July 20, 2024

Ava Needs A Med To Calm Down

Ava was not hyper but as she started feeling better, she wanted to wrestle Henry and Watson ... not good to heal. She wanted to trot or run ... not good for healing inside organs. 10 Days requirement to keep calm and restricted if not with me ... is 10 days, no matter what. So last night as you see wasn't much different than Thursday night ... but things changed Saturday morning.

The day started with no surprises. Normal routine of all of them waking up, going outside, eat breakfast and then nap. This was Ava right before she decided to take short nap this morning. The few times I had tried to lean over to look at her stomach she will always lean and left her rear leg for me to see ... on her own.

With the computer room door closed, all the windows open for that cool air in the 60s ... each took their normal morning sleeping positions. 

Walter is always up against the closet door in the sunshine.

Watson by the AC vent or behind my desk chair.

Henry sleeps always under my desk chair no matter what time of day or night.

I am starting to notice the "elephant skin" on the joints of Watson's legs just like Stella and Sadie use to get. I assumed it had to do something with carpet. You can see on his elbow. Those disappeared on Stella after we moved to Arizona where carpet was only in the bedroom and computer room with tile everywhere else.

This is where my Saturday morning changed along with Ava's. I noticed late Friday night the dark area that looked and felt like dark DRIED blood. Too late to call the vet, we went to bed for the night. 

I took that photos this morning and then zoomed in on that dark spot and decided to call the vet to see if I needed to bring her in. I sent that photo to the vet tech I talked on the phone. She showed the vet that did the surgery and answered me back fairly quickly.

They recommended 10 days of antibiotics and IF I needed help to calm her a little bit, some Trazodone. In most cases I am not big on medications that make hounds or dogs more calm but in this case I thought it would be in Ava's best interest for healing, preventing any bad things in the future. She loves to run and play and I have already seen, the better she feels the more she wants to do that.

I could pick up the meds anytime and by the time I drove the 30 plus minutes they would be ready. I decided to change up her confinement instead of the bedroom. I crated her as she walked through the open door on her own. BUT WALTER !!!! He is anxious!!!!! He is already chewing and pulling that the lower door latch to help her escape that terrible crate.

Luckily I had kept all those small Binks padlocks I use to use on Stella's crate, because she was a professional escape artists. By the time I got back home and was letting Ava out, I could see where Walter had been pulling on those padlocks with his teeth ... one other thing ... since she chewed the end of the leash off just past the collar connection yesterday, I took the leash off of her once she was inside the crate.

I don't know if it is the meds making her sleep this afternoon because the other three are doing the exact same thing as you will see. LOL

We were able to spend a little time outside this afternoon in the shade. I had moved my patio chair out to the fence where the shade was. Ava had a pretty good afternoon but I think I am going to confine her more to less walking, more sleeping for better healing until next Saturday.

It was the perfect weather day here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana today.


  1. Looks like a bit of the glue came apart or is that just blood? Back in the day when we had our Labs spayed they used sutures to close, then my husband took them out at the 10 day mark. Hope the med works to calm Ava a bit so that everything heals properly. Love all the photos tonight.

    1. I think it was a spot where the glue came apart. I have never seen her chew anywhere near there. I remember a long time ago when I had a bloodhound named Bertha spayed and they used sutures to close her up.

  2. Ava fits in so well with your pack - it sure does look like it was meant to be that she become part of your family. What a good girl she is for her young age, and so beautiful. Hope she continues to heal with no problems. And of course the boys are all handsome too - such a friendly bunch. Linda in Buckeye

    1. The only problem is like this morning where Walter is late in finishing his breakfast here in the computer room and all three and laying down around his bowl has he growls a little. But he will let Ava finish the food for him. She is awfully good for her age and great coloring.

  3. I take Trazodone 50mg. (at night) up here it is considered a sleeping pill. Kelly

    1. Well then. I guess I need to grab the magnifying glass and read that small print on the label to see what the size of the pill is. She might have to fight me for those. LOL
