July 13, 2024

Shut The **** Up !!!!!!!

See the title of this blog post ? ... That is me looking in the mirror screaming that title to myself. I could learn a lot from those two sleeping, especially Henry. NOTHING and I mean NOTHING bothers that basset hound. Even when he senses I am in a bad mood or mad at something (AT&T), he remains laidback, calm and relaxed.

After a day of not getting my internet fix and finding a surprise that answered why I had no signal on the old fiber system ... it dawned on me. 

What do I have to complain about, whine about and then bring those to this blog? WHAT !!!! My life's interruptions since May 26 storm damage are NOTHING compared to other people living in different state or countries or even within 18 miles.

I have a great life. Not to brag but I do. I have an easy life compared to most people. I won't list in detail what makes all that true but just a few.

I have good health. Physicals aren't needed. Health data is good and I am in better shape than most people my age. I am not on any medications, I am not laying in some hospital bed and I can actually ride my bike(s) as fast as I want, when I want. Good deal eh?

I don't have 8' of water inside my house, and my AC is working non stop it seems where others in Texas have no electricity, where it's hotter than ever and they have humidity that makes mine look like minor league. This neighborhood has been here since 1956 and has seen its share of high winds and from my neighbor that has been here since his house was new ... there has never been any serious tornado damage. Ever.

I don't have a large tree limb that has fallen through my roof, like some people 18 miles away. My house was not leveled to the ground May 26th like some in Kentucky within 60 miles of me. All of my hounds and dogs are basically healthy minus Ava's injury. That is just part of being a puppy it seems.

I have so much to be thankful for that my complaining, whining IS going to stop. I am having a hard time staying political correct when I discuss things like this. I'd love to let it rip but I know better to do that here. I have never liked 'whiners' and I have turned into one. I have turned into a person that I don't like ... instead I am going back to loving retirement life and anything it brings. THAT was a great feeling to have and I am going back to that.

I mean every day that I wake up I can do anything I want and it has been that way most days for the past 10 years and 3 months. What's there to whine about?

If the trees eventually fall and damage my fence, so be it ... I'll figure it out when it happens.

There is NO reason for the way I have been acting and writing the past month and a half after all the good that I have in my life  No reason!! I apologize to those that have read my whining and complaining when they may have or had something worse going on in their lives. It won't happen again.

From now on, that crap is going to stop.

Now and in the future when I discus what is going on, it is me not complaining but giving updates since I know some are interested in the progress of the different jobs around here that need completed. Others just like reading about the daily happenings of me, the hounds and the dogs. 

Because there was an EF-3 tornado 18 miles away, the AT&T people are pretty busy right now restoring service to other people that need it. Therefore my technician AT&T scheduled for me, could not make it today ... he's busy. Those people need things fixed more than I do.

That number right there is faster than I use to get at my old house outside of a rural town when I was using Hughes Satellite Gen 5 internet. This is using my phone as a hotspot tonight and days going forward until the new lines are installed and the service moved from the old to the new.

I think that since AT&T knows I have lost my Internet service, they might have increased my speed back to normal even after I have gone over my 5Gb data limit, where they say they slow the service down.

This is where I found the other end of the old fiber cable that supposedly still works but for this reason pictured, didn't have a signal.

After I mowed the yard today, some of the backyard was mowed under a very light rain ... I was curious. So I started where they stopped working on Friday and walked toward the end of the old fiber cable. By this picture it was plain to see why, I had no signal.

The end of the cable had been cut and was laying in the ground on the other side of my neighbors yard. So from my utility pole in back where it IS connected, the cable was not connected at the other end to anything.

It was hot and muggy but that is the way it has been for a 100 years or more in Southern Indiana. They tell me when we beat a record of high temperatures, the previous record was set in 1932. It's fine .. I have a good working AC, Walter literally loves it and that is all that matters, and Watson.

The hounds and dogs had a good day and night today. The funny thing was around 7pm I let all three outside except Walter who is snoring next to my computer desk under the window. That is his spot. Well I am putting this blog together, reading the internet about today's terrible news and trying to keep up answering a million texts from friends about that terrible news.

Basically Walter and I were back here in the dark room for a while ... hours .... when I hear Watson barking ... outside. What is he doing outside? I thought he was on my bed sleeping like usual at this time of night, between 8:30 and 9:00pm ... but he is outside???

THEN I remembered I had let Watson, Henry and Ava outside when it was daylight around 7pm ... needless to say when I opened up that patio door two hounds and a puppy sprinted toward the door and into the great room, heading for the water bowl in the mudroom. They were happy to be back inside, where it was much cooler.

I had forgot they were outside. Like a couple of times over the last three years when that has happened, Watson knows where I am so he goes to the far corner of the fence on this side of the house and barks at ME ... to let him in. He wasn't barking at the neighbor because they are not home.

No more complaining or whining from "the tropics of Southern Indiana, today was a great day!!


  1. I have not considered the updates on your extenuating circumstances as whining. I believe a large part of what you might term as whining is just letting out the frustration for the situation and the incompetent that you are facing while dealing with it. JMHO.

  2. Steve, you are correct. We should all be grateful for the good things we have. I now pronounce you "Saint Steve" for your unending patience.
