ... not sure what day it felt like.

To show you how safe our neighborhood is, I almost forgot to tell you what I saw today mowing. The family across the street had a lot of kids over on July 4th. That side of the street was lined with parked cars. For the past two days there is one car left ... and all the friends seem to be gone. I glanced at it while I was turning the mower near the street and confirmed what I saw on my second lap around the yard ...

Hanging on the car side mirror is a lanyard holding some sort of identification card and .... the car keys. LOL .... Most likely it will not be touched until the owner for the car comes back to pick it up. It looks like the neighbor wanted to make sure they could get their car if they were gone or past midnight. 

Cooler on Saturday and the day was beautiful here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.


  1. Nice to live in a safe area. My area is safe, however, I do keep the house and car locked. Living in an area with so many part time residents who also rent their cabins out, I just feel it's the sensible thing to do.

    Nice to see Ava's leg healing so well. I truly feel you have a full time job just taking care of the gang and I can tell it brings you great joy.

    1. It feels like a full time job sometimes. Especially when it rains and they can't get outside or when it is so hot like it has been. Every day is different and interesting. But I cannot see myself living without having dogs.
